A chip that tricks sensors isn't going to do much for the anemic 3.8L engine.
We have your best interest in mind. Personally, I don't want anyone to spend any more money they they need, to fix issues. To you, it might be just $300 and no big deal if it doesn't work. We are letting you know, there are others who tried on Tj's and who have read many threads that note; they are not worth the investment.Not sure I would agree with the term of "tricking" sensors. The mfg of these Jk's aren't using the best programming on their chips and are tuned for emissions control over anything else. The chips simply allow the motor to use the power it has available. I very seriously doubt my buddies in MOAB are yanking me when they say they felt the difference on the first start up. Some folks are just gear heads and prefer spending thousands of dollars and time under a hood to see added performance. I say for $300.00 it's worth the test before spending thousands.
Wouldn't you get the best bang for your buck opening up the intake and exhaust along with the tuner/chip? I'm pretty mechanically inclined, but certainly no mechanic. Still learning....
Wouldn't you get the best bang for your buck opening up the intake and exhaust along with the tuner/chip? I'm pretty mechanically inclined, but certainly no mechanic. Still learning....
Cost it out. For the few hp you gain it's not worth it. I put e-fan, CAT, headers, bored out TB and 2.5 exhaust with near straight through muffler and picked up 1-2 mpg. No chip. I Can't feel the HP. I could feel there is no lag on the skinny pedal. That isn't necessarily a good thing when crawling. Biggest bang for me was converting from a mechanical fan to electric. But still costly. All in app 2K in parts.
It's not really a fair comparison between the the older 2.5 4 banger and the 4.0 inline six to the newer 3.8/3.6 v6 engines in how they respond to "tuners" etc. Jp magazine has several articles on this (FYI they are not fans of chips, etc... And realize they are a gimmick), it worth looking them up and reading what they've done. They added a fair amount of bolt on parts to there 07 jk and used a programmer and had real gains, it's worth the read.
On top of that it is illegal for a dealer to void your warranty for using after market products on your vehicle.