Vacuum Reservoir Delete


New member
I have an 88 YJ with a AMC 258 4.2 I6. It has the Aisin Warner AX15 5-Speed Manual Transmission. I am installing a Motorcarft 2150 carb. this weekend. I received the carb from a gentleman in Colorado that puts these kits together a few years ago. I have not messed with the Jeep for a while, but want to finish this vision. I have a question for all my fellow Jeepers.

In the instructions for this carb., it says it is okay to go ahead and remove the vacuum reservoir (black globe looking part on the lower passenger side of engine bay). This reservoir has some vacuum lines that go to the tranfer case. I am a minimalist so I would like to remove anything I do not need. This is NOT a daily driver. I "Nuttered" it a few years ago.

So, is it a good idea to remove the vaccuum reservoir? If yes, how does that affect the transfer case (do I need to make the transfer case MORE manual, already has a lever to take it from 2H, 2L, 4H, N). So what do these vaccuum tubes actually do?

Thank you so much.
and having the front locked all the time is not a problem because later on, jeep deleted that vacuum lock on the front axle and ran sold axle shafts to each wheel.

i think i removed all that vacuum stuff on my 87 when i cleaned up the engine bay. edit: i guess i left the one to the tcase by my old drawing


  • my vacuum system.jpg
    my vacuum system.jpg
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I am back in town and am working the Jeep again. Will be opening the front diffy soon. I will send some pics. I would REALLY like to lose the reservoir altogether and make the front CAD manual, I could care less really about an "idiot" light on the dash telling me it's locked up. This will be another modification in my bucket list.
Also, if I just want to dump the vacuum reservoir and permanently LOCK the front diffy together, what are the pros/cons? I know I will get a little vibration in the front end when driving, what else? Should not affect steering or anything like that I imagine.
A locked front diff results in 'trouble' turning especially with tight turns. You'll get a slight hopping like sensation in tight turns.

Not recommended if you want to turn.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
Alright, then it looks like I am dumping the reservoir and putting in a manual CAD locker. Anyone done that on your rigs? The vacuum lines to the existing CAD are trashed as it stands now.
When I remove the vacuum reservoir, I need to cap the vacuum lines at the transmission and at the CAD module, I will be going with a manual CAD, what did Y'All use to cap the vacuum line ports at these areas?