I can't figure this one out.........

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This topic interest me. This kind of thing is done every single day all over the world, its been happening for a long time. I for one would NOT want to be living a life like that, not only does it suck for you being restricted to a bed for the rest of your life but it stresses and damages the lives around you.

Every day thousands of childern all over the world are allowed to die from starvation and malnutrition. Why is letting a woman who has been on "life support" for 15 years die a bigger issue than the starving children all over the world. I would say Terry Schiva had it good compared to the people who are in pain and starving to death. This is also a bigger issue than letting one woman starve to death, if there was a law set against this then it would change well over a hundred years of medical history. Can you imagine if everyone in her condition had to be kept alive, it would be rediculous.

Another thing, Terry Schiva was on "life support" to me. She lacked the ability to attain food in her body. People say well if thats the case then we should let infants die because they lack that particular ability. Well by nature the parent of the child has to take care of it until it can fend for itself.

I am currently in training to become an EMT and from what I've seen on my ride-alongs and from the stories i have seen, this is not the most horrific thing that can happen to an individual. Some of the things I have seen have gotten to me and others haven't. In response to an earlier comment, we are required to give CPR to someone who is not breathing unless they have a DNR. We assume that the person wants to live.

From what I have heard, her husbund would not allow her parents and family so see her in the hours before her death. I think he crossed the line there, who is he to say who can and cannot see her, i feel like there's something fishey about this guy. Its interesting to see how something thats done everyday can be blown way out of porportion and sent into a snowball effect.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Fan issues

I agree with TC in that food is NOT life support.

I also agree that Michael Schiavo crossed the line in not letting Terri's family be with her in her final moments. Totally classless.

Now, his (Michael's) allegation of her desire to die in this situation is all conjecture and here say. So too is the family's accusations of his lack of character and integrity in dealing with this issue. So, throw both of those elements (and all connected elements) out.

I've heard the arguments, and as usual, we have a bunch of sharp people on this board. The crux of the argument seems to be the fact that nobody can prove decidedly whether or not Terri is suffering.

BUT FOR ME, it boils down to this:
What is the bigger tragedy?

1. Someone NOT being in pain and being put to death?
2. Someone being in pain and being forced to live?

You can prove neither, so on which side does one error?
Those are your two choices... and to me, it's the latter. It's not a right to die/live/religious issue for me either, simply because there is no living will, or solid proof of Michael Shiavo's claim.

Many say error on the side of life. I say error on the side of "non-suffering." I understand the arguement about there being no proof that she's in pain. And that's VERY true. There is an equal lack of proof that she isn't. But I'm not willing to take that chance.

Have you ever heard someone say: "Dying's too good for him" in reference to a criminal? Or "She took the easy way out", when talking about a person who committed suicide? Why is this? Because the perception is that dying is easier than suffering. These terms are ingrained in our language and culture because most of us view Death as the lesser evil of Pain.

Personally, I'm not scared of death. I am, however, scared of pain.

One thing is for sure, both sides are coming from a good place: Compassion. We are passionate about this topic because we care. I have no doubt that those who disagree with me do so out of concern for a fellow human being. And a more nobel stance I couldn't imagine.

RE: Back to work!

Mingez said:
Many say error on the side of life. I say error on the side of "non-suffering." I understand the arguement about there being no proof that she's in pain. And that's VERY true. There is an equal lack of proof that she isn't. But I'm not willing to take that chance.

So... you are okay with the fact that she was just killed via 14 days of physical torture because she might have been in pain?

If there is no proof of pain, and no proof of a lack of pain, lets kill her to be sure?

Many make the arguement that she was in pain, and had only reactionary responses in her brain. So why then did she not show that she was in pain. The videos clearly show her smile when her mother greets her. That was a look of joy, not pain.

I can't believe this stuff as I read it.


Sparky, my comments were not random jabs or "slung insults", they were my responses to what you wrote. If you are in the business of saving lives and you find yourself getting angry over a life not being worth saving because of age, then there is a problem. I believe it to be extremely arrogant to think you can decide the value of life. That is how I feel. It is not name calling, insult, or anything else. Take it for what it's worth that there is no way I could ever do that job, I just don't have it in me.


