American Beheading in Iraq


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RE: Say a Jeep Prayer for Him.....

WARNING: Do not watch the video if you have not seen it. It is extremely disturbing.

I finally watched the video of the American Nick Berg being decapitated. Honestly, I did not want to watch the video, but something inside of me made me watch it. I regret it now. I have a hate for these people now that is beyond belief.

I guess what I am getting at is, why and how the heck could a human beiong do this to somebody? What drives someone to do this? These people are psychotic and have morals that most humans would not have. I just want your opinion. I am going to shutup now before I start to say stuff about these people that some might be offended with. :evil:

(here is a start to a 10 page topic)

RE: 1999 Jeep Cherokee For Sale with Rubicon 4.5 lift

They are nothing but cowards. To kidnap and kill reporters and truck drivers. The Iraqi govt isnt taking a hard line approach that is needed. Public executions and a hard line policy is needed. Thats the only thing these animals understand.
RE: Lucille is hurtin

I think we visited this one a while ago, but Bryan I understand why you were compelled to post it. It's horrible (the video) and makes hating very easy. I just can't belive Nick's family has to live with not only the tragic loss of their son, but the knowledge of the fact that the video of his death is circulating on the internet. I couldn't even imaging.

RE: Lucille is hurtin

It's just as disturbing that it's on the web, that somebody would host it and that somebody would view it.

I'll never watch, never had the urge and I don't understand those who do.
RE: steering shimmy

A friend sent me a link to it shortly after it happened. I almost watched it but am glad I did not. Sometimes when we see things in our face they create a curiosity and I can understand how people would get sucked in to watching it, but I would bet that over 90% of those who did regret doing so.

Those Jihadists are extremely devoted to their cause, blind with enthusiasm and completely evil. Could you imagine being over there right now? God bless our servicemen and women.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Name That Jeep

I watched it shortly after it happened. Very disturbing, but I don't regret seeing it. I do feel bad for the family that this video is there to always remind them. It's one of those images that define a time. It reminds us of the monsters we are dealing with, and should serve as a reality check whenever the bullsh*t prisoner abuse crap comes up.

Now I want to see some pics of some genuine Iraqi ear necklaces. We have a history of being able to fight fire with fire when it comes to dirty war. We would already have their respect, or at least their undivided attention, if the news cameras weren't there.

I cannot and will not watch this video.

And onto my rant.

I have nothing against Iraq's or anyone else in particular. I feel very saddened for active soldiers and thier families and pray for them every day. I know some myself, we all do.

However, I feel the hate that americans build against other races and cultures is insane.

I wish people would realize there are sick bastards like this all over the world and not just in IRAQ.

Why doesn't someone wake up and watch the news and say "you know what I'm sick to death of allowing this kind of violence in america" or "lets concentrate on all the crazy SOB's in the states for a change?"

You could have a person like this living right next door or right next door to your mother. Do you know your neighbor?

Since our presidents and free press think we have to save the entire known world, I guess people will never stop sensationalizing wars and efforts outside of our country while ignoring the problems at home that are tearing down this country.

Sigh. You have really started my day now! I hate this topic and knew I shouldn't have looked at this post. Sorry for the rant, were all different inside and I just can't help it.

I can't find the link But I have seen and believe it is a fake. They sent the video to a forensic Dr. He states that there is not enough blood spatter coming from the jugular veins and other veins. If I find the link I will post it. But I seriously believe it was a fake. He doesnt cry, he doesnt move at all though out the speech leading up to the beheading. I cant even tell if he is breathing. This is just me opinion, I know we all have them.
However, I feel the hate that americans build against other races and cultures is insane.

Me too. I also think the hate that other races and cultures build against Americans is insane too. They want me I supposed to think fondly of them?

I wish people would realize there are sick bastards like this all over the world and not just in IRAQ

I realize that, so do most others. I want them ALL gone from the face of the earth. When people such as these make themselves known by killing, we should kill them. It doesn't matter whether they live in the next country or the next house, if they are a threat to America then they should be dealt with.

