in the spirit of camaraderie, tug's got a valid point here and certainly does not need my seconding, but i wanted to voice my thoughts not that tug put a stop to this.

i'm getting a lot from you guys and my tolerance for simple aggression is rather limited.

think about what we write here, and consider the other's perception. if you wouldn't say what you write to the other's face, then perhaps you should edit.

Salinas Ca; not sure if raising hell is what this forum is for - at least not why i'm here.




My Home town buddy was riding with me today. He never knew about the Jeep Wave, and asked me If I was, "Waving to the Other Jeeps that passed." I explained to him the "Jeep Thing" and he just laughed and started telling me everytime a XK or KJ, which is at least one every 5 automobiles on the Atlanta roads, Jeeper didn't wave back. I kept waving non-the-less. I also explained that most of the XJ and KJ (In the Atlanta area) were Soccer moms that didn't want the wooly mammoth SUV that are the trend these days and really didn't care for the "Jeep Thing." However it is the Jeepers duty to teach them ;-) by waving anyway. He then proceeded to call Jeepers a Cult as he watched a Older Jeeper and his grandson wave to me first. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

Just a little tale of Jeepin that can make us all smile. [addsig]


there are so many jeeps in my town that if i waved at everyone i met i would have my hand in the air constantly. maybe i should just tie it to the rollbar, better yet i think i will go to a dept. store tommorow and get a arm from a maniquin ( spell check please) and mount it in the jeep . that way i will only have to smile. lol..........hey ya kool a three armed jeeper. .......i dont like rude people........ :-x :-? :-? odax[addsig]


I wave at anything with larger than stock tires, a big front bumper, or any kind of big accessory lights. usually they wave back. It doesn't matter if it is a Bronco, Blazer , Jeep, or Dodge, any kind of pick-up. All of the newer stock Jeeps don't even look. If a guy is driving an modified jeep it is because of the love of the rig. If a kid is driving a later model, it is because his mom and dad bought it for him. He doesn't know what 4x4 is or how to check the oil, but that thumpin' stereo is all that matters.

If you want someone to wave back, just look for a rig with something changed. Whether it is slightly larger tires, lights,bigger bumper, etc. Some people drive theirs everyday and can't do extreme modifications to it, but the love is there.

Keep on wavin' 8-) :-D 8-) :-D 8-) :-D 8-) :-D 8-) :-D


i saw a SWEET rubicon today, so i waved and the driver gave me the finger out his window!!! :-O not feelin the wave as much[addsig]

If a kid is driving a later model, it is because his mom and dad bought it for him. He doesn't know what 4x4 is or how to check the oil, but that thumpin' stereo is all that matters.

Hey...i drive a stock TJ and i wave. Im 18 so id say that im what you call a "kid"... but ill tell you waht, i know what 4x4 is, ive done a lot more complicated things then check the oil, and if my AM/FM with a couple cheap speakers is a "thumpin' stereo" then i dont know what to think.

Geez people quit freaking out over. Just cuz someone drives a stock jeep doesnt mean they wont wave. And just cuz they're jeep is modded up, dont mean they WILL wave. One they may not know about the wave, or maybe the didnt see you, or maybe they had they're hands busy, especially since most jeeps are 5speeds.

Ill give anybody i meet respect untill they give me reason not to.

And one more thing. I HATE it when someone ASSUMES because im young and drive a newer stock jeep that im just some dumb yuppie kid who knows nothing. I had my old 2 wheel drive pickup more places then most 4 wheel drives i see.

One more thing, you know what they say.... Dont make an ass of yourself by assuming.

Hope that all made sense and sorry for the rant. I wish i didnt feel the need to defend myself on this board, but just cuz the cash flow is a little low doesnt mean i dont know about "jeep things"

:-x [addsig]


Well said. Stereo Typing is ez to do. Myself included. Youth don't make you stupid, lazy, stuck up, or any of that kind of stuff. I am 44 and have showed my butt to many times here lately. I also have a great stereo systme and to hear it I have to turn it up. I will wave at you for sure ok. Tug[addsig]

All of the newer stock Jeeps don't even look.