Part of being a civilization and part of having a democracy is the strong protecting the weak. The healthy taking care of the weak. I don't think this was at all blown out of porportion. What is out of porportion is the point in which the courts have decided to govern life.
One thing is for sure, both sides are coming from a good place: Compassion. We are passionate about this topic because we care. I have no doubt that those who disagree with me do so out of concern for a fellow human being. And a more nobel stance I couldn't imagine.


well said, Ian. I couldn't agree more.

Here is my own humble opinion- to which I am very emotionally committed and can't be dissuaded, so bash away, it will make no difference to me. I work with people everyday- sometimes for years- that are in a vegetative state- some are young men who crashed their bikes without a helmet, thinking they would die, but didn't. Some are the old ones who's bodies just won't give up the good fight. Why don't they die- I don't know- that's between them and God and none of my business. As far as my role in the human dance, they are brought into my life to teach me unconditional love- so that I may take care of their very basic needs with love and tenderness and humor and kindness and not receive even a smile or gesture in return. I take this responsibility very seriously and thank them everyday for allowing me into their lives, and I tell them I appreciate their suffering so that I may learn just a little bit more about what it means to be fully human. What a gift Terri Schiavo gave us all- and she did it without uttering a word. Maybe all that's left to do is tell her thank you.
and just before I put my soap box back in the closet where it belongs........I think Sparky's comments about performing CPR on the old ones were right on. Watching those EMT's perform CPR on those frail old bodies, bones breaking with every thrust is terrible to watch- I can't even imagine having to be the one doing it, but the law says you have to unless they have DNR's posted all over their house when you get there. Something really wrong with that picture!

vehicles with 4.0 liter head??????

TwistedCopper said:
So... you are okay with the fact that she was just killed via 14 days of physical torture because she might have been in pain?
WOoooooooW Boy! Killed, I think not! lets not forget why she is in this situation in the first place! She put herself there!

I was recently reading the journal about this case, because I was intrigued by the level of Brain activity, or lack there of, she put herself where she is, apparently, according to the medical history, she had a history of bulimia, and constantly pinged and purged, did it so much that it cause such a imbalance of electrolytes that she basically induced her own Myocardial Infarction and as result, suffering massive brain injury. She was in the state that she was because that is about how far she could be saved after suffering such trauma

I also agree with Accidentpron1985, this stuff happens all the time! This is a case of the squeekiest Hinge getting the grease (wow I already said that)

I can't believe this stuff as I read it.
Me neither but for other reasons. Harry, it is obvious you are passionate and emotional about this topic.

I know this is hard to see on your end, but it appears to me (as a reader) that you are just lashing out in any way you can to cover your pain for the loss of this woman.

Your fellow jeepers also have passion and brains. Everyone excels in different areas of knowledge and expertise and that is a good thing. None of us have the EXACT same knowledge and expertise another does but this should not discount something stated based off that knowledge and/or expertise.

I admire many of you here, debate or no debate but the words exchanged here are getting out of hand to me and across all lines.

Why is it necessary to bash ANYONE over a decision that was NOT ours to make. Not one of us was personally involved in this case or it's outcome.

I firmly believe it is the right of an individual to have thier OWN opinions and make thier own decisions in life, irrespective of what other people feel is right or wrong. This person and those close to them have to live or die with those decisions.

In our society, it is accepted that immediate family and married spouses are allowed to control your interests based on previously expressed opinions or decisions you have made.

That is exactly what has happened in this situation, persay. This individual made an important life altering decision and did not document it on paper. Those close to her have argued the validity of that opinion, which unfortunately could not be verified by herself as she was incapacited.

Other than that, I cannot for the life of me figure out why people want to continue to debate decisions of either side of this fight or any other with this much passion when the original circumstance does not affect us. It is not our decision or our debate in any shape or form.

Personally, I watched it with interest and studied the woman and her previous life. I felt sorry for that which she had experienced and what (as Johnny said) led to her being in this vegative state. From accounts, she was not a happy woman. I also felt some sadness for boths side of her family because of the battle within. Overall, once the decisions were made and spread through the media, I gave silent prayer for her and her family. I said another one when I heard she passed on.


