Lets see, aver federal inmate runs about $30-40k per year to incarcerate, not including cost of arrest, court, appeals, etc, etc, so.....
Federal Inmate Breakdown:
Total population: 189,984
Total sentenced population: 172,056
Inmates in Federal facilities: 161,682
Inmates in privately-managed secure facilities: 17,893
Inmates in other contract facilities: 10,409
Inmates By Security Level
Minimum/ Camp: 18.7 %
Low: 39.7 %
Medium: 26.3 %
High: 10.3 %
Unclassified: 4.9 %
Inmates By Gender
Male: 177,198 (93.3 %)
Female: 12,786 (6.7 %)
Inmates By Race
White: 107,184 (56.4 %)
Black: 76,355 (40.2 %)
Native American: 3,326 (1.8 %)
Asian: 3,119 (1.6 %)
Hispanic: 59,907 (31.5 %)
Inmate Age
Average Inmate Age: 38
United States: 138,244 (72.8 %)
Mexico: 31,891 (16.8 %) ***********
Colombia: 3,320 (1.7 %)
Cuba: 1,668 (0.9 %)
Dominican Republic: 3,294 (1.7 %)
Other/Unknown: 11,567 (6.1 %)
Get the idea on what they cost the average Joe per year. Cross the border and get caught (5+ yr sentence x30k=150k), sell a handful of crack (15yrx30k=450k). Yeah, I used the low cost but depends on security classifications where they go and how much it runs. Not including medical costs.
Ok, Corona time compliments of our Uncle.