I have noticed the same thing- it seems that there are people hopping on board that do not have the true spirit of what it means to be into the jeep thing. I hope that in the months to come this board does not become just like every other forum and be just a bunch of people pissing and moaning back and forth and then "I am better than you are..." type of remarks. I have been on other forums and that gets old REAL quick. So guys, lets try and keep it clean and fun. Leave the name-callin stuff like that outside of this forum. Its one of the last ones left that is truely helpful and fun to be on!!![addsig]

Shoot I learned about the wave within a week after I got my Jeep. I would see other Jeeps pass me and some drivers would wave so I said hell I guess I'll start waving. Probably within the next week I ran into a web page talking about the wave and I said oh thats what is about. So I was doing the Jeep wave before I even knew there was such a thing :lol: [addsig]


Its strange, as soon as I was even test driving my jeep... I didn't even need to be given a wave... I just felt as though I should wave to other jeeps[addsig]

Hey last time we made it to 4 pages or so :-D
But any way, It has nothing to do with what you drive or how much you have done to it, the only thing to remember is to wave its a coutasy Do you wave to you kids when they are standing at the door when you leave for work??????
I wave to all Jeeps that I see; I drive a stock tj 4 banger. The more you wave the more people catch on the more people catch on thte more peolple wave. The people who don't wave won't help you if you need a hand on side of the road either. Its their problem I wouldn't want there help anyway. :-D

edited by: idrthrbfishing, Mar 10, 2003 - 04:11 PM[addsig]

If I came across a little testy as it was put sorry not my style as it goes but the fact that some one looks down on others because they give a wave and not get it returned burns me. I can take you to towns around the mountains here with names like Spill Corn, Bee Log, Flag Pond, Shelton Laural, Hog Skin, and many others where you don't have to have a Jeep you can walk and everyone there will wave as you pass. Then there are places in Big Citys that will not wave no mater what you drive. It is just not the life style.

I have read and reread a couple of hundred post on the subject of the Jeep Wave. It does exist and it is real. some get it some dont. Go way back and see my early post called teenagers and gumsmackers. It is all about the education of the unknowing jeepers.

PJs is another one! Hello mary what is the big deal if joe blow wants a pretty jeep to ride in. I am glad cause when I wear out my ol YJ you can bet I will be on the look out for one of them waxed keep inside plush Blvd. Cruisers to buy. One that has been pampered and cared for. Not a battle wagon like I bought last time. Then I will break it in myself! hehehe

If some one wants to drive a mile high Jeep and wave, cool. If someone wants to drive a stocker and wave, cool. If some one wants to drive either and not wave, cool. The Jeep police will not come and get you if you don't want to wave. If you wave and get nothing in return what are you out? Grow a set and get over it not everyone is going to wave no matter what.

Last off Stocker or Built Jeep! It does not matter what you drive and own as long as you are into your Jeepen life style. I am stock! Why? no money to be otherwise. Will I always be stock? Not really I do a little as I go. Do I feel I will be a better Jeeper cause I get a lift and some big stupid tires? Not really cause I use my jeep to its limits all the time. Then why do you want to mod your jeep? To raise my level of limitations.

I am a blessed man. I live where I can go rumbling and rambling around the hills on trails anytime I wish. I have a Jeep and I can use it as I see fit. I can wave and grin all I want to. I have a son now into the sport as well. I have friends here on that I can share my life style with.

I have no hard feeling about anything towards anyone here. I to hope we all can get along and see this board through as the place on the internet to bee as far as jeeps go. So get out there a wave like crazy if you don't get a wave in return it is ok. You waved and it cost nothing to do so. You felt good doing it and that makes you the winner. It is better to have the uglyest plainest stockest jeep in the world on the trail than to have the bigest badest Jeep in the world in the carport! Tug :-D [addsig]



Right on Tug! I do agree with what you wrote about , And what i got from it makes me think your rite it is a life style , and also i enjoy waving to any jeeper or persons! Lifes to dam short enjoy it! Tug i would love to be able ride trails anytime.. that is freedom. I am new to jeeping and to be honest with ya i have never rode any woods type trails only heavy snowy streets etc.. But when i can i look forward to riding on trails..Well until next time! Steve :-D [addsig]

