first truck


New member
ok i want to get a stock vehicle and biuld it up to b sik off road wich is wat my dad did wen he was young and im pretty sure im gonna use either a cj/wrangler(i still dont know th diff.) or a f-250.4 now lets say the jeep. :) im not sure wat style or year or i wanna get and thats where i could use a little help, im not sum rich assed little prissy boy trustfund kid so i dont got alota cash to throw around and i kinda want a project vehicle but not 1 thats trash one that needs SUM work. i go to a tech hiskool n im takin autobody so i can work on it there if i need to in the shop. ill im lookin 4 is sum advice and maybe sum good links 2 buy sumthin.

I can tell you now that you'd rather have a Jeep than an f250. I had an f-150 and now I have a Wrangler YJ, 1987-1995, and I love it. There are parts everywhere, and they're relatively cheap. Not so with a Ford. I know Ford there are parts everywhere, but they're not always cheap. My two cents are to buy a Jeep, CJ or Wrangler, you will never regret it.

Good Luck
It all depends on how much you want to spend on purchasing the vehicle and what is practicle for you..What is your price range?

White said:
what the hell did he just say ?

I don't know, but from the looks of it he could have payed a little better attention in english class.....
Welcome to jeepz. You will get all the help here you could ever want. These folks are a world of jeep knowledge. Get Yourself a Jeep for a 1st ride and you will be ruined for life. Cause once you have had a Jeep nothing else will fill the gap.

Just pick a style you like best and in a price range you can afford and Bang there is the best jeep for you. Jeeps are really ez to modifie and make em yours and yours alone. Any number of combos can be put together to make a great ride. Even as a stocker the Jeep is better than most anything else out there. You can go OLD School with a CJ or plum dang fancy with a Grang so where ever you go in the jeep line up you have a jeep worthy of the name.

Last thing I wnat is to run off a valued new jeeper so please take this with a grain of salt here. Please watch the language we are a close net bunch and find it not a needed thing to throw around foul language. Oh yea real English will get your questions taken a bit more serious. Jeep to the beat sir! tug
If you plan on doing trails stay away from the fullsized trucks. They are wide and can't turn sharp enough. I would pick up as new a wrangler as possible. Or If you like doing body work you could buy an old rusty CJ cheep and rebuild the body. The CJ are very simple to work on but the ride could be better. I use my CJ when my S-10 is broke down (which is most of the time), and as a trail runner. It works great but I would rather just have a Wrangler for both.

Hot and Cold air together!

You can't take the top and doors off the truck.
graewulf said:
White said:
what the hell did he just say ?

I don't know, but from the looks of it he could have payed a little better attention in english class.....

I was just thinking the same thing.

To the original poster: Not trying to be rude, but just realize that if nobody can read your Post(s), nobody is going to want to respond.

Oh, and Welcome to! :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

LOL @ White and yall.

I was thinking the exact same thing but I know too many friends that suffer dislexia or poor spelling habits even though they passed English class. Be easy on em. Welcome to the group man and get out there and buy a JEEP!!!!!

I had a brand new 96 F-150 that I did up into a pretty nice ride and beat the hell out of it off road. I can tell right now that if you're planning on doing any serious off roading, then go with the jeep. Don't get me wrong, I loved my truck, it was much more comfortable to drive, a lot quieter (except for the Swamper Thornbirds) and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another one if I had the money. If you're planning on doing a lot of off roading, then you will break stuff and with a jeep, it's a lot cheaper and easier to fix. Jeep parts are a dime a dozen. You also have the added bonus of a convertable...nothin like 4 wheelin through the mud with the top down. Here's two links to some pics of my old truck...

If you want a 4x4 truck i recommend the ford ranger/mazda B-series.. excellent truck stock, as for a jeep, take your pick, they are all capable (though try to avoid running boards on a Liberty)
XJNick said:
graewulf said:
White said:
what the hell did he just say ?

I don't know, but from the looks of it he could have payed a little better attention in english class.....

I was just thinking the same thing.

To the original poster: Not trying to be rude, but just realize that if nobody can read your Post(s), nobody is going to want to respond.

Oh, and Welcome to! :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

I agree.. I didn't mean to bust your balls there, that kind of talk may be OK in school, but in the real world, you will find that you get much better response from people if you stick to real english... We don't care if you can spell or not, just don't try to bastardize the language because you want to sound cool...

Welcome to the board.
hey tug...or other motorcraft 2150 owners

Hey, Sorry .
Get a pre 88 chevy ! This IFS Is a killer.
Buy if you want a jeep, I recommend a Chreokee. There's a million in the junk yards already. And Wranglers Have too high of a sale value.
Cherokee's are just the right wheelbase and offer plunty of room for spare gear. Not Grand Cherokees, only because the limited amount of spare body pannels, I don't see them too often in the junk yard.
But I guess Graewulf would know more about that.

This is a good one...

Only problem with cherokees is the uni-body design.Alot of flexing will lead to the rear hatch not being able to close and a twisted body.
ok, guys thanks alot im not trying to sound cool or anything dumb like that. it's just that i have aol and i -m people alot so when i don't think about it I type whatever's easiest. thanks again and could you recomend any good sites to look at for used jeeps?

There is really nothing wrong with what he posted. You Old fogies have to realize, there is a new Gen of L33T dewds that are comming out of our hiskools these days. The more you play on these dang computers the more you leard to read the "L33t Sp3@k." No more busting these new Jeepers chops :p

I understood ya lil dewd. All I can say to you, since you mentioned that you are on a budget, is get a CJ and build it anyway you like. Find one with the least Rust you can and go from there.

As for the Difference between CJ and Wrangler: CJ = Civilian Jeep based on the Willy's MB (Military Jeep) CJ went up to CJ-8 or Scrambler then changed to Square headlights and stopped using the "CJ" lable. They started using YJ Wrangler with New suspension, larger, and many other new features. Then came the TJ Wrangler with an even newer suspension and back to round headlights this is the TJ Wrangler.

Welcome aboard.