Got my lift on!!


New member
did it this sunday with the help of my friend. 2" budget boost from Rubicon Express. easy enough, would have been done a lot sooner if we didnt break for lunch for a while and take our time with everything. sorry no pics yet (my parents just moved, so my little brother didnt know where his digi cam was) i'll try to get some post lift pics for everyone.

no tires yet though. called NTB today, as of tomorrow it will officially be 2 weeks since i placed the order, apparently they have 3 of my 4 tires in, but ups lost the other one in transit :roll: :roll: :roll: so as of right now its in pennsylvania. hopefully for this weekend though.

took the zj wheelin after with my buddy, definately a nice noticable difference, however minimal still with no MT's. cant wait to actually have some tread on my side walls.

one question though....bump stops, left the front ones in. and left the rear's as is, but the kit came with extensions. i chose not to put them in on sunday, does anyone here strongly recommend them? they're simple enough to do, but i didnt think they were crucial.

tow hook vs tow hitch

bigger tires might rub. bump stops prevent that.
point taken, i'll see how much rubbing occurs with the new tires first and install accordingly i guess. thanks white!
How much should I ask for??

Congrats mang! I know it's an awsome feeling when you get your rig up in the air! Just wait for the tires!

Post pics up as soon as you can, I cant wait to see them!

That's great man! Yeah, we're looking forward to the pictures. Sure feels great to get a job like that done. Which tires did you decide on?
TwistedCopper said:
That's great man! Yeah, we're looking forward to the pictures. Sure feels great to get a job like that done. Which tires did you decide on?
i ended up going with the dunlop mud rovers. 31x10.5 r15. so the climb into my driver seat will hopefully raise up about another inch with the tires. :lol:

by the way TC, i saw you sold your xj still gonna put the cragars on? and did you rattle can the centercaps yet if you're keepin em?

bchcky said:
by the way TC, i saw you sold your xj still gonna put the cragars on? and did you rattle can the centercaps yet if you're keepin em?

I put them on eBay, but then cancelled the auction. I figure they'll end up on one of my Jeeps. No I haven't painted the caps yet.


jps4jeep said:
Rubbin is over rated! Sorry I didn't call ya back, I got the message last night :(
no you sayin you would or wouldnt put the bump stops in though? i cant tell which way your sarcasm is going....haha

well, thats my rig, lifted, wheels and tires installed. 2" lift, 31" tires. might not look huge to most of you guys, i'll try to get a picture of it sitting next to another stock zj though. i def notice the difference hopping into my seat!!
Looks great! I thought those 31's would have less room, they clear pretty well for a 2" lift!

You might want to re-think center caps though, or maybe at least paint the hubs black or something. The rust colored centers don't do the wheels any justice.
Lifting a Rubi

funny, he just said that to me before you posted....... I agree, looks nice.. Now how about the star on the hood ?

Your jeep looks real tight. Very nicely done. Now go out and get it covered in mud!
TwistedCopper said:
Looks great! I thought those 31's would have less room, they clear pretty well for a 2" lift!

You might want to re-think center caps though, or maybe at least paint the hubs black or something. The rust colored centers don't do the wheels any justice.
thanks TC!!

yeah i'm probably going to pull the wheels off this weekend and rattle can it for now.

i dunno if i trust you laura! remember what happened last time? haha, hopefully sometime soon i'll come back down. lets try not to go right after 3 straight days of rain this time though.
Hay, some people are heading to RI this weekend, and there is also the rattlesnake run! Get your stuff together and come!!
trust?!'s best after 3 straight days of rain. cmon, my days are getting numbered is gonna start soon. actually, we've had a good amount of rain lately, mom's gotta be prime right now!

or this weekend at rattlesnake

and thats what i'm afraid of laura!

hey johnny, wanna email me the info? i gotta work saturday, but i might be able to come in the morning or whatever, just let me know the info so i can decide for sure. thanks!