One thing is for sure, both sides are coming from a good place: Compassion. We are passionate about this topic because we care. I have no doubt that those who disagree with me do so out of concern for a fellow human being. And a more nobel stance I couldn't imagine.


2X's Well said, Ian. I couldn't agree more.

My only other sentence worth typing value:

Make yourself a living will and document it NOW.


******THIS JUST IN******

Earlier this morning as JEEPZ.com entered it's 6th page of debate over the right to die or live, Terry Schiavo was still dead and the world is still getting on with life as best as they can. Perhaps maybe they should do the same. I think some people there are starting to get mad at each other.

How about we start a new debate. I have this old Monte Carlo SS in my back yard that I'd like to someday drive again. Right now it needs a new battery and some work on the transmission. Now it can't do any of this on its own. Should I get rid of it and get something new or maybe, just maybe I put a little work into it and have a smokin fast ride again?

My whole take on this is that it isnt my business. This should be between the husband and the family. I am glad the courts stayed out of it.
RE: rollbar to windshield frame mounting bolts

To all Jeepz members please read through this lengthy post. It is my last on this topic.

Although you are very correct about me being both passionate and upset, I am not lashing out at anyone. My posts have been responses to others and I responded as I would have even if Terry Shiavo's feeding tube had bee re-inserted after the first day.

Sparky I really meant no ill will. Please don't be angry.

Here goes...

This is my business. It is everyone's business. Not the decision that was made by her husband, but the way it was handled by the 3 branches of the State of Florida and our Country.

Lets look at this not from a life/death issue, but as a court case...

1)Terry's best friend and some hospice care workers made statements that MR Shiavo claimed to not know her wishes until 7 years into it, then said later that she told him that she wanted no llife support after 7 years.

2)Family, doctors, and nurses have made statements about her condition that contradicted those evaluations made by doctors hired by Mr. Shiavo (Doctors who have a proven interest in Euthanasia activism).

3)There was an incident where Terry almost died of low blood sugar minutes after Michael Shiavo left her room. That nurse found a bottle of insulin in the trash and 3 needle marks on her body. It was not investigated by the police, but the report stated a "possible attempted homicide".

4)Mr. Shiavo stopped visiting her shortly after winning a malpractice settlement and began living with and had chilren by another woman. Shortly before this there is testimony that workers caring for Terry quoted Michael saying, "Is the bit ch dead yet?"

5)Terry had broken bones after her initial hospitalization, they were documented medically but never investigated.

6)Michael visited Terry once in the last several years. It was when she died. He ordered her family to leave her room.

I could go on and on, there is more. a lot more.

These and many of the other circumstances may or may not be true, but they were never even looked at by the courts. This is what the Florida legislature then the federal level told the courts to do... review all the evidence to consider if Michael Shiavo was a worthy guardian for her, and to further look into her condition to get an unbiased diagnosis. Make sure all the facts before she died. Not too much to ask considering there was a life at stake.
Why not?

I'll tell you why not... Judge Greer, who is an advocate for euthanasia, did not accept these testimonies and statements. He did not subpoena the reports from the "insulin" incident. He did not subpoena the health records that had the information of sustained injury. He ignored them all from day one. This is why it was appealed. All the appeals were denied by other judges who just reaffirmed Greer's decision by denying appeals. This means that none of the allegations were even looked into. Keep in mind by them denying appeals the evidence and testimonies were never looked into. It's not like they took case and made their own decision. They ignored the appeal, ignored the legislature and they supported Greer.

Maybe all the allegations, statement, insinuations, what have you were made by overzealous "right to life"'ers who would do or say anything to keep that woman alive. I'm not discounting that as a possibility. Well maybe not. Maybe her husband was a really bad guy and it goes deeper than we know. An investigation may have influenced Terry Shiavo's life and her ability to have an attempt at rehabilitation (that was never even attempted). An investigation may have proven all these people to be making up lies to discredit a good man (M Shiavo). Without an investigation ever taking place we will never know.

