
No matter how much I want to spend, spend, spend on the jeep, being the one with the rock on my hand I would change a thing. you did the right thing.
i personally don't see the importance in the material symbolism of a stone in metal.... if a jeep is your passion.. i say spend on the jeep
BTW, Can I just add something here?

I always felt bad for my hubbie when I was married. I never bought him one single gift worth the cost of an enagement ring. I don't think I've every bought anyone anything worth that price. I can't imagine how it is to do it and more power to you for doing it.

I also think for most girls, its the symbolisim behind the ring and what it stands for, past, present, and future....not what it costs.

I'm divorced and I still have each ring gave to me by my ex. I'm only marrying once and am sentimental so I'll never part with them. Even years later, it reminds me of all the lessons and gifts that marriage gave me, before and after.

Congratulations Laniac!

Congratulations, I’ve been married for 7 years now and would not change it for the world. My wife encourages me with fixing up my jeep along with any other endeavor I try...

Lane, Congrats!!!

And when I find a gal who truely know's the "it's you she's marrying not the ring" statement is a true one, then I'll know she's a keeper. Haven't yet, except one.
Snitty said:
No matter how much I want to spend, spend, spend on the jeep, being the one with the rock on my hand I would change a thing. you did the right thing.
i personally don't see the importance in the material symbolism of a stone in metal.... if a jeep is your passion.. i say spend on the jeep

Geez you're salty Snitty! But I wouldn't have you any other way. :D

Ugly trucks.......

Congrats, I myself am getting married Sept 4th and wouldn't you know it shortly after we got engaged we have a daughter on the way due in Dec. Funny how things work.
Thanks everyone! She is an awesome woman, loves her Jeep and lets me do whatever I want to mine. But, I have joined the ranks of "I'm wrong, shes right". I also know refer to her as "the boss" :lol:
We had to drive over one hundred miles the other day in the pouring rain with no doors or top on the Jeep and she didnt whine once, hopefully that doesnt change!

geeze I hope you guys dont think im some kind of gold digger that just married the man for the ring............to be perfectly honest its tiny and I love it cause he (the man I love )bought it for me to symbolize our love and life together.....I would of been happy with jeep parts but hey thats not very traditional now is it? :wink: I guess I just dont have a way with words like lady (your so good at it) :D from now on ill let you re-write my posts for me. No seriously please if anyone took that the wrong way im sorry, if not disregard this post and pretend im not here :wink: ..........congrats again laneiac
I hear the first year is the hardest.

I dont know about the 1st but after speaking to mingez I think ive comfirmed it to be the 4th year..............umm yeah its definitly the 4th.............but the way I see it is if you make it this far its sooooo worth it to go farther :wink:
Thanks mingez :wink:
_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
Always heard if you can make through the first 5 you can make it all the way........

If you truly live the vows you make to each other and not just say them then you will make it from day one.

So many folks are getting divorced these days. It is truly a sad thing. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Love is an action. The "warm fuzzy" that comes with it will come and it will go but if you show each other love in it's truest sense then it most certainly will come again.

Best wishes to Laniac and Dropseys and your fiancees.

Which definition will get you through your marraige???

Webster's dictionary definition
1) strong affection or liking for someone or something 2) a passionate affection for one of the opposite sex

The Bible's definition:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

No matter what religious background you are from or practice, I think it is clear Webster is missing the mark on this one.
laneiac said:
Thanks everyone! She is an awesome woman, loves her Jeep and lets me do whatever I want to mine. But, I have joined the ranks of "I'm wrong, shes right". I also know refer to her as "the boss" :lol:
We had to drive over one hundred miles the other day in the pouring rain with no doors or top on the Jeep and she didnt whine once, hopefully that doesnt change!


Now THAT is awesome! Like Mingez, when I find a woman like that and who doesn't want the expensive ring simply to show off to friends...I'll be gettin' hitched in a minute...they're just hard to find.

Everyone is different. But when I decided it was time to pop to the question to my girlfriend I couldnt wait to give her a ring. Romantic dinner for two, down on one knee, in my best suit, with a diamond ring. It was traditional and sappy but it was perfect and I am glad I did it that way.
I proposed on the beach where we had our second date. I made a fire and we were just hanging out. I wanted to give it to her so bad but people seemed to be staring at us for some reason. I had her completely fooled. I kept telling her we needed to go ring shopping and I had one the whole time. She was shocked. I felt like such a dork though. The whole down on one knee thing had me thinking I looked like a retard, but she loved it, and I guess thats how it should be!
Exactly she loved and it made it all ok. Just enjoy the engagement process. I got married in June and we had about a year engagement. It was awsome. I have never seen my family or her family more happy. It all goes by so fast be sure to take it all in.