Dang Death Wobble!!!!

that would b nice if they tried to replace the rear axle and couldnt find a replacement axle and gave you a D44 instead. i figure that that would b a good xchange for some wobble hehehehe
Oh Oh Oh, here is an even better example.

Everyone knows Shopping carts.

What happens when you have a twisted rear wheel. it lifts one of the front just enough to make it wobble when going straight. And with the Tie rod and drag link it extends to the other wheel and steering wheel.


That makes it all come clear. WOOHOO

should a 7 month old Jeeper know all this stuff. I think I have been cheated with a lemon. ;) I dun care I love muh lil'bit. It's her party and she can cry if she wants to.

hahahahaha good example hahahaha i hate broken shopping carts haha
Well, Jeep was no help. They stated it was a shifted Belt on the set of tires I had on there at the time. They also put new tires on the front to prove their point. I told them that it was happening with the stock wheels and tires but, alas, they said put them back on after having them balanced and if it starts back up come see us again.

I mentioned the off-set of the rear Passenger wheel. Basically they said that that is normal on wranglers. NORMAL???? Since when is an axle that is off-set on the rear "NORMAL" When it was on the lift I showed them with a tape measure and the response I got was, "If you start checking things out with a tape, on a wrangler, you are going to drive yourself crazy. Nothing is wrong with this TJ."

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Either way, The Lift is going back on and brand new tires. Wonder if it starts wobbling again, I predict that it will, they will believe me and ACTUALLY do something about it.

Question though, If I drove about 40-50 miles with a severe Toe-in would that screw up new tires enough to cause a wobble???
How you like that Spring suspension now??? JuUUUUUUSSST teasing ya!!!! :twisted: :wink: I couldn't resist. :D

I wouldn't think that kind of mileage and your toe in could cause this. Unless Jeep has a Road force sensing wheel balancer then they are plainly guessing at the tires. I know, I have one, they cost nearly 10 K. Now you said your rear wheel is forward?? as in Crab walking?? Or is the wheel closer on one side of the vehicle then the other?

Shopping carts don't have suspensions therefore they lift the wheel through the frame alignment. The weight difference in a half an inch shouldn't be felt by one corner or the other. Otherwise ALL chevy trucks would wobble like a mad men.

I'm interested in the hard braking incident when it started to begin with. Have you checked your brakes?? I have seen a pad come half way out of a caliper before. You have wheeled the thing and there are a TON of bushings under there that could have started to flex a bit more. And they are not dampened so once they start to oselate (sp) they aren't going to quite. Does your tub show any signs of shifting??

I know I am asking a lot questions that you probably already know the answer to, but I am not there to help.

Well, the Rear passenger side of the tub seams to sit lower than driver side, this was visually noticed but, you have to look really close to see it. Imagine if you will, you are comming off a rock and slam down on that wheel, it could ever so slightly, bend the housing up and forward. well, that would make that sit higher. My goodness, I have worked with this so long and dilegently, that I have completly drivin myself confused.

Jeep checked all the undercarrige and saif that everything was tight. Even said that if the tires didn't wobble on the old truck that a tight suspension "could" begin to wobble.

The Tub shows no sign of any shifting.

Other than the rear tire, measured from the frame to the mold line of the tire. Rear of the tires showing 1/2" more as if the Rear passenger tire is Toed-in there is nothing off.

Here is how I tested that. I measured from the frame to the center mold line of the tire on the Rear then on the front. 1/4 to 1/2" difference was noticed. I even rolled the Jeep forward to see if it was the Axle-shaft. Same Toe-in was noted. Nothing under the rear-end is adjustable.

I hope that the new tires will control,no, STOP the wobble.

Oh yeah, I STILL love my coils ;)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is right :lol: Gotta love Stealerships, take all your money and refuse to fix anything.

You can keep your coils, WAY too many problems with death wobble for me to give up my leaf springs :P

if I find out it was tires the whole time I will have a hissy.

Heck Yeeaaaaa!!!! But with AAAAAAAALLLLLLL those moving parts and bushings, a short wheel base geometery, and some yahoo beating it like it's tough or something, I................ doubt it.

8) I'm Keith by the way. That way when you yell at me you can call me by my first name along all those other adjectives. 8)

Ok I have a big bike weekend planned so take care and have a good weekend guys. Talk to ya Monday!!
Well, Not the Tires. Upgraded to 31x15.50x15 However, I did find that one of these Rims is warped. That brings me to a new question. If I come out of the woods with a Mud rim (Rim so packed with mud that you can't see the rim) and go fast enough to make it wobble REALLY hard (like actually make my front end jump) could that warp the Factory Rims (Ecco type crap)???

If that could warp a rim them I may have found a constant.
:shock: Guuuugh!!! Hell I guess it could?? Aluminum or steel? You would think in therory it would fling off and self clean. I have driven with half a rim in solid ice and never had one warp though. I would think it would be a fluke. Maybe those light fancy aluminums you see on cars but a Jeep rim??

OK more questions for ya. When you say wobble is it in the seat of your pants or in the steering wheel?(Shake or side to side?) Can you feel it through the peddles? (not just residual affects) Is it radical, a shimmy, or constant. Have you thrown her on stands and ran it to check the driveline?

I have looked out my 1/2 door at the Driver side tire and it wobbles left to right in a quick manner, this in turn, passes up to the steering wheel. Right now the wobble is light but the steering wheel still moves side to side. I will sometimes just let the Steering wheel go and see what happens. It Rotates left and right about 1/2 to a full Inch.

I know how an unballanced wheel feels. I know what a auto out of alignment feels like. This is something completely different. It is a Violent side to side shake. I can pretty much make it happen on demand. All I have to do is get to around 48-50 mph then hold it at that speed. It will start to wobble a little then it builds up to the violent shaking that will make you pee in your clothes. I have seen other driver's eyes get Really big when the Jeep starts doing it, just before the dart around me to get away from the crazy Jerky Jeep.

That's it she has a new name "Jerky"

I have not put her on stands.
Leaf Spings on a 76 cj7

Can you throw a spare on it to check it out? I doubt it's a driveline if the steering wheel moves. Call around and find someone with a tire balancer that measers rims for trueness. I have a hunter GSP9700 it can measure the rim for being out of round, warped, dinged, etc. Not to mention road force. Although 15 inch wide tires are too nasty to test such a thing on. But they ought to be able to tell you about the rim in question for sure. Although it might cost near the same price as your rim.
I had a similiar problem with my 96 F-150. It turned out to be bad ball joints. The tires would ride on the edges instead of sitting flat on the road. When I jacked the truck up with the wheel completley off the ground, I could move the wheel around...almost like it was loose. When I hit a certain speed or hit the brakes, the thing would start to shake and wobble....almost completley out of control. Luckily at the time it was under warranty because they were expensive to replace.

I have heard that. I have checked it and had Jeep check the ball joints. Everything was tight.

Gunna check my Old factory Rims out today for any warp (by trying to balance them agian.)

Either way I just ordered myself a brand new set of Cragar Black Streetlocks. Should have them in a coulple weeks.
BakedAlaskan, the shop I use for tire work has just installed the tire machine you speak of. They said it cost about 10K and it has the drum that applies road force. That thing is sweet, it's gonna keep tire and rim manufacturer's on their toes to put out a good product.

Get a leaf sprung jeep, they don't get DW :twisted:
Like Bounty said "limit, how?". I have leaf springs with revolver shackles and I get more suspension travel than most coil sprung TJ's with the same size lift as mine that I've seen. I can ramp higher than most also.