You all probably think I am a bible thumping right wing right to life guy with a blind eye to any other ideas or beliefs. This is not true. Yes, I am a conservative and yes, I am a Christian. But one thing I want you all to understand/remember is I have made it clear in other discussions in this forum that I am a die hard constitutionalist and I believe this woman's rights were violated by her not getting due process of the law. The courts failed her. Not by making a decision I disagree with, but by not even considering giving it a fair and honest look. It was a political grandstand as the media has said, but not by conservatives NOR democrats, but by the courts flexing their tyranny. These are rights our countrymen have died for and should be denied to no one.

Yes this is personal, yes it concerns me. When a woman dies with so many unanswered questions it is scary to me and not indicitive of what should happen in a free society with a three headed government of checks and balances.

I did not know Terry Shiavo. I didn't know her family. Her death did not affect me on a personal level. What is personal to me is our government is a complete mess. What is personal to me is I may have a problem that is taken to court one day and if it is a politically charged issue then a Judge could do as he pleases and an appeal would be fruitless. This is an outrage and a threat to my freedom as well as yours my friends.


[edit] I will add that I still believe a feeding tube should not be considered life support, but I will consider that topic dead on this forum as it is clearly a view that offers very little discussion. One either views it one way or the other and there is not much to argue.
Electric fan question

I have not offered my opinion on this matter but I have been keeping up with all posts. There have been plenty of important issues raised by both sides of this issue and I'm grateful that Jeepz is the kind of place where these types of discussions can go on without personal attacks, mud slinging and name calling.

It was a good healthy discussion about a very difficult topic.

Topic sentence follows:

:evil: The argumentation during this thread was at times – disgusting! :evil:

By way of my angry reaction, I have several favors to ask:

(A.) Read the list of fallacies of argumentation following this post.

(B.) Re-read this entire thread – start to finish.

(C.) Correlate (A.) and (B.) above.

(D.) Select the firebrand of choice and read all posts by said firebrand for the previous year. Decide for yourself if that person

(a.) habitually vents, in which case no amount of rational argumentation will accomplish anything constructive

(b.) derives a perverted pleasure from spinning people up on predictably sensitive topics

(c.) uses these threads as an underhanded way to advertise personal beliefs on a figurative shirtsleeve

(d.) is so egotistical and arrogant as to believe that everyone desperately needs to be informed at every possible opportunity of his/her personal beliefs and sneakily uses Jeepz dot com primarily to that end

(e.) some or all of the above

(f.) has something worthwhile to discuss and can be relied upon to forcefully yet respectfully argue his/her point of view without repeatedly resorting to the low/no class use of fallacies-2 through -18 and the despicable use of fallacy-1.

Draw your own conclusions.

My conclusions, after completing (A.) through (D.), above:

Some of us never learn and therefore will always be played the fool as adroitly as Yo-Yo Ma plays the cello.

Some Jeepzsters have an extraordinarily high I-Q (Intelligence Quotient). Sadly, in a few cases, that high IQ is more than negated by an equally high A-Q (A@@holeness Quotient).

This crap needs to stop.

These threads all too often end on a “lets-all-do-kissy-face-and-agree-to-disagree” note, or a “we-really-should-stop-doing-this” note. Problem solved until, of course, the next time. (The sincerity of the apologies is such that one can almost hear Eddie Haskell saying, “Good morning Mrs. Cleaver. That is a lovely dress you are wearing today.”)

This crap needs to stop.

This crap is slowly and surely destroying the camaraderie once upon a time almost palpable at Jeepz dot com. I am saddened by the deterioration.

This is a classic case of “a few bad apples…..”

This crap needs to be stopped.

I am not the owner of this board. The self-anointed pundits of everything should be thankful.

Were I the owner of this board, I would have long ago summarily dispatched a few of our would-be pundits on a one-way trip to I-NET BLOG-LAND, where they belong -- for the good of the many at the expense of the few.


Let the chips fall where they might, Gadget


1. Ad hominem - Attacking the individual instead of the argument.
A. Example: You are so stupid you argument couldn't possibly be true.
B. Example: I figured that you couldn't possibly get it right, so I ignored your comment.

