A absolutemoon New member May 24, 2010 #1 Gonna sound dumb I know but.... Does my JEEP have flashers? If so I can not for the life of me find the damn switch. Just curious. 81CJ7 Bry
Gonna sound dumb I know but.... Does my JEEP have flashers? If so I can not for the life of me find the damn switch. Just curious. 81CJ7 Bry
xt master New member May 24, 2010 #2 I am not 100% sure on a CJ but I would look for a small slide some where on the steering column.Try looking on the bottom.
I am not 100% sure on a CJ but I would look for a small slide some where on the steering column.Try looking on the bottom.
A absolutemoon New member May 24, 2010 #3 There is not a switch or button on the column at all. The only place I have not looked is behind the dash
There is not a switch or button on the column at all. The only place I have not looked is behind the dash
SteelHeadz Super Moderator May 25, 2010 #4 It's on the steering coulmn. Look at the right hand side by the ignition switch. The hazard switch is modular with the turn signal switch.
It's on the steering coulmn. Look at the right hand side by the ignition switch. The hazard switch is modular with the turn signal switch.
C Crazy4diesels New member May 26, 2010 #6 The switch should be a fragile, plastic, hollow cube sticking out near the ignition switch (like at 4:00 on the column). Pull to turn on - push to turn off. If it's not there I would say it broke off or someone changed the column. -John
The switch should be a fragile, plastic, hollow cube sticking out near the ignition switch (like at 4:00 on the column). Pull to turn on - push to turn off. If it's not there I would say it broke off or someone changed the column. -John
TerryMason Administrator Staff member May 26, 2010 #7 I used to constantly turn on my flashers with my knee when getting out of the Jeep. On my old 85 CJ7 you pressed the button in to turn them on. Attachments cj7-flasher.JPG 74.1 KB · Views: 382
I used to constantly turn on my flashers with my knee when getting out of the Jeep. On my old 85 CJ7 you pressed the button in to turn them on.
C Crazy4diesels New member May 27, 2010 #8 I probably have the switch operation backward... sorry, it's been a while since my CJ7... Good photo of the location... -John
I probably have the switch operation backward... sorry, it's been a while since my CJ7... Good photo of the location... -John