American Beheading in Iraq

I am not going even to pretend to be politically correct. Why dont we upload the video footage of our bombs and missiles flying in on there targets. I know there are some in the past flying into buildings but I am sure there are more graphic video out there that we do not see where there is a obvious human presence just before impact.

I have not watched the video nor will I. I believe they put the video out there to install fear in us. We all know war has it attrocities and although we still know things like this will continue to happen watching and letting these videos get to us emotionally is just what they want.

I not trying to come across as hateful and that I want to see our weapons kill. however I think that fair is fair and if they are going to post disturbing video that we should as well.
Read a quote recently by Frederick Forsyth the author, that seemed to hit the nail on the head. To paraphrase, few people actually understand the people in the middle east. Those that do, often say, (paraphrase) "The more you try to do for them, the more they hate you".
Personally I think we should keep it simple and stop trying to be sophisticated in our approach. Like the old farmer walking up to the mule with a baseball bat, wasn´t gonna use the bat to train the mule, was gonna use it, just to get his attention.
Being civilized is nice in theory, but a house dog really doesn´t have much chance against a wolf.
Only people, who had any real success against insurgencies, were the old Russia, before the days of human rights and the Brits in Indonesia. The Brits would disappear the insurgents (kind of like death squads) and the Russians would castrate the insurgents and send the body back to the family.
I´d repeat Faluga (SP) as often as necessary (just to get there attention) and chemicaly debrief suspected insurgents and if found guilty, send there remains back to the famlies, after a trip through the digestive tract of a pig. And see if pig poop, is the way they want to visit paradise.
The reason we lost in Vietnam, is because our great thinkers had complicated plans, that there great thinkers usually managed to upset. No doubt in my mind, we could have flattend North Vietnams, ability to wage an insurgancy. Jiffy quick and probably saved lives and suffering in the long run. Instead of trying to finess the problem.

CJatGuy said:
Foothold to fight Terrorists? Our foothold is already where the terrorists lay...hmmm the Saudi's?

Im so tired of hearing justifications for the loss of my fellow Americans fighting in a country where we(american public) have no proof that any terrorists claim nationality within. The Saudi's have harbored all of the 9/11 Terrorists, and fund the Al Quida with the most amount of money. Where do they get their money? Good ol' US of A. Thats why we arent invading Saudi Arabia...

Just watch the news, any report i have ever seen claimed the 9/11 Terrorists as being Saudi nationals that trained either in Saudi Arabia or in Afghanistan.

There are 30 other nations across the world that have leaders like Saddam Hussain and who are much more likely to attack us. Why our goverment chose Iraq... I have no idea...seriously...I woud like someone to step up and tell me reasons outside of the ones that I too often hear/read.

I need a good reason, i think our troops need a good reason.

On top of the oil situation in Saudi Arabia, Their leaders actually have a positive relationship with the US and that is one reason we would not invade them and they have made efforts to curb the terrorist activity in their country (something sadam did not attempt to do). Plus Iraq had a history of crimes against humanity. This is something the nations of the world should be fighting against. and I am sure the US thought that more nations would be involved on a larger scale. Ofcourse the war is not turning out how people expected and I agree with the people who say a more aggressive approach needs to be taken. Although I think the Iraqi govt is the party that needs to take that aggressive approach.
People loose track of the time line and the steps that led to the invasion. The Shah of Iran, ran most of the fundimentalists out of Iran and tried to drag Iran into the 20th Century. Iatolla Khumeni, after being in exile, in France for most of a decade, reemerged to lead a fundamentalist Muslim uprising, in Iran. Iran then began to seriously export there fundamentalism, throughout the middle and far east. With actually some great successes. Grew to have a serious impact over most of a quarter of the globe.
We were trying to contain Iraq´s imperialistic goals, while at the same time, preserving there armed forces as a check against Iran. The isolation policies were falling apart and many people feared an even more aggresive Iraq with WMD. The Europeans and others were making a great deal of money, in effect (by smuggling) thwarting the sanctions and undermining the UN.
Today we have forces on two borders with Iran. Policy is rarley a single faceted thing, the thinkers, planners and controlers, try hard for a win, win, win scenario. Much of the WMD and human rights hyperbol, was just that, an excuse, to get Iraq under control and thwart Iran. Block and intimidate the Iranians and other fundamentalist movements, into at worst a zero growth policy, at best into downsizing. And possibly having access to the oil reserves in Iraq, so Iran, the Saudis and some other countries have less leverage.