2. Appeal to force - The hearer is told that something bad will happen to him if he does not accept the argument.
A. Example: If you don't want to get beat up, you will agree with what I say.
B. Example: Convert or die.

3. Appeal to pity - The hearer is urged to accept the argument based upon an appeal to emotions, sympathy, etc.
A. Example: You owe me big time because I really stuck my neck out for you.
B. Example: Oh come on, I've been sick. That's why I missed the deadline.

4. Appeal to the popular - the hearer is urged to accept a position because a majority of people hold to it.
A. Example: The majority of people like soda. Therefore, soda is good.
B. Example: Everyone else is doing it. Why shouldn't you?

5. Appeal to tradition - trying to get someone to accept something because it has been done or believed for a long time.
A. Example: This is the way we've always done it. Therefore, it is the right way.
B. Example: The Catholic church's tradition demonstrates that this doctrine is true.

6. Begging the Question - Assuming the thing to be true that you are trying to prove. It is circular.
A. Example: God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is inspired. Therefore, we know that God exists.
B. Example: I am a good worker because Frank says so. How can we trust Frank? Simple. I will vouch for him.

7. Cause and Effect - assuming that the effect is related to a cause because the events occur together.
A. Example: When the rooster crows, the sun rises. Therefore, the rooster causes the sun to rise.
B. Example: When the fuel light goes on in my car, I soon run out of gas. Therefore, the fuel light causes my car to run out of gas.

8. Circular Argument - see Begging the Question.

9. Division - assuming that the what is true of the whole is true for the parts.
A. Example: That car is blue. Therefore, its engine is blue.
B. Example: Your family is weird. That means that you are weird too.

10. Equivocation - The same term is used in an argument in different places but the word has different meanings.
A. Example: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Therefore, a bird is worth more than President Bush.
B. Example: Evolution states that one species can change into another. We see that cars have evolved into different styles. Therefore, since evolution is a fact in cars, it is true in species.

11. False Dilemma - Two choices are given when in actuality there could be more choices possible.
A. Example: You either did knock the glass over or you did not. Which is it?
B. Example: Do you still beat your wife?

12. Genetic Fallacy - The attempt to endorse or disqualify a claim because of the origin or irrelevant history of the claim
A. Example: The Nazi regime developed the Volkswagen Beetle. Therefore, you should not by a VW Beetle because of who started it.
B. Example: Frank's just got out of jail last year and since it was his idea to start the hardware store, I can't trust him.

13. Guilt by Association - Rejecting an argument or claim because the person proposing it likes someone is disliked by another.
A. Example: Hitler liked dogs. Therefore dogs are bad.
B. Example: Your friend is a thief. Therefore, I cannot trust you.

14. Non Sequitur - Comments or information that do not logically follow from a premise or the conclusion.
A. Example: We know why it rained today, because I washed my car.
B. Example: I don't care what you say. We don't need any more bookshelves. As long as the carpet is clean, we are fine.

15. Poisoning the well - Presenting negative information about a person before he/she speaks so as to discredit the person's argument.
A. Example: Frank is pompous, arrogant, and thinks he knows everything. So, let's hear what Frank has to say about the subject.
B. Example: Don't listen to him because he is a loser.

16. Red Herring - The introduction of a topic not related to the subject at hand.
A. Example: I know your car isn't working right. But, if you had gone to the store one day earlier, you'd not be having problems.
B. Example: I know I forgot to deposit the check into the bank yesterday. But, nothing I do pleases you.

17. Special Pleading (double standard) - Applying a different standard to another that is applied to oneself.
A. Example: You can't possibly understand menopause because you are a man.
B. Example: Those rules don't apply to me since I am older than you.

18. Straw Man Argument - Producing an argument to attack that is a weaker representation of the truth.
A. Example: The government doesn't take care of the poor because it doesn't have a tax specifically to support the poor.
B. Example: We know that evolution is false because we did not evolve from monkeys.
RE: Recovery Points

I feel this thread is over the line. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. If you feel I am out of line. Please feel free to PM me or any of the moderators of jeepz.com.
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