What going guys..well iam happy to tell you all that i got one of my close friends to buy a jeep!!!! After going on several wheeling trips on my YJ he could no longer take it and decided to buy a jeep of his own, he bought a 85 CJ7. He has been contaminated with the jeep bug and now wants to lift and do all sorts of things. With the help of jeepz.com i have learned alot about my YJ and have done alot to my jeep. But as i was inspecting his jeep i saw alot of differences, like the rear axle and some other stuff. His jeep came with a winch, 36 inch tires and a weird looking body lift. I have read about body lifts being bad and think that he will get a full suspension lift, does his CJ7 have the dreaded carter with all the same problems that my 89 YJ brought? Is his rear end as weak as the D35? What parts are known to fail on this jeep or are just good to change. Allright guys, once again thanks for the help.