
Judge09, PLEASE!!! We should be grateful that we are rivials! The only good teams in the AL are the Sox and the Yanks. Your Yanks choked last night...Messina, gave up all of those runs, how many innings was he in for? 4? Wakefield went for 7 innings, no runs. That's pitching.

You guys had issues batting and pitching, you defintally didn't look like a play off team.

No to mention the money that flows through your club. No wonder why you've got 26 series.

My theory, we just needed to win 1 game in NY, and we got the series.
i love the bickering between sox/yankee fans!!! GREAT ENTERTAINMENT you may now proceed to slader each other. :lol:

did anyone see the special running on HBO, "The curse of the Bambino" i watched parts of it and Sox fans said that IF the sox win the WS then they will have nothing to look forward to. but i have to admit for being such a$$holes, sox fans always stick by their team. unlike NY teams, cause there are so many to choose from. (All Sports)
Weber carb vacuum question

Judge, the Red Sox earned the rivalry. Its not the Yankees, its their fans on a different level. Its going to be a great series, enjoy.

It was way too sweet to see Mussina take the loss. Icing on the cake for Baltimore!!!

Real baseball teams are built, not bought - hear that Steinboner?
... being an Orioles fan, I have to keep telling myself that. :?

I'm still pissed about that "A-hole in the outfeild"!!! (I think the New York Times used the word "angel") You remember - the little PUNK who leaned out over the wall, interfered by catching an easy out for Tony Tarasco. The home-cookin' ump called it a home-run. Orioles lost the series, Yankees went forth.

Again I say GO RED SOX!!!

-TC - A Mass Native and Yankee hater from early youth.
Andy comes through in the post season again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now on Saturday we get to see Pedro vs The Rocket.

Go Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturdays game is going to be awesome!! Does any one know what radio station In the paragon area will be airing the game?? Just in case!
LauraBoston and TwistedCopper...you guys had to pull the money card. Dont even get me going on that. That is always played by the person who knows nothing about baseball. Lets look at who came from the farm club who started last night. Andy Pettite (SP), Mariano Rivera (RP), Soriano (2B), Jeter (SS), Posada (C), Johnson (1B), Williams (CF). Not to mention other bench players. Lets talk about who the Boo-sox BOUGHT....Millar, Mueller, Oritz, Walker, Jackson, Damon, Ramirez, Pedro, Wakefield, I would go on but I am getting sick of typing. You are just pissed because 1 the boo-sox dont have a good enough farm system and 2 the city doesnt embrace the boo-sox like NYC does the Yanks. The yanks are #1 in attendance and merchandise revenue. You both better stick to Jeeps cause you dont know ANYTHING about baseball!


Thanks FISH!

Don't take this the wrong way, the yankees are a alright ball club,
But They Suck
Thats funny that you say that, I did a little search for redsox hate type web sites and didn't find much, ya know how many Pro-red sox anti yankee site I found. But GS is probably gonna buy those soon too!

Just cause red sox fan are educated and intellegent, and don't throw batteries and stuff at the oposing team, you say we don't embrace our team. what evah ! Come to boston and tell me we aren't real fans. There is a sign on a small highway here in boston called "storrow drive." There is a sigh that says "reverse curve" (kinda a sharp courner) about five years ago a fan climbed up on the bridge, and spray painted the word the in there and changed the v to s so it says "reverse the curse" hasn't been changed yet!
And the reason why the yankees sell more tickets would probably have to do with the fact that there stadium is newer and seats almost twice as many. Fenway may be 100 years old, and may not seat 6 million people, but it beats anyother stadium hand down!
Selling merchandise doesn't mean shit when it comes to winning games, all that proves is that there are more band wagon followers out there than true fans! Kinda off subject, when I went to the summer sanatarium concert, Fred Durst was wearing his trade mark Yankees Ball Cap, and he had the balls to yell out, Yankees Suck, just another wanna be!
My point was that there are alot of un-baseball-educated people out there that just say "the yankees buy their teams". I hear it from every redsox fan I know, among other non-redsox fans. I was just making a point to say that alot of the yankee starters are home grown, (esspecially in comparison to the boo-sox) so the Yankess buy their teams is a total BS statement, and that the reason the yankees have the money to go out and get what ever player they need is that the yankees have the best fans in the world who year in and year out come to more games (home and away) that any other club and purchase more merchandise that any other club's fans. Your right merchandise sales dont mean sh$t winning games does and thats why for the past how every many years the yanks have WON more games then the boo-sox and have WON the AL East. You cant argue with fact!

Facts are that the yankees are the best franchise in major league sports, any sport (26 championships)

They have the most loyal fans (#1 in attendance and merchandise sales)

and they have one of the best farm systems (see previous post)

How can you agrue with that.


cherokee v-8 sucking oil?

I have to agree with jps4jeep. Again, I think baseball sucks, but atleast the Boston fans stick by their team through the thick and thin. The Yankees are always competitive. It's easy to be fanatic about a winner.

That's why the Mets and Jets don't have a continuous fan base. Ratings and attendence will go WAY down if the Jets don't get it together next year.

I respect Boston's allegience. But: It's only baseball. What's next, curling or chess? Perhaps a nice hard game of Billiards. They are all about as physically grueling.
judge09 said:
LauraBoston and TwistedCopper...you guys had to pull the money card. Dont even get me going on that. That is always played by the person who knows nothing about baseball. Lets look at who came from the farm club who started last night. Andy Pettite (SP), Mariano Rivera (RP), Soriano (2B), Jeter (SS), Posada (C), Johnson (1B), Williams (CF). Not to mention other bench players. Lets talk about who the Boo-sox BOUGHT....Millar, Mueller, Oritz, Walker, Jackson, Damon, Ramirez, Pedro, Wakefield, I would go on but I am getting sick of typing. You are just pissed because 1 the boo-sox dont have a good enough farm system and 2 the city doesnt embrace the boo-sox like NYC does the Yanks. The yanks are #1 in attendance and merchandise revenue. You both better stick to Jeeps cause you dont know ANYTHING about baseball!


Oh, I know baseball. Trust me on that one, but everyone knows that Steinboner buys who he wants. How about these money makers... Clemens - cha-ching$$$. Mussina - cha ching$$$. Giambi - cha-ching$$$. Wells - cha-ching$$$. Matsui - cha-ching$$$. Nelson - cha-ching$$$. Sierra - cha-ching$$$

the list and history are long

I'd like to see a real salary cap in baseball.

SOA or Suspension Lift

Hey judge09. Listen up. I am a die hard Mets fan, catcher, and umpire. The Yankees do buy their team. You still pay for the minor leagueers. I know this game inside and out. I hate the Yankees with a passion and don't care who wins as long as they don't. I got your education right here boy! Come and get it.
Great game last night! Boston showed some great desire. That knuckle ball is plain wicked! The Yankees were just unable to capitalize on the opportunities they had. They had about three innings that they stranded runners in scoring position. I still say Yankees in seven!