It's things and times like this, with serious unresolved issues both domestic and abroad, that make me wish I could buy 100 acres way up in northern Michigan, build a house in the very center, and just close myself off from everyone and everything sometimes...
Saurian said:
It's things and times like this, with serious unresolved issues both domestic and abroad, that make me wish I could buy 100 acres way up in northern Michigan, build a house in the very center, and just close myself off from everyone and everything sometimes...

ditto, because in the end there are very few people we can trust. Not saying we should all be paranoid of eachother, but our goverment,society, and media doesnt have my trust at all.

With the billions of dollars invested in the seemingly endless war in Iraq, we could have invested in helping millions of people in area affected by the tsunami, and our troops and civilains wouldnt be dying.

Heaven for bid, we might actually make some friends with our money!
Saurian wrote:
It's things and times like this, with serious unresolved issues both domestic and abroad, that make me wish I could buy 100 acres way up in northern Michigan, build a house in the very center, and just close myself off from everyone and everything sometimes...

Randy Weaver already tried that and it did not work, the US Government murdered his wife and baby just for good measure.

yep, and I remember a bunch of kooks called "branch dividians" who tried doing that too. Course the govt went in and burned them all alive. They, like the weaver family, were percieved as "odd" and a "possible threat" so of course they were killed before they MIGHT go and do something to someone else.

As for the beheadings, you can't just nuke Iraq. There are a ton of folks there who don't have hostility towards us, they don't have friendly attitudes towards us, they just really don't care about us one way or the other. It would be a waste of a perfectly good nuke.
I have mixed emotions about this. On the one hand, part of what makes our country great is the willingness to always help the little guys and the downtrodden. On the other hand, how long to we keep up with the Bosnias, the Mogadishus, even the Vietnams? We go in to try and help these people and they don't want our help. We waste so much helping these countries who don't care anything about who is running their country as long as thier way of life isn't changed. Do you think the average goat herder in Iraq gives a flying crap whether he can vote or not? It a waste, and sometimes I think we'd be better off to flip the bird to all these third world cesspools and let them sort their own problems out. Course then you let the bullies wipe out innocents with no threat of consequence. Course if you go after the bullies, they will simply blend in with the innocents, who will willingly or not protect their assailants. There's no way to come out ahead with a clear conscience. That being said I'd hate to think what would have happened had we turned a blind eye to europe in the early 40's. That's why I think we're doing the right think now in Afganistan and Iraq. The only thing we should be doing differently is using Israeli bullets dipped in pig fat to execute these bastards when we catch them. Quit tying our troops hands and let them fight the war. There will be civilian casulties just as there are in any war. We killed a hell of a lot of innocent people in Japan and Germany when we carpet bombed those cities. That's war. You find the bad guys, you bomb the hell out of them and if a civilian is stupid enough to be hanging out with the baddies he gets what he deserves.
As for the middle East, you do not know who to trust over there. Same goes for anywhere else, but there are a lot more of these types of people there. I agree 100% with you (OIIIO) Jeeper. As for Japan, they got what they deserved.
CJatGuy said:
With the billions of dollars invested in the seemingly endless war in Iraq, we could have invested in helping millions of people in area affected by the tsunami, and our troops and civilains wouldnt be dying.

Okay, I tried to stay concise and keep my anal-expulsive self at bay on this one, but that statement touched a nerve.

Problem one - We did spend millions of dollars to help those people, and we will probably spend millions more. I personally think we have already spent too much. Talk about fixing things at home first!!! Whew! I wonder what the neighboring oil-producing nations are spending on them...
Sure they need help, and help we should. We should also be leaning on other nations to ante up instead of carrying the load for the rest (yes I know Japan and Austraila are exceptions in this particular incident).

Problem two - That seemingly endless war was being fought before we went to Iraq, and would be fought whether we went there or not. As JunkPile stated, they want us dead. Not the Iraqi people, the Jihad proclaiming Muslims. Those people believe us to be "the great satan", or the "Infidel" and they believe it is their duty to "Allah" to kill us. If they die doing so, it is their belief that will instantly place them in heaven with thier "Allah". In a nutshell, they would love nothing more than to die killing you and I.

