I can't figure this one out.........

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jeep parts fs in ma.

judge09 said:
Doesnt this still come back to the fact that her husband and her had a conversation before this happened and she said she didnt want to be kept alive if she were in a condition like this.

Exactly.. they are not respecting her wishes.. that is the real issue there. I think the same way. If that is how I have to live, let me die.... Don't keep me alive for your own sake.
RE: let me rephrase....

judge09 wrote:
Doesnt this still come back to the fact that her husband and her had a conversation before this happened and she said she didnt want to be kept alive if she were in a condition like this.

Maybe, but some of you have showed your hand on your views of people like Terri. You have the right to think or feel that way, but I don't have to respect or approve of it.

People in "misery" like Professor Steven Hawking, quantum mechanics and brilliant scientist, or how about Chris Reeve, you know "superman" did not want to go on that way. Think of all the money wasted on keeping him alive. Micheal J Fox better run and hide somewhere before he gets too bad.

If you take the husbands word for what conversation may or may not have happened that is your choice. I know that people who have cared for Terri have come forward and signed court documents swearing to him calling her a BI*CH and asking when was she gonna die. I am not buying the loving, caring husband who wants to fullfill her wishes. She is alive and responds to people and stimulation.

WE now have a culture of death in america thanks to great movies like "million dollar baby", and over thirty years of aborting millions of children. We decide who lives and dies based on our own made up rules. Baby unwanted, kill it. Person incapacitated, kill them too.
Look out for all the alzheimer's patients if you get your way, because you know grandma and grandpa don't want to live that way, go finish them off and save your precious inheritance!!!

After all we are doing society a favor, right? Hitler thought that also. The Jews were not up to his standards. Ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, thousands of innocent men, women and children were murdered to better someone else's outlook on society.
The “Terri Schiavo” situation is truly a tragedy for all concerned. It was, however, a tragedy for a handful of people and a problem that would have been best handled at the state government level.

Worrisome to me is the intrusion of the Federal Government into this mess. This could easily evolve into a national tragedy.

The bad dog Law of Unintended Consequences is lurking and waiting to bite us on the buns.



Replacing my fender flares

graewulf said:
judge09 said:
Doesnt this still come back to the fact that her husband and her had a conversation before this happened and she said she didnt want to be kept alive if she were in a condition like this.

Exactly.. they are not respecting her wishes.. that is the real issue there. I think the same way. If that is how I have to live, let me die.... Don't keep me alive for your own sake.

I do not agree with going against a husband's wishes. I would want my wife to make a decision for me in a situation like that and I would want it to stand. My arguements are:
1. This man has another wife and children. He should not be making decisions for her. He has shown that he has cast away any responsibility as a husband to her, except of course expediting her death. A death he clearly wants for his own benefit not hers. Her family and friends (no exceptions) have all made statements saying she is a Catholic and would never make such a request. A freind giving testimony in court quoted her "Any time there is life, there is hope".
2. A feeding tube being considered life support.
3. Her current condition, which is made out to be alot worse by liberals, media, and some on this board, isn't a hopeless one if she were allowed to have rehabilitation. Starving her to death opens up a pandora's box of debate about life, death, euthanasia, and the like. As I said before: if machines were making her breathe, if machines were making her blood flow, and she had no possibility of improvement from an unconcious state then removing these items would be warranted. There is a line in the sand being drawn and it is a dangerous one.
RE: what would you rather do?

Worrisome to me is the intrusion of the Federal Government into this mess

The federal gov'ts role in this case is only to protect Terri's "right to life" granted to her in the Bill of Rights.

As far as the federal gov't intruding into our lives, forget it, that happened long ago. The precident has been set and repeated over and over. They have trampled also on states rights to the point that state law has no teeth as long as the ACLU is concerned.

Remember the Texas anti-sodomy law? stuck down by the Supreme court and that brought on the onslought of gay marriages all over?

What about Roy Moore and the Ten Commandments in Alabama? The Alabama state constitution states the laws coming from Almighty God and Judge Moore ran for office and was elected by the people of that state as an open evangelical Christian who promised to display the 10 Commandments. The Federal Judge Myron Thompson illegally ruled against him. The Federal Judges are tyrants, not just interpreting law but making law. The Legislatiive and Executive branches must act.

"If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution" Abraham Lincoln

RE: Happy Easter

Yup. And I'm going to throw another log on the fire and stir things up a bit. The latest news reports says she tried to say "I want to live". However all they could confirm was "aaahhhh waaahhhh (I want)". How does anyone know if she wasn't really trying to say "I want to die"?

Didn't John Wayne once say "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out later"? Don't take that the wrong way please. I'm not saying we should kill everyone and let God sort 'em out. I'm saying that in the end God will make everything allright and everyone will get what's coming to them. Wether they were killed before their time or died a natural death at the age of 102. God knows what he's doing and whatever is done on earth is done thru him. As cruel and unusual as it is sometimes that's the way it is. Someone mentioned earlier in the post that by keeping her alive she could offer the world something. Even if only a smile. Well, what if letting her die is another one of Gods unusual ways of teaching us a lesson?

Everything happens for a reason. What goes around comes around. I could quote cliche's all day long, but the bottom line is there is nothing anyone can do to change what's ultimately going to happen. Let's learn our lesson and move on in life and apply what we've learned (whatever that may be) to other lives.

Thank you and good night!
RE: TFI upgrade, What is it?

jumppr wrote
......I'm saying that in the end God will make everything allright.....

if you belive half of what you wrote, read what God said in his little book. Maybe you have heard of it, it is called the Bible..