Excuse me?? I am 27 and have, at most, a 2 month old TJ with less that 3k milage. I promise you that mommy and daddy had NOTHING to do with this purchase and it doesn't get much "newer model" than that. I am running Stock visually so I guess

I wave at anything with larger than stock tires, a big front bumper, or any kind of big accessory lights.
Means I am not a Jeeper?? I am sorry you feel that way. But seeing as how a few of us are stock Jeepers are saying that Modifieds never wave, you are the reason.[addsig]

before anyone assumes, they should ask... BUT... sometimes people assume that others are assuming things about them... so its hypocritical often... and with the stereotypes... I can see where much of it comes from... most non wavers are stockers... but that does not go to say that most stockers are non wavers. when someone makes a stereotype, don't assume that they were implying that EVERY person that falls into a certain catagory is JUST like the others, just as you would not expect them to assume that you would fall into a stereotype. We talk about "old people" here all the time, and how they don't drive right. And we ALL know that many of them do, but some of them are great drivers. I see much insecurity in these rooms. Nobody has stuck up for the old people yet when they are picked on, and I pick on them myself, a joke is a joke, and humor is good. Though, it seems that people get quite upset when there is a faint generalization that they MIGHT be able to assume they are falling into. I might sound confusing here... If I do, read over it a few times. before you assume, ask... if you assume someone is personally attacking you, ask them.... "was that an attack toward me?"... i bet you 12 out of 10 times, you get a "no" in return. I'll go to say that no post around here is meant to belittle somebody, if someone says something that you don't agree with, or don't like, you obviously know or think something different, take your opportunity to explain otherwise, that is how knowledge is spread and ignorance is defeated.[addsig]


If it looks like a duck ,walks like a duck, quacks like a duck , IT MUST BE A DUCK!
When someone doesn't like how they are perceived change it. $%tchin' about it is the same as cryin' to mommy and daddy. There are to many kids tryin' to make their place in a mans world. Don't force your self on others. Sometimes you need to shut up and listen. I guess a child prodigy such as this never buys parts, he always fixes the old ones. And does his own welding, frame work, machines his own engines and buys duffy pistons from the foundry so he can machine them to his specs (from all those years of experience). Sound like someones mouth is writing checks that his ass can't cash.
I am basing my opinion on young unmodified jeeps, from the past 1,000 or so who have behaved in this matter. Well I guess now that we have this prodigy, he will spread the word and all jeeps will start to wave with the blank expression of zombies. Or he could be the anti-christ.

Either way, there is one little one waving. By the way, with all of your driving experience , you should compete in the tough truck challenge. We'll see how you rate.
I believe the majority has ruled against you.

I AM NOT AGAINST TJ, YJ ,OR ANY J. except maybe OJ, as in OJ Simpson. IS that new Jeep a Rubicon? That is like saying because a woman is anatomically corrrect she is a prostitute. Well then you are a jeeper, by golly. And a kid with a new Z28 Camaro is a Top Fuel Drag Racer. You sure lined me out. I guess anyone with a cowboy hat is a Bull Rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yew Yung gise sur R smaert.[addsig]

I have a better idea besides you learning to spell and use proper punctuation, Green 97 or whatever. You ride around with me for a week. Everytime someone doesn't wave We'll run them down and I'll whip their a$$. And I'll whip yours, too! after a week of this, let's see what your attitude is. Of course you will say things that you wouldn't say to my face, because you are the stereotypical whiner. :-D :-D :-D :-D [addsig]

Just wave a can of whoopa$$ and if they don't wave back, they didn't want to open it! :lol: [addsig]


Way to go, Goldot.

It seems that when someone complains about stereotypes, it hits close to home. In a large group of men , if a speaker were to say bad things about men who wear pink panties under their suits, the only ones that take offense are the one who wear pink panties under their suits. You would think an 18 year old fresh out of school would be able to write better. I guess he was showing off his 2 wheel drive pickup and all it would do. It must be nice to be young and think that the world is "fair" . HA HA HA! I have seen it before. You go to your high school reunion, and the most likely to succeed, and the big-ego-loudmouth are over the music department at K-Mart.

Later Guys :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D [addsig]

Id just like to say a few things:

1. I never said i had any great driving skills. Unlike some people around here, i know how to admit when i dont know something. All i meant with the truck comment is that Im not like a lot of people who would never even think about going offroad. Its something i enjoy and occasionally get to do.

2. I dont know where you come up with the BS about "child prodigy" and "never buys parts" Just like i never said i was a great driver, i never said i was great mechanic or fabricator.

3. I also never said anything bad about people that dont wave. I dont care if they wave or not. Sure i like it when other Jeepers wave back, but i dont get real upset if they dont.

4. You dont know me, so dont judge me by people you do know.

5. I'm sure you never make mistakes in spelling, typing, or grammer etc. I guess when im old and experienced like you i probably wont either.

And last but not least, anything i say on this board i will just as quickly say to anyones face. If i didnt mean it, i wouldnt say it. And if you want to kick my ass for it fine. You might and probably would be able to kick my ass. Just dont think ill sit there and take it.

I dont want to fight or argue or whatever with anyone. But i dont like being stereotyped. I dont know why some people think that all teenagers are the same. We arent. But again, when im old and wise like you maybe ill forget that.
