63 cj

the fenders might work but im not sure. and im going to fix it up kinda but probaly wheeling it a little more

Well, I hope you enjoy that cj6. I've always loved the early cj's especially cj6's just because they're different.

all the fagets who wrote a smart comment or was trying to be funny are ****ing fags cus i bet any thang i no more about any jeep then yall do in i hope i get kicked off of this ****ty ass forum cus it sucks

Don't ditch Jeepz, though. This site is quite helpful. Since I've joined this forum, I've learned tons about Jeeps just from reading others' threads let alone responses to my own threads. Have you seen some of these guys' rigs? Some of them are crazy machines!
Well, I hope you enjoy that cj6. I've always loved the early cj's especially cj6's just because they're different.

Don't ditch Jeepz, though. This site is quite helpful. Since I've joined this forum, I've learned tons about Jeeps just from reading others' threads let alone responses to my own threads. Have you seen some of these guys' rigs? Some of them are crazy machines!

i probaly wont but thanks man
This site is a awsome source for info. If you cant take a little constructive critisisum then dont log in. The guys on this site are very helpfull and know what there talkin about. ight dawg

This site is a awsome source for info. If you cant take a little constructive critisisum then dont log in. The guys on this site are very helpfull and know what there talkin about. ight dawg

dude get a life like i said i dont need no other comments but about my jeep so next time thank about what your going to say and if its not about my jeep then dont say it thanks
This site is a awsome source for info. If you cant take a little constructive critisisum then dont log in. The guys on this site are very helpfull and know what there talkin about. ight dawg

and im not a dawg homeboy
hay southtj how old are u like 80 do u realy not know what ight stands for

ight like alright you get it now and foreal i didnt post my comments so u could stalk them in try to be funny about the way i type so if you have information about were i can get any my parts you can feel free to tell me other wise dont say nothn stupid

dont say anything stupid?
too late.
you already have.
are you missing some buttons on your keyboard?
by the way
if you have a cj 6 i am jealous.

Here are some really good sites that you can use to look for the parts you need, Google, Yahoo!, Ask.com Search Engine - Better Web Search, there is alot of useful information on the internet, you just have to look for it. Most of the time people are very willing to help someone who they feel is trying to help themself, they just need a little guidance, but you cannot expect to just ask a few questions and have everybody else do the leg work for you. It's not that hard to do a little research yourself and then ask questions for specific problems that you are trying to find the answer to but don't just join a forum and just ask for all of the answers without trying to find them yourself. Further more if you do the research and just read nobody will see your atrocious (that means really bad) grammar and comment on it. Always remember "nobody knows how smart or dumb you really are until you open your mouth".
I couldnt have said it better myself. I am a member of several forums and clubs, and I must admit, have never run across such a bitter and demanding jeeper such as yourself. Furthermore, I am shocked that these people have tolerated you as long as they have. Three pages rudeness and name calling? Why are you people tip-toeing around this guy, continuing to offer help, and subjecting all the other readers to his distastful abuse?!!! I have one word for this thead and its poster...DISMISS!
i clicked on this because i own a 63 myself.

jeez this guys a piece of work.

good thing this is the only example of hostile inner city 4x4 aficionado i have found.

this is a good site with nice folks on it.*

*with a rare exception.
that reminds me of a joke.

what do gangsta rappers use to get their doo rags their whitest and brightest?


Please let's NOT stir this bowl back up. I hate seeing bad talking on the forum. This is not an anger management forum nor should it be anywhere close to it. WE are are supposed to help each other out and keep the attitude toned down and understand each others frustrations on how to fix our Jeeps, NOT our social skills. Grow up.
Super Epic fail on my part...

I even posted that CJ6 was my favorite jeep and completely ignored all this turd's stupid posting.. I say bring this back, I would love to have fun with this guy.

God obviously didn't bless him with the command of the English language
i'd love to have a nice cj6!

he didnt like my joke .....:cry:
i noticed it shocked him into typing a coherent sentence though!

i coulda had a V-aight!
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Super Epic fail on my part...

I even posted that CJ6 was my favorite jeep and completely ignored all this turd's stupid posting.. I say bring this back, I would love to have fun with this guy.

God obviously didn't bless him with the command of the English language
you know?
he probably would have gotten farther if any of us spoke WANGSTA.....:D
I have to say, I just got back from the garage... to make a long story short.... my cj7 has spent its whole life in NC, where state inspection isn't that big of a deal and I have never had a problem getting it stickered. In april of 08 I moved to the "wonderful" state of PA on military orders, just tried to get old faithful inspected and instead got raped by PA inspection standards, so I was coming home kinda ****ed off that I am off the road. Anyways, got to reading this 3 pages of posts and you guys all made my night, now i don't have to "New Castle Brown Ale" myself to sleep tonight. Thanks for the laugh guys.

hey that New Castle is ok though.
you should prolly have 1 or 2 .
just to keep your strength up ya know?
I’m new and was reading this post while having my morning coffee. Much better than reading the newspaper. I just bought a ’79 CJ7 so I’ll be checking this site often. This is good stuff………………….BTW...............Another place for Jeep parts is J&W Auto Wreckers in Antelope, CA. They have over 10 acres of nothing but old Jeeps sitting around. They ship worldwide...................