I dont want to throw fuel on the fire here, but i do want to say something. I drive a stock jeep. A four banger with an automatic at that, but ill take her off road any day. But dont go judging me by what my jeep has or doesnt have. Its hard enough to get a job while your in high school, but almost impossible with our econamy the way it is. And yes mommy and daddy are paying for my jeep right now, but that dont mean im some pretty boy who gets everything handed to him. I had to buy my first vehicle with my own money, and ill start paying for this one IF i can get a job. So before you go assuming that people in stock jeeps dont know anything about jeeps or having fun in jeeps or any of that, why dont you take just a minute to realize that maybe some of us cant work forty hours a week and go to school to pay for the jeep and insurance and gas plus have money left over to build it up. Not to mention that many of the people who own jeeps have families to support and other expenses. Like i said, i dont want to fuel an arguement, but before you judge people, try looking at things from their point of view. Or as the saying goes "... walk a mile in their shoes"

Just my opinion on the matter



i have been on both sides of the "wave". with my jeep and when i drove a land rover disco. i usually wave back but sometimes i would be day dream while driving, or into my ride, music, or just enjoying the scenery. [addsig]

has any body else had this problem:
my jeep has now became my 3 year old son's jeep. but he lets me drive him in it.[addsig]

Way to go 4x4.........I think we needed someone to break the tension lol I apologize for letting my head go, it was not the right way to approach the situation. I am however tired of a large part of the Jeep community looking down on me.It would seem that I allready have two strikes against me, as not only is my Jeep stock, but she's a TJ. It just gets under my skin sometimes.

JE420EP, you are entitled to your opinion, and I thank you for sharing it with us on the Jeepz board. It is a pleasure having you here, and I hope you can join in and add to the knowledge that we all try to share on this board. Accept my apology for going over board, as it was both childish and unneccessary. Rest assured, that if your ever in my neck of the woods, I'll be throwin' you wave and a smile.


:-P 8-) :-) 3 lol

edited by: PASmokeater, Mar 10, 2003 - 08:21 PM[addsig]

I think for the most part and this is just my opinion. People are just taking things to seriously, this board is supposed to for fun, enjoyment, and learning a thing or two. I have pretty much done everything and seen almost everthing at least once in my life to be offended by a few words. I get up in the morning, go to work, support my family, and try to live each day like may be my last and be a good influence on my children just like most americans. So my advice is to lighten up a little and why get all worked up over such small stuff and take a few seconds to enjoy life instead..............Bullet :-) [addsig]

my jeep has some mods but looks stock and i wave at eveone i posted that i have a habbit of waving even when im not in my jeep [addsig]


As far as stock or not, I had a stock 97 TJ and I waved at every jeep I could, even my wife caught on when she would take it out. As far as off-road, it's the majority the driver. Some after-market lifts and things can get you through higher stuff, but for the majority of things it's simply the driver knowing what he's doing. :-D [addsig]

These people that think they are inferior because they drive a TJ don't pay attention! I had a TJ and I loved it and I waved at every jeep I ever saw. I would saw get over your complex and get off-road. Meet some people that drive jeeps and then get the idea. Two strikes my rear.[addsig]

Rob, don't forget about the pinstriping... that's #3. LOL just giving you crap. I personally just dont like the feel of TJs, but I also dont deny their offroad capabilities. And, honestly Rob, most TJ owners are just that.... owners. -Mike :-D [addsig]


Hey, I got some new stripes to go along with those pinstripes lol..I'll take some pics and post them tomorrow lol

Rob :-P 8-) :-) [addsig]

Hey there are just as many yj owners wait mabeye more than tj owners just because there are more yj's than tj's on the road. And aren't we all "owners"?????? I now own a tj I learned to drive in av "79 cherroke chief 2dr in 83 and have either been driving jeeps or wishing I was since, military and kids prevented that for yrs. I sold my 85 cj in 87 and drove cars and pickups and minivans for 12 1/2 yrs but still caught myself waving to the jeeps in a Caravan talk about funny looks. Now both my wife and I drive jeeps, and I wave even if I am in my wifes grand with leather seats and power windows (now to steal the keys and paint it with mud) :lol: :lol: Who cares if you wave or not- IF IT FEELS GOOD DO IT as my grand father always told me. [addsig]