Gas Prices in your town ???

Re: downlioad free porn video

Removed by Terry

DAMN!!! Is this all these people have to do???? Spam Jeep sites with porn links?????? I truly pity them..............what a sorry life they lead. PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON ANY OF THE QUOTED LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, that's gotta suck being that kind of person...........
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Teetering at near $4 per gallon here. No relief in sight.

Everything is getting expensive.


We are printing $'s as fast as we can. That's devaluing the hell out of the currency. It's going to get a LOT worse, cause if they stop, the economy collapses, and if they don't stop, we turn into the weimar republic. It's the cost of decades of runaway govt and private spending and massive amounts of debt that cannot be repaid. It's not going to be pretty.
Re: downlioad free porn video

DAMN!!! Is this all these people have to do???? Spam Jeep sites with porn links?????? I truly pity them..............what a sorry life they lead. PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON ANY OF THE QUOTED LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, that's gotta suck being that kind of person...........
I'm in complete agreement---porn spammers are sick, sick, sick---and not being satisfied to wallow in their own perversion, they want to push their condition on others.

Hope we can stay on topic with Jeeps, a few other things with wheels, and the people who enjoy them.

All the best,
Don Lott
We are printing $'s as fast as we can. That's devaluing the hell out of the currency. It's going to get a LOT worse, cause if they stop, the economy collapses, and if they don't stop, we turn into the weimar republic. It's the cost of decades of runaway govt and private spending and massive amounts of debt that cannot be repaid. It's not going to be pretty.

I thought it was because I was unwilling to drive a hybrid.

Shew... what a relief... I almost had guilt.

Yeah right.:twisted:
Well a first... $4.00 per gallon is the national average.

E85 is a bust, but the farmers are making a killing on corn right now.

Diesel is more expensive.

Hybrids are not really a good investment.

I just don't have it in me to pedal a bike fast enough to keep up on the interstate (even if it were legal).

Well at least the caribou in Alaska are happy, knowing that as we let huge oil deposits lie untapped they will not have live amongst unsightly oil wells and pipe lines. Lucky caribou. Now doesn't that just give you a warm fuzzy?

I vote to kill this thread because it ****es me off everytime I read it.
...............Well at least the caribou in Alaska are happy, knowing that as we let huge oil deposits lie untapped they will not have live amongst unsightly oil wells and pipe lines. Lucky caribou. Now doesn't that just give you a warm fuzzy?

Actually, that does give me a warm fuzzy. We're keeping our irreplaceable resources intact. What bothers me, always has, always will.......we are this great country with all these "brilliant" people (myself included - not pointing any fingers)....the sun shines EVERY day and heats our planet and heats us enough to cause all kinds of skin cancer..........and we can't harness this energy?????????:?|:?| I believe it's all about greed, profits and such. Maybe one day we'll all wake up and realize it.

Starting to look like "Mad Max" was a premonition, doesn't it???
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3:82$ Sandy, first 50$ + fillup.....:cry:and I only put in 13 gallons!:cry:
Actually, that does give me a warm fuzzy. We're keeping our irreplaceable resources intact. What bothers me, always has, always will.......we are this great country with all these "brilliant" people (myself included - not pointing any fingers)....the sun shines EVERY day and heats our planet and heats us enough to cause all kinds of skin cancer..........and we can't harness this energy?????????:?|:?| I believe it's all about greed, profits and such. Maybe one day we'll all wake up and realize it.

Starting to look like "Mad Max" was a premonition, doesn't it???

I did recently see a very warm and fuzzy show about a "green" life and it said that the only answer for us is to harness the power of the sun. They said the only problem was they wouldn't know how to store it up.. for un-sunny days and for 24 hours of use when it's dark half of the time. COME ON! I don't believe that.
They also gave some ridiculous figure which I can't remember , but something like they could power the entire country? for an entire day? off of 20 minutes worth of sunshine, Now that is IF they could somehow figure out how to store it! ;) How in the H*@! did they send a man to the stinkin' MOON (wink, wink...) way back when, and they can't figure this out?? I think it's all propaganda crap, Pardon my French. We are being controlled by an elite (RICH) few. I thought that WE, the consumer,controlled the price? It's supply and demand, isn't it? OR is that just the propaganda we are fed??

Are we demanding that much more or what? I would think demand is down now.. I know I don't go anywhere, unless it's on the way TO or FROM my job. I lie, I did go on a joy ride with top down the other day.. just for FUN! I just thought Damn it all to hell!! Of course I picked up a screw in my tire while I was out , so I guess the Universe stuck it to me for being a greedy, greedy gas guzzling consumer. Priorities, you know.
Actually, that does give me a warm fuzzy. We're keeping our irreplaceable resources intact. What bothers me, always has, always will.......we are this great country with all these "brilliant" people (myself included - not pointing any fingers)....the sun shines EVERY day and heats our planet and heats us enough to cause all kinds of skin cancer..........and we can't harness this energy?????????:?|:?| I believe it's all about greed, profits and such. Maybe one day we'll all wake up and realize it.

Starting to look like "Mad Max" was a premonition, doesn't it???

Well they are not resources if we cannot access them ;)

Yeah the sun, the wind, moving water, steam from the ground... all are great sources of energy used very little or not at all.

I am all for using them, but can we do so while drilling some holes? We have China drilling off the coast of Florida while our government has made it impossible for us to do so. Where is the sense in that? We are killing our own country while we allow others to strengthen.

Seeds to the demise.
AS of 9:00 A.M. here in kerrville TX, it's 1.99 Per gallon for reg. Unleaded. The Cheapest fuel i ever got was in Wyoming at least 18 years ago for .97Cents per. Gal... those were the days.