Another Brake problem please assist


New member
Well, on my day off, I thought I might solve my brake light issue with the old CJ. Well as I am checking the switch, I noticed my pedal was light, then I pressed to the floor. My brake master cylinder was out of brake fluid. I have it filled again however no brake pressure. Is there any other way to fix my problem other than bleed the lines. I tried this once and failed. Help help please. :shock:

Sounds like a good bleeding is what your in store for. If you are doing it as a one person deal, a set of speed bleeders is the way to go. I am not sure exactly how they work though. I am a fan of the tried and true method of two people on under the jeep and one in the jeep.
Sounds like the low brake fluid caused the light to come on, now you have to properly bleed the brakes to get everything back in working order. Glad you found it at home before you found it on the road.
They sell a vacuum system to suck all the air out of the brake lines, thats the way to go if you are doing it by yourself. If you can get someone to help you have one guy (the one that wants to stay clean) in the jeep and the guy who wants to get dirty under the jeep. Always bleed the corner farthest away from the master cylinder... that would be the pass. rear wheel, proceed to the next farthest, drivers rear, then the pass. front and finally the drivers front. I would do this at least twice. If not you may be left with "spongy" brakes.
Oh and when bleeding you should see a steady stream of fluid coming out when the person inside hits the brakes by the time you get to the last wheel. Any more questions just ask... good luck

Skip the vacum kit. NAPA now sell's self bleeding bleeder valves. The air comes out but dont go back in. These combined with some air line tubing from a fish tank and a plastic coke bottle and you are all set. One easy clean job.

But you still need to figure out why your fluid is gone yet? It had to go somewhere.
Thanks for all your help today guys!
Brake pressure restored without bleeding. I have full pressure again. Happy at the moment. About to replace the brake light switch and see if I cant fix my brake light prob.

Thanks again!

those check bleeders are pretty cool.... you can bleed a system alone with them...

still, even though to now have pressure.. i would still suggest bleeding the system