I got hit..... and he ran!

RE: Paragon soon. I need it bad.

The ILLEGAL immigrants, no matter what race, color, or country of origin are destroying our cities, draining our economy, and basicially taking us to the cleaners. It needs to be stopped... yesterday.

10-4 :wink: :wink:
First of all, I want to say publicly that Zach (Prariepunk) is a great guy and I know he meant no racism with the word. He and I have chatted and talked several times and I think I know he'd never do that as a blanket statement toward all Mexicans.

Was I shocked? yeah, but perhaps not "offended"? Once I had some time to think about it, but my curt response wasn't heped by the fact that I was a bit cranky from work yesterday.
In the end I meant it to read more like "FYI you might not want to use that word it's offensive", but it came out more like: "Stop that jerk." Sorry for that.

And actually I need to apologize to Zach, I probably should have been more clear on my post rather than leaving it so vague. I wasn't THAT offended... (PM'd you BTW)

Second, I share in your anger toward illegals sucking our country dry be they Canadian, Cuban, Chinese, Irish, Mexican or otherwise. But let's call it like it is, the truth is, the Mexican-American border is the biggest problem in the US interms of Illegal alien influx drug trafficing, etc.

And for the record, you can't tell if a Mexican looking person is illegal by looking at him any more than I can tell if a white person is a Canadian here on a work visa. 88Wrangles had a point there.

For you Eastern and Northerners:
The Term "Wet Back" is a negative phrase which implies that the Mexican in question had to swim across the Rio Grande to get into the states. Ironically, Hispanics around here are simply the "Other white people." If you talked to most of my family on the phone, you'd expect them to be from the mid-west- based on their accents. But I digress.

I know there aren't many Mexicans on the East Coast, but I had no idea that the word wasn't as well known. You learn something new everyday!

If you all a referring to me, I prefer the term "Japsican" or "Mexinese"

Viva la land of the Rising Sun?

Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to dry off the left half of my back. :lol:

There isn't really much new under the sun:

Operation Wetback was a 1954 project of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service to remove illegal immigrants, primarily Mexican -- known by the derogatory term "wetbacks" -- from the southwestern United States.

Burgeoning numbers of these immigrants, discovered by the Border Patrol in the early 1950s, prompted INS Commissioner Gen. Joseph Swing to instate the project.

The operation coordinated the Border Patrol and state and local police agencies to mount an aggressive crackdown, going as far as police sweeps of Mexican-American neighborhoods and random stops and ID checks of "Mexican-looking" people in a region with many Native Americans and native Hispanics.

Operation Wetback deported or scared away approximately one million Mexican immigrants in the space of almost a year, and its heavy-handed methods raised public outrage and accusations of police-state tactics, which forced the operation to end.

Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Wetback

Odd how people have never heard the term "wetback." I have known of the pejorative "wetback" since childhood.

My Father might have been a wetback too. He came to the U.S. from Wales via Canada -- probably by swimming the Saint Lawrence River.


Inspector-Gadget said:
My Father might have been a wetback too. He came to the U.S. from Wales via Canada -- probably by swimming the Saint Lawrence River.



My ancestors were, too, only from swimming the Atlantic to escape religious persecution in England.

This may come as a shock to some of you, but I wasn't always as politically correct as I am now. There was quite an illegal alien population in Hutchinson when I lived there after high school. In the evenings, they would gather on the lawns in front of their houses, literally by the hundreds, drink beer, get in fights, and play loud music. My buddy and I would come driving down the block with the high-beams on and shout "Migra!!!" over the PA in my Toyota just to watch them scatter!

God will punish me for that one, too, I'm sure.
mingez said:
....................If you all a referring to me, I prefer the term "Japsican" or "Mexinese"

........Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to dry off the left half of my back. :lol:

You're too funny, Mingez! :lol: :lol: :lol: But I think, at least to Sparky, "Mingez" is derogatory enough :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just call me hillbilly (at least 4th generation),
RE: Re: RE: lincoln locker, quick question

If you all a referring to me, I prefer the term "Japsican" or "Mexinese"

:mrgreen: Don't even get me started on the Japsicans or the Mexinese! Those lazy............