Problem three - We don't need to spend any money to make friends, didn't your mother teach you that? This country has spent billions upon billions of dollars being mr. fixit in this world and it's high time we either got some respect for it or pulled the pin on that economy sucking operation. Like the lady said - plenty of things need fixing in our own backyard, and they should be in order before we go galavanting across the world spending money we do not have.


We need to be in Iraq because we need a foothold in the middle east to fight the growing Muslim terror networks that directly threaten life as we know it. They struck first blood and don't plan on stopping until one side is completely gone. I'd rather it be them if that is what they choose. Sure liberating Iraq seems a noble cause, but just like abolishing slavery was a noble but political front for morale and justice during the civil war it is not the real reason we are there. The real reason is to avoid fighting it (Jihad) here, Saddam just opened the door for us with his bull-headed arrogance and blatent under-estimation of our country's leadership and military power. You think that this war was about Bush's Daddy or Cheney's oil? That is laughable. If that's all it was we would have gone in there and unleashed firepower unlike anyone has ever seen and it would have been over quickly. We need to be there, like it or not. Kerry said in one debate that the Iraqi war was backfiring because more terrorists were flowing into Iraq everyday - GOOD! That's right where we want them.

RE: Re: dana 44 wheel studs

wm69 said:
As for the beheadings, you can't just nuke Iraq. There are a ton of folks there who don't have hostility towards us
A very important fact many overlook.
wm69 said:
We killed a hell of a lot of innocent people in Japan and Germany when we carpet bombed those cities. That's war.
And about your comment concerning civilian casualties...I agree. It's an unavoidable occurance of war. Nothing you can do, but just minimize it without putting our boys at risk.

bryanjeep said:
As for Japan, they got what they deserved.
Yeah, I agree. Especially my great grandmother, my great aunt, my uncle ( I believe he was 6) Yeah...those Jap bastards got what they deserve! :roll:

While I understand that civilian casualties are a fact of war, let's not forget that these are people that we are dealing with.

TwistedCopper said:
You think that this war was about Bush's Daddy or Cheney's oil? That is laughable.
No doubt, the oil angle is a silly notion.

Junkpile said:
Me too. I also think the hate that other races and cultures build against Americans is insane too. They want me I supposed to think fondly of them?

No. But I think what Lady is suggesting is that not ALL Arabs want you dead.
It was suggested earlier that ALL of Iraq needs to be nuked. Nuking Iraq to rid it of Islamic extremists is akin to nuking the U.S. to rid it of White Supremists.
RE: Gone for a while...

mingez said:
Nuking Iraq to rid it of Islamic extremists is akin to nuking the U.S. to rid it of White Supremists.

But!....not all Americans are taught from birth to be White Supremist.....while a very high % of Iraq kids are brainwashed to Islamic teachings...and I hate Americans. I'm not saying that Islamic or Muslim Religon is wrong...there is is just so much hatred incompassed with it.

I just want to let everyone know that I did not post a link to the actual video. I think in my post there may have been a miss understandment. I posted a link to the news repost stating facts from the forensic Dr. that the video was a fake. Im sorry if I missed something that lend to the video. Or if I offended someone that was not my intent. I would never deliberatly post something like that on this forum.

Foothold to fight Terrorists? Our foothold is already where the terrorists lay...hmmm the Saudi's?

Im so tired of hearing justifications for the loss of my fellow Americans fighting in a country where we(american public) have no proof that any terrorists claim nationality within. The Saudi's have harbored all of the 9/11 Terrorists, and fund the Al Quida with the most amount of money. Where do they get their money? Good ol' US of A. Thats why we arent invading Saudi Arabia...

Just watch the news, any report i have ever seen claimed the 9/11 Terrorists as being Saudi nationals that trained either in Saudi Arabia or in Afghanistan.

There are 30 other nations across the world that have leaders like Saddam Hussain and who are much more likely to attack us. Why our goverment chose Iraq... I have no idea...seriously...I woud like someone to step up and tell me reasons outside of the ones that I too often hear/read.

I need a good reason, i think our troops need a good reason.