Jeep Gov..?


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Does anyone know if the 4.0 HO's have a govenor(spelling)? I've hit a spot where it cuts my fuel, but I can't tell if it's the engine or the govenor.

RE: Wanna feel smarter?

Most practical? I own a Wrangler and an XJ. Trust me, XJ WAY more practical. Plenty of mods available. Still a lot of power, cargo room, good street manners, more passenger room. And, it's low profile height-wise.

XJ is cheapest of all the vehicles, making it the best bang-for-buck.

I love my SWB Jeep, but if I need to pick up a large item at a retail store, or fetch some fire wood, it's cumbersome in it's ability to do so.

I love my XJ.
CherokeeGuy42 said:
Does anyone know if the 4.0 HO's have a govenor(spelling)? I've hit a spot where it cuts my fuel, but I can't tell if it's the engine or the govenor.

What speed are you hitting that you feel it has a governor on it. Was it a rental prior to your owning? Was it a government vehicle prior to your owning.

Well lets say the speedometer wasn't reading anything. The guy that was in the car beside me said he was reading 120mph. So not sure. But it has happened at 2500rpm, 4000rpm, and 5000rpm I think. I was jw if I was messing the engine up or that was a restrictor.

you took a JEEP up to 120!? that thing isn't a race car, i'm kinda speechless.......
RE: Re: Jeep Gov..?

Yea I got it up to there. I tend to speed a little bit, but when I did that speed I was on a open road with a friend beside me to see what the jeep would handle. You'd be surprised at what Cherokees and Wranglers will do. I've put them to the test. I like to know what my car is able to do if I need it.
I hope this didn't happen at 120!

RE: Re: Jeep Gov..?

lol no that didn't happen at 120. I know how to handle a jeep enough to keep it from flipping. That pic was after my brother (who is used to driving hondas and stuff) tried to pull a reverse 180 because he was being chased by some bigger guys he messed with. I was pretty mad about that, cause that was supposed to be my wheelin jeep. Oh well. The closest I've gotten that jeep to flip was fourwheeling on 2 wheels.
XJs are by far the most practical Jeep. diecent fuel milege, great on road manners, good power, can tow stuff with em, thay will wheel over anything you point them at, and drop the back seat and you can put plywood or MDF in it (and other things that i wont say, couse this is a famaly freindly site)
Anybody have pics of impressive rigs?

SWB gets my vote

Practical? By what standards? For what purpose?

An XJ is in no way the most practical choice for me.

transmission, transfer case bolts

I don't know if the TJ has a speed governor, but I do know it has a rev limiter. The first time I hit that thing I almost crapped my pants. I thought I broke something when the front end dived.
RE: Re: RE: rebuilt Np231 problems

Junkpile said:
SWB gets my vote

Practical? By what standards? For what purpose?

An XJ is in no way the most practical choice for me.

Gotta go with Junkpile on this way would I ever own an XJ. Big, cumbersome, heavy, long grocery-getters. If I wanted a vehicle to haul stuff in, I'd get a pickup...oh, I have one of those. If I wanted a vehicle to haul passengers in, I'd get a car...oh, I have one of those, too. If I wanted a vehicle to tackle the obstacles off-road, then I'd get a Wrangler...oh, I have one of those, too!!! SWB is the ONLY way to wheel!!
RE: Suspension suggestions

lol I like Sparky's post, but unfortunately I don't have that kind of money. So the XJ hauls stuff and people, fourwheels great, and handles better than the jimmys/blazers or explorers. So I love my XJ's. Wranglers were way too small for me.

So no one knows about a restrictor on the 4.0s? I know its not a rev limiter cause it's happened at different RPM's so I dunno.

I thought they did have a speed limiter. I was under the impression that top speed was limited to 110-112mph?

There is also a rev limiter to help prevent engine damage. I've bounced off of mine a couple of times.
RE: Re: RE: Overflow 88 Cherokee

Well I'm not sure about the 110-112 mph limit, but the car that was pacing me was hitting his limiter at 120 and that's what his speedometer was saying and I was right there beside him the whole time. So I'm just assuming I was running 120 Also. I kinda have a hair bigger tires than stock so that might be why I was over the 112mph mark. I don't think I've ever hit the rev limiter tho(fourwheeling or speeding) I hope I never do either lol.
RE: transmission, transfer case bolts

Rev limiter, sounds like the jeeps cutting out. I used to never hit mine, seems like I do all the time now.

Sparky-Watts said:
Junkpile said:
SWB gets my vote

Practical? By what standards? For what purpose?

An XJ is in no way the most practical choice for me.

Gotta go with Junkpile on this way would I ever own an XJ. Big, cumbersome, heavy, long grocery-getters. If I wanted a vehicle to haul stuff in, I'd get a pickup...oh, I have one of those. If I wanted a vehicle to haul passengers in, I'd get a car...oh, I have one of those, too. If I wanted a vehicle to tackle the obstacles off-road, then I'd get a Wrangler...oh, I have one of those, too!!! SWB is the ONLY way to wheel!!

Obviously you guys disagree with me because you guys don't know what the hell you're talking about. :twisted: JK.

I figured it goes without saying that it's practicality is relative to the activities one enjoys.

It's a matter of opinion, and that's what the Orig. poster requested. I gave mine and the reasons why. I own both types of jeeps, and IMO XJ is more practical. Better? No. I love them both.

For ex: a volvo station wagon is more practical than a Harley. Better? maybe not.

Sparky, if you wanted to haul passengers, haul stuff and 4 wheel drive, yeah sure, it would be better to get all 3 of those vehicles. BUT, why not save your cash and get an XJ. I can't afford 3 vehicles personally.

An XJ isn't the best tow vehicle.
It's not the best passenger vehicle.
It's not the best vehicle for hauling stuff.
Best trail rig? Debatably not.
Best hill- climber? Maybe not.
Camping rig? Well perhaps an RV is better.
But it's pretty darn good at all the above, and that's pretty darn practical by my standards.

Next time you need to go pickup a computer desk at Best Buy, take your wranger and tell me if it's practicle. Take your YJ camping, and tell me if you can take more gear than I without the help of a trailer or ten types of racks and doo dads.

I'm not saying the XJ is better. I love my TJ and it does many things my XJ can't (and visa versa). But it sure ain't the most sensible and practial vehicle for the populace at large.

Tell me in what ways a SWB Jeep is more "practical" for you all. Perhaps it's just a nomenclature difference in terms of the definition of the word.

I shop for furniture
Get groceries :lol:
Make liquor runs
Trail ride

For me, I needed a vehicle that can "Cross Train."