Oh, Those Poor Little Criminals!!!

OutOfStep said:
The best way to reduce crime involving firearms is to permanently remove criminals that use firearms from society. As it is now society is increasingly seeking to punish lawful firearm owners for the misuses of firearms perpetrated by criminals. Punish the criminal not me.

The concept is the same as differential treatment based on the intent of the person committing the crime and the circumstances involved, i.e. manslaughter, first degree murder, second degree murder and so on.

Ok, I see your point. I may not agree at with you until I can give it some further thought, but almost anything has got to be better than what some cities like Chicago are doing which is a joke trying to ban guns alltogether.

When you outlaw guns..only outlaws will have guns. My fear, and its not that outlandish is that what happend in England can and will happen here someday.

Merely enforcing any of the laws we have would be a good start.

Major cities are in a dangerous trend of knocking criminal offenses down to misdemeanors to give the appearance that crime is lessening. The end product is more crime, because of the lack of punishment. This was first done in NYC, and I have personally seen the same results in Baltimore City under the leadership of the Mayor, Martin O'Malley.

Guy gets busted selling heroin, gets charged with disorderly conduct.

Guy gets busted for assault with a deadly weapon, gets a minor assault charge.

Gal gets arrested for prostitution, gets charged with vagrancy.

This happens every day in most major cities. Then when they get to court (if they show up), they are too lenient. If they go to Jail, they get cable TV, conjugal visits, computer based training, etc.

Without a valid deterrant to commit a crime, crime will be committed in high volumes.


I know our police officers here on Jeepz know what I am talking about. The officers probably get the worst of this stupid practice, as their work and the risks associated with it is often for naught. I know a couple Baltimore City officers (one is in the narc unit) and they are sick over it.
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Yeah, it's not just Chicago either, the rest of Illinois is SOL as well. You have no right to carry (even in the open) in Illinois. I even have to leave my pocket knife here when I go back and visit family because in Illinois it is considered a weapon and as it's in my pocket it would be a concealed weapon.

In the latest wording I read for the state assault weapon ban they claimed the bill was to protect the citizens from, among other things, outlaw motorcycle gangs. Funny and sad at the same time.
I too know what your saying. I've seen drug dealers get 30 days in jail then a shoplifter get 90 days. Whats up with that? I have also seen a lot of violent crimes get swept under the carpet because as I was once told by one of our judges 5 years ago, "getting hit is part of your job" not guilty for assault on me as I was trying to arrest the guy for disorderly conduct. Thats funny. I didn't read in my job description that I am to be hit. Yeah we all know it will happen at some point, but he basically said people can hit us and he won't find them guilty. Of course since then assault on a police officer is now a seperate charge and is a felony.

As for the criminals having more rights then victims, thats the judges fault. Hang em high when they have a repeat offender. I can understand a first offense leniency, but 2nd, 3rd, etc. come on now. Thats like when criminals complain about being hit by police officers. Call anyone who has been arrested and cooperated when they were told to turn around and put their hands behind their back and guess what no ones been hit. I watched "Video Justice" last night and saw a great example of whats wrong with people. A cops dash cam recorded an entire traffic stop. The cop and his back up questioned a woman and her friends, but never had them out of her car. He cited her and sent her on her way. 3 hours later she was in the department filing charges against him saying he groped and fondled her. It was funny, the detectives from internal affairs video taped her report then they watched the dash cam video. She was charged and sent to jail for filing a false police report. I was cheering it all the way. Woohoo for the good guys for once.
I've got an elderly neighbor lady whose 50 year old grandson just got re-released today. We saw him across the street with a electronic leg thingy on.

This guy has been in and out of the pokey for 12 years or so, mostly DWI and one B&E and one possession. He was out last time after serving just 1/2 of a 3 year sentence and then last march pulled a felony evading. So after a parole violation he got yanked back in. I thought he would have to finish out his previous term, but noooooo, after just under 4 months, he's back.

Sorry for the hijack, but this is a load of crap and I'm pretty hot about it.:x

Lets see, aver federal inmate runs about $30-40k per year to incarcerate, not including cost of arrest, court, appeals, etc, etc, so.....

Federal Inmate Breakdown:

Total population: 189,984
Total sentenced population: 172,056
Inmates in Federal facilities: 161,682
Inmates in privately-managed secure facilities: 17,893
Inmates in other contract facilities: 10,409

Inmates By Security Level
Minimum/ Camp: 18.7 %
Low: 39.7 %
Medium: 26.3 %
High: 10.3 %
Unclassified: 4.9 %

Inmates By Gender
Male: 177,198 (93.3 %)
Female: 12,786 (6.7 %)

Inmates By Race
White: 107,184 (56.4 %)
Black: 76,355 (40.2 %)
Native American: 3,326 (1.8 %)
Asian: 3,119 (1.6 %)

Hispanic: 59,907 (31.5 %)

Inmate Age
Average Inmate Age: 38

United States: 138,244 (72.8 %)
Mexico: 31,891 (16.8 %) ***********
Colombia: 3,320 (1.7 %)
Cuba: 1,668 (0.9 %)
Dominican Republic: 3,294 (1.7 %)
Other/Unknown: 11,567 (6.1 %)

Get the idea on what they cost the average Joe per year. Cross the border and get caught (5+ yr sentence x30k=150k), sell a handful of crack (15yrx30k=450k). Yeah, I used the low cost but depends on security classifications where they go and how much it runs. Not including medical costs.

Ok, Corona time compliments of our Uncle.
I've been told that the border state prisons systems are also clogged with illegals.

Wow.. some of those numbers are shocking.....

I've read that we have nearly 2 million people locked up in the US total.

OutOfStep said:
I feel sorry for the grandma

I'm waiting to find out that he beat her up for drug money. He lives with her and when he's out he trys to do some odd jobs for money, but he always ends up using again within a few months after being out.

Guys like that have a reputation for getting abusive with elderly family members.
It's like watching a train derail and you can't do a thing to stop it even when you see it coming...
OutOfStep said:
I feel sorry for the grandma

Oh, I almost did not fully catch what you said.:redface:
Please don't feel sorry for her. She really does not deserve your decent heart felt sorrow. She is a text book enabler for him. When he first got put back inside for buying 3 years ago she came over here and defended him to me saying he just has bad luck and the police are picking on him because of his past and that sometimes runs with the wrong crowd. I told her that after over 10 years in prison for mulitple offenses that he IS the wrong crowd. needless to say, she does not speak to me anymore and therefore I don't have to go over there and fix everything for free like I used to have to. 8)
No.. grandma has taken up for him her whole life and its done him a world of bad.:(

I see that lots. I got 1/4 lb of weed off a kid in March before I was run over. He was previously charged for distribution to an under cover cop in 2003 and was given probation. Now i catch him so he is doing 18 months in jail and screwed up his career. It was funny how in court his parents were trying to say we were just picking on him becauise he was a college kid and he had made a mistake in the past. Now keep in mind they didn't say anything about the fact the dope was in his socks he was wearing. We also seized his Caddy his parents bought him. They bought him a new BMW while we were waiting trial. Whats wrong with these people? Never feel sorry for people in denial.