Gas Prices in your town ???

OK---some of you guys NOB (north of border) have us down here in Mexico now. Crunch liters to gallons and dollars to pesos---regular is about $2.34/gal---but no alcohol so it has a little more punch. They drink all the alcohol rather than burn it in their cars.

All the Best,
where I live, I don't want it to drop any lower.
I'm happy to pay 2.00-2.50 per gallon
We live in Oil Field country and if it drops much more than it is, rigs will be shutting down.
It is in a cycle, every time oil gets high, we in the US start drilling like mad to offset imports, then when the price drops like it is now, and oil companies quit drilling here in the US and lay everyone off, guess what? The price goes back up, knowing it will take a few years to get domestic drilling up and running again.

we are all just puppets of OPEC
By my office in St. Rose Louisiana it is $1.45 per gallon.............. By my house in Hammond Louisianna it is $1.65 per gallon.

1.59$ today in Salt Lake City, we are drinking gas this weekend instead beer!
1.59$ today in Salt Lake City, we are drinking gas this weekend instead beer!

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:.....You're too funny, Utah!!! I'll stick to beer, thank you!!!

Came home to the mountains for Thanksgiving...............was $1.89 in Jackson, LA............$1.59 in Mississippi (Jackson) and Tennessee (Chattanooga)..........$1.88 - $1.91 here in Waynesville, NC.

And speakin' of showin' your age..........I remember paying $.23/gal when I first started driving...........back in the days of "Gas Wars" instead of "Oil Wars (Iraq)".
I was just remembering a conversation I had years ago about how everyone freaked out when gas hit $1.80. It just fell to $1.67 here in Tucson.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:.....You're too funny, Utah!!! I'll stick to beer, thank you!!!

Humm lets see...1 six pack costs 4.99$( gotta go for taste here because of the low alcohol level)...divided by 6....equals. 83 cents...10.8 cans make a gallon, lets just call it 11 cans...9.15$ a gallon!

Holly SMOKE! gas hit 1.47$ its way cheaper to drink the gas than it is the cheap, watered down, 3.2 near beer here in Utah !
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