Dash Bulb covers?


Super Moderator

I just replaced all the guage bulbs in my YJ and i noticed that all of them had little blue rubber sleaves going over them. Obviously they were going to make the light dull, but are they there for another reason perhaps? I opted to keep them off since I wanted them brighter... It looks great now but I just don't want anything to start melting cause of the absense of those little rubbers... :lol: I kept them just in case...[addsig]


joopin do you have any idea why mybe my guages don't work? my temp when i turn the key it goes all the way past hot! :-? :evil: [addsig]

they are diffusers, they are for color only. they make the color softer so you dont have that light projection on your speedo.
maybe a bad ground? [addsig]


There are many grounds.
Tracking down wire problems is next to impossible without being there. Find a manual at your local parts store with a wiring diagram included. If you don't understand it, ask for help. Wiring is not hard, just a pain in the butt. I have found most problems have been caused by prior customizing. You will have to retrace those and redo to fix. Another culprit is loose or disconnected wires and plugs usually caused by age or reaching up under the dash to customize. Behind the center gage panel on YJ's is a circuit board that becomes brittle and can fail with time. The circuit board is prone to corrosion too. The best fix is to just replace it. (It's not expensive) TJ's...Well that's another story. Just pound on the dash to fix those. (L.O.L.)[addsig]

As JP said, those rubber covers are diffusers to reduce glare and add color. I have seen Jeepers remove the diffusers, dip the bulbs in ceramic dye to change the color (Blue, red, green)(It works just.... ok) Also for those with a lot of time, replace the bulbs with different colored diodes. (This is major work)

Who looks at gages anyway? 8-) [addsig]

The blue covers are for color. You can leave them white. I put white face gauge covers and replaced the bulbs with brighter colored bulbs. it looks good.
If it is just your temp gauge it is a bad sending unit. Just replace it in the manifold. about 12 - 25 bucks. With the ignition on pull off the wire if the gauge goes back down it is the sending unit. If it stays pined it is a ground. It is a lot easier to replace the unit then find the ground.[addsig]


Thanks guys, I left them off and I tried it out last night... sooo much better, especially since my tach didn't even light and only half of my speedo. But now I have to go back in and align the guages with the guage holes in the dash... they are a little off cause I was rushing myself...[addsig]

Hey JP I'd start by checking the temperature sending unit sounds like it may be faulty it'll save you a lot of aggrivation screwing with the wiring.[addsig]