Gas Prices in your town ???

Wichita prices jumped from $2.99 to $3.09 overnight. I last filled the Jeep at $2.79. So, now by driving the company vehicle to work and back, I'm saving just over $350 a month on gas, which equates to just over a $2 an hour raise. 8) Plus, I still have about 18 gallons left in the Jeep. ;)
Wichita prices jumped from $2.99 to $3.09 overnight. I last filled the Jeep at $2.79. So, now by driving the company vehicle to work and back, I'm saving just over $350 a month on gas, which equates to just over a $2 an hour raise. 8) Plus, I still have about 18 gallons left in the Jeep. ;)

that must be one of them "French" benefits.:D

Went from 2.51 to 2.89 overnight and now it's settled back down to 2.75... this sucks

We just hit a record high here in BC. According to the news, we have the highest prices in North America. We're at $1.27/liter (Canadian) which converted to gallons and with the exchange rate equals approx. $4.08 per gallon US$ give or take a few cents. At least we're number 1 for something. F@#%#$* government taxes!

i paid 3.29 for 89 here in omaha yesterday - i wanted to cry - i love how prices have more than doubled since i got my fisrt car only 4 years ago when prices were oh a $1.29

How much longer will consumers sit back and take it before fighting back??
i paid 3.29 for 89 here in omaha yesterday - i wanted to cry - i love how prices have more than doubled since i got my fisrt car only 4 years ago when prices were oh a $1.29

How much longer will consumers sit back and take it before fighting back??

When I first read that, I way. I remember gas being way over $1.50 4 and 5 years ago, but I pulled this trend chart up and it did hit some lows back 4 years ago.
click this link to see the trend.

I'd like to see that chart for several years I recall (and the chart supports it) gas was $1.50 or less when Dubya took office.......

I'd like to see that chart for several years I recall (and the chart supports it) gas was $1.50 or less when Dubya took office.......

go here
and you can make your own chart, I'm not sure how far it goes back but alot further than the one I made:-)

oh yeah,
I was running an Exxon station for a distributor back then I think prices went up about 30 cents in a week and people went nuts I remember a news crew coming out and interviewing me, wow that was a long time ago..
I think our prices were around $1.00 before and went up to about $1.30 or so