Brake Question


New member
So today I decided to stop putting off replacing the rotors and brake pads on my '06 TJ. I have done this once with supervision to my old Cherokee. So I muddled my way through it with no major issues except that I couldn't get the piston pushed back on the passenger side to slide the caliper with new pads on to the new rotor. A friend of mine tried helping and we ended up chipping the outer edge of the piston. Didn't seem to hurt it, but I don't know. Anyway, while trying to get the caliper back on, we tried to release some of the pressure by letting off some of the brake fluid through the release on the back of the caliper and pumping the brakes. I now know that is a horrible idea and did not help in the least. A more knowledgeable buddy showed up and had us good to go in 5 minutes.

My problem: The brake pedal has almost no resistence until it gets close to the floor. I assume I got air in the line when I messed with it and probably need to bleed it. Any ideas? Please be as specific as possible as my story shows I am not a mechanic.
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Properly bleed it with a friend's help, or with one of the cheap bleeder kits at the auto parts store. There's directions online.

With the piston not going in, I would have popped the cap on the master cylinder and removed a little of the fluid, probably too full after pushing the other piston back in.
Thanks for the advice. I bled the brakes and everything is working like a champ now. There was air in the lines in the right front and left rear. Thanks again. Love this forum.