AMC 360 Timing


New member
Well after 3 months of slowly playing with the jeep, I am down to that last few items to correct/make better.

1. Where does/is the timing pointer supposed to be located? My haynes manual shows a location but the pic does not match the bolt locations on my engine? (I have not found a way to access/view the block casting numbers to determine actual year) If it will help I will take pics and post.

I have read that the timing is supposed to be 8-10 deg btdc. That I can handle.

2. Without dropping the transmission/transfer case skid plate is there a way to determine trans type? I believe it is stock transmission with an adapter housing for the 360. (4 speed, manual) it is attached to a Dana 300 transfer case.

Thanks for any and all information you can share.

The AMC 360 will bolt to your stock 1982 bell housing so you may have a stock transmission, either a T176 or a T-4. The casting numbers on the T176 should be 264203 and will have the Ford “butterfly” bolt pattern at the bell housing as the T176 is really a Ford transmission. The shifter is more in the middle of the T176 and the “round” bolt pattern adaptor to mate to the D300 is evident. On the T-4 the shifter is towards the back of the transmission with the D300 bolting up to the back of the transmission without a round adaptor but more like a direct bolt to the back of the transmission itself. The casting numbers on the T-4 are on the drivers side = 13-51. You could try taking the floor plate off and see if that helps.

If you have the original valve covers on the 360 then the tag with the engine codes that is normally screwed to the front passenger side cover may also still be there. The codes are in the book or give them to us and we can decode them or you. Once the year of the motor is known it may shed some light on the timing issue.
Thanks Saddle tramp, Unfortunately the valve covers are not original. I will see what I can do to locate the numbers. To expand on the original part of this post, I need to check the timing to verify it is set right- It is my belief the PO had overheating problems and retarded the timing to compensate- I have adjusted the carb for a smoother idle, set the idle RPM to book value. I still don't have very good throttle response and by the black plugs I am running rich. Having the carb set best as I can ( I am completely unfamiliar with needle jets) I believe the rest can be resolved with timing.

Depends what year harmonic balancer you have. I use a vacuum gauge to adjust mine. Highest vacuum reading with the choke off and normal idle then back down a bit if it pings.