God wrote:
Matt chapter 25 ""And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done [it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done [it] unto me. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did [it] not to one of the least of these, ye did [it] not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal."
Uh oh...


E350 master cylinder for my YJ

jumppr said:
God knows what he's doing and whatever is done on earth is done thru him.

People have free will my man, many things are done in this world with complete disregard for God.

Terri Shiavo is going to die very soon. Personally I believe this to be a tragedy. I also believe her to be a murder victim. Starving someone to death is not "peacefully letting her die". Why is it no one can even try to get her to drink a glass of water? How is drinking a glass of water or swabing a set of dry cracked lips with a sponge treatment? TREATMENT?!?!?!


As for the Federal Government stepping in, I'm not keen on that either as it pertains to the house and senate. At the state level, Governor Jeb Bush should have stepped in. On the Governor's part, it would have justified in light of all the evidence that was ignored by the tyrannical Judge Greer. Greer has no authority to whimsically create orders to prevent him from doing his job (and carryinh out his oath).

With Jeb bowing to the good judge Greer, That would leave the President ("W") to be the last hope. Many say that didn't happen because it would set a precident. I say it's about damn time they set a precident. The judges in this country have taken power and are abusing their authority. They are re-writing our laws. These men in black are tyrants and if the president had a set of stones he'd set that precident and now.

But he won't, and neither will his cowardly brother who is trying to save his possibilities for a run for the white house. He won't get my vote, as I could not vote for a man who was afraid to save a woman's life to save his career. Afraid to do right out of selfishness and greed.
Re: RE: TFI upgrade, What is it?

Why is it that the same group of liberals who are yelling the loudest about it being a "state issue" will turn around and fight for a convicted felon on death row to appeal to the supreme court.....
jumppr said:
Yup. And I'm going to throw another log on the fire and stir things up a bit............................God knows what he's doing and whatever is done on earth is done thru him. As cruel and unusual as it is sometimes that's the way it is.....................................

Well, jumppr, you indeed threw another log on the fire! I happen to agree with your comments about God's plan.........I don't even pretend to understand......don't believe I (we) were meant to. I feel great sorrow for Terri and all those involved. I won't profess to know what's right or what's wrong........it is beyond me and totally out of my control. If it were my son, I'm quite sure I would be doing exactly as her parents are doing. If it were me.....................I really don't know..............I truly love life, but I don't think that's the way I would want to spend it. I DO know that this is no place for government intrusion. If they're gonna step in here, then how about takin' care of my old man and footin' the $1200/month bill they're trying to suck out of my mom!

confused as always,
merely human mud

RE: CJ-7

90Xjay said:
Why is it that the same group of liberals who are yelling the loudest about it being a "state issue" will turn around and fight for a convicted felon on death row to appeal to the supreme court.....


Flock in droves from all over the world in a group effort to hydrate a beached whale that put itself there so it could die :shock:
RE: Take A Wild Guess...

TwistedCopper said:
90Xjay said:
Why is it that the same group of liberals who are yelling the loudest about it being a "state issue" will turn around and fight for a convicted felon on death row to appeal to the supreme court.....


Flock in droves from all over the world in a group effort to hydrate a beached whale that put itself there so it could die :shock:

Oh crap, I forgot about that! Packing my bags RIGHT NOW!

That's right: Save the whales, kill the handicapped woman.

Gee 90 maybe the scientists were right, seems like evolution to me :roll:

How 'bout that family that got arrested for trying to bring her a glass of water. See the interview with Greta (Fox News) tonight? Good story.
RE: 2 Nice XJs.......IMO.

For some reason this reminds me about Billy and Karen Danbin’s Divorce!

Never heard of it, that’s probably cause it is about as much of your business as this Terri woman is!

I have tried to stay quiet but… this is absurd, and I don’t care what deity you pray too, this is not an issue of God…. And you and me and the government should not be intervening in this what so ever! Obviously if she did not what her husband as a health care proxy, thinking he would do something foolish or against her wants, she would not have named him it and or married him!
Leave the guy alone, leave the woman alone and leave the family alone!

When I am on my death bed, I hope people don’t discuss, argue, defend, or justify my right to DIE peacefully!

Slightly off topic, I love these people that are trying to give her water, oh ya great! She can’t swallow, nothing like pulmonary pneumonia to make this a party huh!
RE: 4cyl to 6cyl swap

Actually she can drink water, they have let her drink small amounts before but she can't eat at all. She cannot ingest enough to sustain herself, hence the tube.

I am usually one to say keep the government out. I respectfully disagree with you on it this time though, but only because I believe her husband (who in NORMAL circumstances should have the only and final word) has shown to be an unworthy guardian. This is how it appears, and the courts won't even see all the evidence and testimony. This is when other branches are supposed to step in, when one neglects to do it's job or oversteps it's authority.

But... It's all trivial now anyway.

Yeah I think everyone should stay out of it too. Jps4Jeep has made a great point. As for all the unseen evidence in this case here's what I think. We all know that the media isn't always completely right. And for that matter completely forthcoming either. They're going to put whatever spin on it they can to get people fired up. And that is exactly what has happened. Unless any of us (media, politicians, general public) know this family personally there isn't a shred of evidence that can truly be proved or disproved. Only Michael and Terry know for sure.
We all know that the media isn't always completely right

I like what Mark Twain said:

"Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your HONOR. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse."

--Mark Twain
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