just put in a new engine- got minor issues....Help diagnose!


New member
Alright I put in a new engine this week (4banger) and it works great, and I'm still working on the 500 mile break-in period. I forgot to mention I also got a new starter.

The only issue right now is sometimes-- not all the time-- when i turn the key it will turn over several times before the engine fires up. Once in a while it will go real quickly- almost normal.

first day I found the negative battery ground not attached to anything, and I attached it to the engine block, but wonder if I attached it tight enough-- or would that even be the problem? I also killed any bad-battery theory when i replaced my battery.

any thoughts? I was wondering if it's just a break-in thing, but don't want to go on thinking that if it's NOT!


my jeep is a 91 4 banger with the original engine,with 125000 miles,it acts the same as your new engine when starting,dont think its anything to be concerned about,I was concerned at first,but ended up figureing thats the nature of the beast.
what type of fuel injection do those 4 cylinders run? if its anything having to do with renix, like the original 4.0, they have to get info from each sensor before it will start so sometimes they feel like they are taking along time to crank but they are actually just gathering all the stuff they need to fire
I got a 93 |-6 around 200,000 miles on it and I have the same issue as you.. It does fine but sometimes it takes a couple tries to fire it up but it goes. I found it starts right away when it's colder rather than when it's warm out. I'd agree that it's the nature of the beast but would also be open to opinions on how to fix it. =]

I've got a 90. Same deal. I don't think its a problem that any of us need to worry about.!
No troubles on my 93....


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sounds good to me! i'm 6 months new to this Jeep thing ;)

thanks guys!
what type of fuel injection do those 4 cylinders run? if its anything having to do with renix, like the original 4.0, they have to get info from each sensor before it will start so sometimes they feel like they are taking along time to crank but they are actually just gathering all the stuff they need to fire

It seems electrical, i don't know what everyone else would say to this though...
I had a 97 Dodge Ram that used to do that, the check valve in the fuel pump was bad allowing the fuel to flow out of the lines back into the tank. Needed to be patient while the pump got it back to the engine.

try turning the key to run, but not to start, and let the pump fill the lines a few times before turning the key to run. that will tell you if its the check valve or not because it will prime the line
superj said:
try turning the key to run, but not to start, and let the pump fill the lines a few times before turning the key to run. that will tell you if its the check valve or not because it will prime the line

That's what I do and its barely noticeable if it helps.. Example, I started my jeep this morning and it was around 15 degrees farenheit, started right away. Getting out of work at 4 it was around 50 degrees and it took several tries doing all suggested methods. In total I probably cranked it for like 2 or 3 minutes. This isn't the first time it's done this. Is this a stupid coincidence or some random problem?