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Okay Jeepz people,
I am in the market for a new Flatscreen TV and I have been doing all sorts of research on what to buy. I have found an LCD that I like and a couple Plasmas that I like, but of couse the LCDs are more expensive than the Plasmas. My fionce and I have been going back and forth between the 2 and it looks like its just down to personal preferance now when we ask people.

So whats your opinion? LCD or Plasma?

What I have found:
LCDs are lighter, have a 1080 resolution, use less energy. Consrast levels are better than they used to be, close to plasmas. Less screen glare.

Plasmas are cheaper, have darker blacks, but only 720 res unless you want to pay 8k. They are also more prone to screen glare.

I am looking at the Sharp Aquous 52" LCD and the Panasonic 50" Plasma.
I trust you guys! any opinons? comments? stories?

Thanks for any input!


isn't there a difference in lifespan as well? something about needing to get 1 of them (forget which) serviced?
Plasmas can run hot the higher in elevation in which they are used.

I have a 20" LCD television that I like a lot. I use it in my office.
LCD's are nice but the 7 or less year life span just doesn't work for my family...I hate to throw a wrench into this discussion but have you looked at DLP projection? They have near the same pixelation as some LCD's and cost twice as LESS.l
we have a Sony 51 DLP that has a true 1080p , it weighs 85 pounds.

I had looked at DLP projectors prior to getting my large screen rear projector unit. The store I went to had a return at half-price and I went home with a TV.
I keep it in the basement home theatre and exercise room. How do you beat the doldrums of running on a dreadmill? Large screen TV and surround sound system!

Yes... I am still running at least 5 miles per day... 1700 miles on my treadmill (bought last year) and 484 miles in 2007 alone...
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The lifespan thing I think isn't an issue anymore, the technology is almost even from what I've read. The plasma and LCD screens both average about 60,000 hours which equals to about 15 years, at 8 hours a day. I never heard of DLP projection, is it still like a flat screen? Or do I have to hang a projector from my ceiling! I'll check it out...

Dang those DLPs are cool! Cheap too! But it doesn't look like they can mount on a wal...
Dang those DLPs are cool! Cheap too! But it doesn't look like they can mount on a wal...
No you still cant wall mount them but mines only about 12 inches deep. And for the price and clarity you cant beat them. We got ours at cosco for 1450$.

HD TV tuner built inside with a Cable card slot that allows digital cable without the box. It also has the Dolby surround sound inputs, thats five jacks for each input jack, Video, left, right normal sound and Dolby left and right.

Yeah we don't have the room for anything but wall mount now. The cable card doesn't matter to us either because we got FIBER OPTICS BABY! The new Verizon FiOs... best picture you can get, even makes my old 12" tube tv look better. Much cheaper than cablevision, and the internet is 4 times faster... 20 megabits per second! I can't wait to hook it up to something HD.

South, we were looking at the Pioneer Plasmas and they are really nice, but you really have to pay alot extra for that 1080 res. The guy at best buy said you can't notice a difference between 720 and 1080, is that true?
I have a Hitachi plasma and I am pretty sure it has 1080 and a built in HD tuner. It does produce some heat, you can feel it as you walk by. I read that if a Plasma breaksdown, you cannot repair it as to where a LCD, you can. I like the plasma, but I would go with either. I just liked the look of the hitachi and I have had good success with them in the past. Another note, if your a gamer, I don't remember which one, but they are just like projections and you can burn images into your screen. I believe it's the plasma but don't quote me.
What about screen burn-in? Isn't one type more prone than the others? With the DVR, my wife and daughter love to pause the TV and forget about it, hate to burn images into the screen.

Before my dad got his job at Northrop Grumman, he worked for a local electronics store in Las Cruces.

I'll give you the skinny:

If ambient light is an element in the room, ie lots of sunlight etc, than LCD is more luminous (generally speaking).

Plasma is worse on the low-end, but on the higher end of the spectrum ie 1000+ $ (for a 32" or larger) it's resolution is better than LCD. Real hardcore film buffs prefer plasma for the clarity...the plasma is more organic.

For me, having a bright living room the LCD flat screen was the best performer.

I'm not a fan of DLP. Less support, less technology, because it's not as popular. Consider it the Mac of the TV world, and I'm not as impressed with the picture (on average).

So if luminosity is you most important issue, go LCD.

If you have a pretty dark room, Plasma all the way.

Plasmas are improving in luminosity, and altitude isn't an issue anymore. (Cold temperature is another issue)

Once you go HD, you'll wonder how you lived without it for NHL games especially. I love my LCD.

Good luck~!
Screen burn in is more prone to happen with the plasma screens. My company makes casino signs and the new thing is now to put a flatscreen within the sign and have it on a loop. They used plasmas at first because they were cheaper, but now nobody wants plasmas cause they all got the screen burn in. All the casinos switched to LCDs about a year ago and there have been no complaints since.

That was a nice bit of info there Mingez thanks. The LCDs are catching up to the plasma technology (so I've heard) and have better color and higher contrast than usual. The LCD I'm lookin at is this one:
Screen burn in is more prone to happen with the plasma screens. My company makes casino signs and the new thing is now to put a flatscreen within the sign and have it on a loop. They used plasmas at first because they were cheaper, but now nobody wants plasmas cause they all got the screen burn in. All the casinos switched to LCDs about a year ago and there have been no complaints since.

That was a nice bit of info there Mingez thanks. The LCDs are catching up to the plasma technology (so I've heard) and have better color and higher contrast than usual. The LCD I'm lookin at is this one:

Yeah, actually both technologies are catching up to the other. Plasmas are pretty good now concerning the screen burn. The screen saver function on paused or stagnant image is common on some TV's. But the burn-in only occurs if you have a similar picture on all of the time. (IE those who watch MSNBC and they have the same vignettes with the same graphics at the bottom, and the head shots of people are in the same spot. If you don't watch these types of programs all day all of the time, burn-in isn't something you have to worry about.

The catch with LCDs is that they are more prone to pixel burn-out. This is probably as or more common than plasma burn-in. Again, something they are improving on. Despite this, I still prefer LCDs for the vibrance.

I haven't had any (Knocks on wood) pixels burn out so far, and I'm going on 2 years and 2 moves.

Unless you really want a wall mountable TV, I would highly recommend DLP. The picture quality is excellent at a much lower cost. I got a 50" Samsung 1080p last summer and its great. It weighs less than my old 27" standard TV and its only a little over a foot deep. The layout of my room is such that the TV only fits in the corner anyway, so buying a flat panel was not an advantage to me. Definitely go with 1080p; thats as "future-proof" as you can get right now.
I went LCD recently. I got the Vizio 47" 1080P LCD from costco for $1650. The main reason I went with LCD is the glare. We have the tv in a room surrounded by windows. Both the rear projection and Plasma I had showed silly glare. The LCD is picture perfect anytime. I wouldnt go any other way.
They actually make DLP wall mountable now, but the biggest they have that I've seen is 42"... we want a 50", and our living room layout pretty much HAS to be wall mount. Jay, the LCD comes in 1080p also, I agree about being future proof... I don't want anything 720. But then again in 15 years this TV will be replaced by the new "Holodeck" technology.

Ive got a 30 dollar auction special TV... Its even color!!

Oh.. guess I'm a little behind the times huh?? :D