What do we need more members for anyway? Seriously? I understand that a few more techies would be good, but for every good technical Jeep person we get, we'll get 100+ idiots that do nothing more than clog our boards up with stupid crap and bad attitudes. Sometimes smaller is better (keep it clean, boys). I know the saying that there are no stupid questions, but yeah, really, there are......you know that as well as I do. Sure, we really don't see a lot of them, but they are there.....I could cite some very recent examples, but I won't because I don't wanna make anyone cry.
Does Terry make more money for more hits? I'm guessing only if they hit ads does he get a stipend, right? So why do we need more people? The way I see it, we're doing pretty well right now with a steady influx of members, each with their own take on things and each with just enough character to add to the enjoyment. My fear is that if we advertise too much, we'll grow too fast and become another Peerat 4x4.com. If that happens, you'll lose 90% of your current members, and you might as well flush the whole site if you do.