Just kidding! :lol:
It is kind of funny the things you take for granted in your everyday culture. I can remember going back to Pennsylvania to visit some old family friends and the subject of Mexican food came up once. They had no idea what an enchilada or fajitas were. THEY'D NEVER EVEN HEARD OF TACO BELL! I couldn't imagine going through life without my NACHOS BELL GRANDE! :shock:
However, if ya'll (Southeast slang for "you all") ever come to CA you'll hear plenty of talk of the illegals getting drivers license and health care and all of that. I don't think it is wrong for them (any nationality) to want to come here and work for a better living. God knows not many lazy American born citizens are willing to work that hard. Unfortunately there are those select few that do abuse the system and cause trouble. On the same token there are probably ten U.S. citizens for every illegal that are abusing that much, if not twice as much.
Since I'm supposed to be working right now I'll be done with this rant and Ya'll have a happy Thursday!
Mingez you really cracked me up this morning when I read your post. A mexinese for gosh sake. That had me rolling around.

We do have a growing influx of latino's and a's up here in Maryland. Pretty popular in the agri field and the manufacturing field. We call them "migrant" workers. I don't know that term WB probably because I don't particpate in derogatory talking about any culture or people. I don't have cable either. :roll:

I know they are a very hardworking culture (some) like someone else wrote. I watch them pick watermelons in the field behind my house all the time and it's backbreaking work. They throw those things around in a human assembly line from the field up into a cut up school bus that transports them to wherever. I've seen them crouched in the fields for hours picking beans and whatnot too.

I also know that my company has a subsidary manufacturing plant in Georgia that is populated with latino workers and they do everything from running the product to shipping it out and work like the dickens with little compliant.

Interesting responses. Thank you for enlightening me.


Oh and one other thing. Since I stayed in the UK for two weeks, I learned ALOT about assumptions people make about those living or visiting an area that is not thier own. Professional white me felt like a big idiot when moving around the UK because their world is so much different than ours in so many ways. The derogatory talking about alilens annoys me sometimes because in some ways, the people doing it have never stepped foot outside of thier small rural town or one state in thier entire life. They have no idea what it is like for anyone outside of thier community to live and survive anywhere else and I really feel that makes a big difference in the ability to reason why people come here and do the things they do (or don't do). NOT that all aliens are good or okay, but some certainly are. If I wanted to go to thier country and live, I wouldn't want to be treated the way some people treat aliens in the US. I try to always step on the other side of the fence.

RE: Need help deciding which Jeep to Keep

mud4feet said:
You're too funny, Mingez! :lol: :lol: :lol: But I think, at least to Sparky, "Mingez" is derogatory enough :lol: :lol: :lol:

No Way, Sparky loves me like a brotha. :D
This discussion has been diluted by the same old tired talking points that come out every single time this topic is brought up anywhere. It's does NOT matter if illegal aliens are hard working. That is beside the point. We are talking about a group of people that are totally disrespecting OUR way of life. I don't really care how some crooked American might benefit from them being here, they need to be kicked out. I don't appreciate having to pay sky high income taxes when these people are getting away without having to.....but then we have to deal with retarded bleeding heart fools who want to allow them to qaulify for the programs that MY tax dollars pay for when they aren't expected to contribute to those programs. They aren't Americans, they don't deserve to be treated like Americans, at least not with American resources.

We have a process for becoming a real American citizen and allowing these freeloaders to come in the backdoor is a slap in the face to those who put up the effort to follow that process as it should be.


