Gas Prices in your town ???

I thought the big gas boycott on the 15th was supposed to drive the prices down. I got an email that said so. :roll:

I thought the big gas boycott on the 15th was supposed to drive the prices down. I got an email that said so. :roll:

darn, I didn't get that email, I wanted to help put big oil out of business:x
3.09 a gallon. another year for record profits for the oil companies. The U.S. should stop buying gas for a week and watch the prices fall. I think with everyone guessing how high gas will get, the oil companies are going to make sure the price is high.
well we just went up to $1.25 per ltr up here in northern BC Canada thats $5 bucks a gallon for our american friends.:shock:
3.09 a gallon. another year for record profits for the oil companies. The U.S. should stop buying gas for a week and watch the prices fall. I think with everyone guessing how high gas will get, the oil companies are going to make sure the price is high.

This makes no sense to me.. on facebook people try to start "dont buy gas on certain date to make them see how much they are loosing..." ok if i dont buy gas tuesday and i know i need gas, im gonna buy it monday or wed.... holding out one day is not doing anything or a week... what do you guys think about a hybrid jeep?

I love those gas boycotts... Large oil companies are major corporations, whose profits are tallied up quarterly, then yearly... A one day slump out of three months is not going to make a difference, especially when you will be needing gas, like laxpug19 said, the day before, or the day after... I'm all for trying to affect change, one of the things I hate more than anything in the world is apathy, that spirit of "whatever"... Unfortunately, there are certain ways to do things in order for them to be effective... A one-day gas boycott is only going to hurt the poor schmuck who decided to open up a gas station in the middle of Up North Michigan, for example... That one day slump could be the final straw that puts 'em out of business, and there's a lot of that going around...

Incidentally, I went Up North this weekend, had some stuff that I needed to get done, and I needed to get away as well, it's been a while. Gas is 3.39 around Madison Heights, and 3.49 everywhere up north, from Boyne City to Onaway... I guess Michigan is like 3rd or 4th highest in the nation right now. Looking at about 60 bucks per fill-up, I just spent $180.00 this weekend in gas... This really sucks.
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Hybrid, diesel, 4-banger, that cylinder turning-off thing on the I-6... Anything would help, that engine loves the gas... I like the idea of the hybrid thing though, wonder how one could implement something like that... XJNick, who has not been around in quite some time, did the total electric conversion on his Cherokee, I have to say I liked the idea quite a bit, and it was amazing how it was done and worked in so nicely... The only functional faults for my application would be the lack of close places to charge; half the places I go up north don't even have running water, let alone a plug... Heck, Detroit Edison charges a healthy fine for power these days as well, hard to say what would come out cheaper in the long run... A little off-topic, but if this gas price thing doesn't come down, something's gonna have to give.
I can't remember for sure, but I think the last time I had to buy gas for the Jeep, it was $2.95 or so. Of course, it's almost empty again, so one of these days, I'll have to do it again. I've never paid more than $2.99 for gas for the Jeep. Not even last year when it got so high, I just managed to squeak through until prices came back down. But, it doesn't look like I'll be that lucky this time. Prices are hovering around $3.19 here, and down south where my mom-in-law lives near the OK border, it's already $3.40! I am SO glad I negotiated a company ride with my new job!!
I paid $2.99 over the weekend. The most i've ever paid. I'm ****ed but what are we supposed to do? And don't tell me to drive less, my jeep has 25,000 miles on it and it's almost 4 years old. The first president that promises to lower prices and has a plan to do it gets my vote. I don't even care if they are democrat. Yeah, I said it.

Ok so all the foreign car companys are working on hybrids, i would expect d-c to start working on something. A lot of the out doorsy people drive jeeps, dont you think a hybrid jeep would sell? cause i know i would invest in one...well depending on the power.
I'm still mad because ice cream is over $3 per gallon, but what can you do, we have to have it..right?

We all out to ban together and stop eating it for a week, that'll show them greedy bas-tards a thing or three.

:purple: :purple: :purple: :purple: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D

YES! ANOTHER BATTLE IN THE GOOD OL' BRADFORD, MA. Awhile ago a little private owned gas station was built next to a large 16 pump Irving. This new gas station only has 4 pumps, 1 soda machine and a guy from God knows where watching his little t.v. and always screaming in his language on the phone. Thats besides the point. When he 1st opened his shop, they battled bringing the prices from about 2.70 down to 1.98 was the lowest, that lasted about a week. Now the battle is on again, every our they are dropping down 2 cents. I went to work yesterday at 3 the prices were at 2.81 by the time i got home it was 2.71!!! what really makes me mad about this is that company's really don't need to be charging $$$$ 3+, it makes me so angry that our government doesn't step up and regulate these prices.
I'm definantly hearing you there. I drive a lot and end up filling my tank about once every week or week 1/2 at $3.09 a gallon.

My biggest worry about a hybrid jeep would be the power. That wouldn't be a problem for the weekend camper, but someone who enjoys real off road driving would be challenged to get enough horsepower out a hybrid engine.