Boston Dictionary

TC, you never had snow crab when you were up heah? And I agree you can't beat a lobster caught in the cold north atlantic. This summer me and a friend went in on a 17 pound lobstah!

lobster ~$145
butter ~$10
custom made lobster bibs ~$20
eating lobster for 2 straight weeks ~ priceless!
CRABS!!?? You can eat crabs? Who would have thunk? All I'v heard of is like, MD CrabCakes...I'v neva had'em, crab cakes that is...I have always wonded how they ah.

Lobsta though....I love lobsta like I love cheese. Clam Chowda! Lobsta Chowda! I'm sure chowda is all ova the country, right?

The crappy think about lobsta, is that you have to cook it alive, and that means you really can't ship it. Well you can but it's wicked expensive to ship it. neighbor use to be a lobstamen...too bad he isnt any more...those were the good'ol summas.
You can ship lobsta, I send it to my grand parents in florida every year for christmas, just pack them in Ice in one of those cooler boxes, seal up and good to go!

'02 TJ -- error code 0455

A grocery clerk tried to tell my wife today that only Rhode Island Red's laid brown eggs. So I looked this thread up for her. We LOAO as we read along. To all you who missed it or never knew Gadget it's a good one. Gadget and Laura (and everybody) at their best!
well i definately have to agree "brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh" i have serious problems with those white eggs.

damn that pop stuff it's soda damn it.

don't forget those words that end in an "a" really end in an "r" one of the few times our ah's are pronounced.
skyjeeper said:
well i definately have to agree "brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh" i have serious problems with those white eggs.

damn that pop stuff it's soda damn it.

don't forget those words that end in an "a" really end in an "r" one of the few times our ah's are pronounced.

That's funny! I was wondering why this old thread popped up again!

I cant believe ive missed this post :shock:
Laura you crack me up we have got to get together soon, cause i really need a good laugh, (this winter is driving me nuts) if I still spoke to my father ( a life long cape cod belly, sraggaly hair and bushy beard and all) we could have some crabs, brown bread........( which I actually have a roll on a paper plate on my stove as we speak :wink:
twisted copper: I had no idea u used to live in yarmouth (well maybe I did :? ) I live probably a mile away from bass river. Your welcome to visit any time you want.
American chop suey is definitly a MA thing (I think ill make some tonight)
Oh and by the way for everyone that doesnt know..The cape has the best clam chowdah ever.
Great post guys!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah I miss gadget :cry:
I lived on Pleasant Street right across the street from the "ship shop" small marina. Used to catch flounder all day long off the Bass river bridge.
I drive over the bass river bridge ever day and everyday theres atleast 2 people fishing, except for about 2 weeks when there was a huge dead racoon in the middle of the walk way and no one came around :lol: Figures the police or animal control came to clean it up.

LOL, i can't believe you missed it too!!! Yes, we do have to get together again...

Here are some more!!

You Know You're From Boston If.......

1. You have to dial the area code to call your neighbor

2. You think crosswalks are for babies

3. Khaki's are something you start the car with

4. You think if someone's nice to you, they either want something or they're from out of town (and probably lost)

5. You know how to cross 4 lanes of traffic in 5 seconds

6. If you hear someone say "pahk the cah in hahvad yahd" one more time you're going to slap them upside the xhead.

7. Anything past Worcester is "the middle of nowhere"

8. You are amazed when traveling out of town that people who work at McDonald's speak English.

9. You think it's not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you.

10. You know that a yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through.....

11. and that a red light means 2 more can.

12. Crown Victoria = undercover cop

13. Subway is a fast food place. The transportation system is known as the "T", and only the "T"

14. For the cost of your house, you could own a small town in Iowa.

15. There are 6 Dunkin Donuts within 20 minutes of your house.

16. You or someone in your family has a Smart Tag

17. When people talk about the "curse of the Bambino", you know what they're talking about (and believe in it too)

18. You know what the blinking red light atop the Hancock tower means in the summer.

19. You think of Rhode Island as the "deep south"

20. You don't think, you know that the Yankee's suck and that Steinbrenner is the devil.

21. You believe using a turn signal "gives away your plan to the enemy"

22. If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have 3 names

23. Someone has honked at you because you didn't peel out the second the light turned green.

24. You've honked at someone because they didn't peel out the second the light turned green.

25. All the potholes just add excitement to your driving experiences.

26. Stop signs mean slow down a little, but only if you feel like it.

27. 6 inches of snow is considered a "dusting"

28. 3 days of 90+ heat is definitely a "heat wave" and 63 degree weather is "wicked warm".

29. $15 to park is a bargain

30. you cringe every time you hear some actor/actress try to do "the Boston accent" in a movie - if you don't have it, you're never gonna get it right, even if you were born here.

31. you can go from one side of your hometown to the other in only about 15 minutes and see at least 15 deadbeats you graduated with----doing the exact same thing they were doing when the last time you saw them!

32. Through high school you had seen many fist fights between guys------but more between GIRLS!!

32. The words wicked and mint were major parts of your vocab. along with calling chocolate sprinkles at the ice cream shop Jimmy's!
I grew up in frame in am, spent the summas in marshfeild. did go to school in wista. woopi J. Whose got some quohogs?

33.When the light turns green its absolutely OK to cut in front of oncoming traffic to take a left.

And the DMV guys "registry cops" carry guns and act like storm troopers.
don't forget that RI is refered to as the armpit of massachuttets. you can actually smell when you cross the border.

anything that resembles a crown vic is behind you is the only time you actually do the speed limit. and you look like you are driving drunk because you are looking at your speedometer 90% more than you are looking at the road.

if the temperature in your house is higher than 65 degreese it's wicked hot inside.

no thanks i'm all set.

what the hell is yankey pot roast?

i'm from mass, i don't have the mass accent, and i can't fake it. no matter how hard i try. even made the mistake of pointing out that 'yall know there's an r in the word car. commence the heckling for saying " 'yall " and pointing out the letter "ah" ("r" for you non bostionians).

"we don't say are ah's in mass"
brian4.2, Come back to Marshfield..I would love to have you! I remember you tell me you use to vacation down here..was it in Brant Rock..I live in Ocean Bluff right after St. Anns, then the Packie..then ME!
33.When the light turns green its absolutely OK to cut in front of oncoming traffic to take a left.
OMG! Do they only do that here?!?!?

Hee hee hee, Bostonians eat "Jimmies". Everyone else wears them for protection. You-all, or Y'all are too much! :lol:
Nah, we live on the other coast now. My"nanny's" house was over the post office/general store in ocean bluff. It was on the "ocean side" of ocean about where shawmut hits it. I think the house got washed away 30 years ago, it was old building back when.
You still have a turkey faam ot theya?
Massachusetts is perfect, if you live in or around boston, you think everyone in the communities around you have a title. people in NH are rednecks, people in RI are white trash, and if you go west outside the 495 belt, oh ya your a hilbilly!

I still can't believe no one else eats B&M brown bread (and it is not made by the shifter company)

My"nanny's" house was over the post office/general store in ocean bluff.

LOL, general store, IT'S THE PACKIE!!! Wow, I really live 2 streets down from that store.

You still have a turkey faam ot theya?

YUP! Gerards, YUM...they have the best turkey sandwiches...and the line is all the way out to 139 2 days before thanksgiving!!

If ya want i can send ya some turkey!!