Well, there's actually 2 discussions going on. One about illegal aliens, which I think we all agree about, and the other about usage the afore mentioned term.
prariepunk said:
First, I WAS NOT in my jeep or I'd be in a cell right now. I AM NOT RACIST, I just don't agree with stupid people

On my way home today (Tue. Aug. 16th), when at appx. 3:30-3:45PM I was in an intersection from one highway to another when the van beside me cut me off (while I was stopped) as proceeded to scrape my car with his trailer..... I got out at the next light and told him that he hit me and he only muttered something in spanish and drove off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No offense to anyone of Latino decent but...... I friggin' hate ILLEAGLE mexicans.... we should put shock collars on them and send'em back! I'm sorry there economy sucks such booty but don't come over here and make ours suck too! I filed an accident claim but the cop didn't sound very enthusiactic.... obviously he has had experiance with illeagles before :( . My car only has minor scrathes on it but since he didn't stop.... I hope the PERSON gets deported!

If you dont know if he was illegal you can't label him. This thread is about a hit and run not about illegal aliens. Please stick with the subject. If you are saying how much you hate illegal aliens apparently you must think the man who hit you was in fact illegal. Unless you know for a fact dont label people like that. That is being racist and that will not be tolerated.
Well, there's actually 2 discussions going on. One about illegal aliens, which I think we all agree about, and the other about usage the afore mentioned term.

3 if you count prariepunks hit and run :p


Thank you mingez..... I had a "thin skinned" moment....

I'm Ok, I don't uasally use "those terms" but when he drove off and didn't give any insurance information, that infurated me....... the infamous slur happened..... and today I come to find out that the driver said I hit him and it was MY fault...... their crabby (putting it nicely) receptionist is being quite rude and REFUSES to give me any information! She also said that THEY are holding an investigation! I called the police as soon as I got home (does it sound like MY fault?) and after that contacted them about it..... and got voice mail.... Today, after the whole "it's your fault, your lying" thing I called the number the officer gave me to check up on my report and got voice mail.... It had an option for assistance on it.... I pressed for assistance and got voice mail.... OK you don't call the cops (trafic dept.) to get voice mail! I cannot get ANY information out of "P.S. Landscaping", no insurance info, no boss info, no nuthin'! It just started out as a trailer rubbing my car, but since they are taking it this far.... Let's just say, they'll be hearing from my attorney! I would have setteled for at least an "I'm sorry" or a "let's settel this out of court" but after he left..... as mingez would say "10, 9, 8.... OK better"

as foe his legality it WAS just a gusse, it was wrong of me to assume, I am sorry.

(purely out of curiosity)
but why would they be fighting this so hard?
LadyJeepFreak said:
I know they are a very hardworking culture
I have met some spanish or spanglish that work circles sround me on their worst day...... I think that THEY are a welcomed increase into the united states population...... it's the few or not so few who drain the economy..... being from OHIO and moving to Texas has really shocked me..... I have never seen so many people period! I am installing computer jacks in an elementary school just north of Austin and at least 75% of the CLASSES are taught completely in spanish! I remember having a wholehour and 15 min. devoted to a class called "English" but I AM in Tx........ it's just a shock for this "RED-neck", "WHITE-bread" AND "BLUE-collared" 'country bumpkin". I love this..... kinda.... everyone has an opinion, some are shared some are individual but hey this IS a free country....... but we shouldn't give it away :roll:

Sully said:
If you dont know if he was illegal you can't label him. This thread is about a hit and run not about illegal aliens. Please stick with the subject. If you are saying how much you hate illegal aliens apparently you must think the man who hit you was in fact illegal. Unless you know for a fact dont label people like that. That is being racist and that will not be tolerated.

Sully; I have gone back and changed what I had previously wrote, if you still have objections please inform me. As for the subject(s), if you want to, you can seperate them, if that would make it easier? I........................................ don't know what else to say? If you wish not to read this then by all means, under you power, delete this topic! Of course you don't need my permission to do that, do you.
Dont beat yourself up. We all get angry and say things and that is understandable.

If you wish to continue the illegal alien subject someone please make another thread or change the title of this thread.