$500 to spend...???

No Jeep Blues!

( not going to say anything)
What have to do prove how strong a 8000 is ?
ok, Tomrow will winch heavy Truck to the top of tree.


Remember My truck had a 6000lb winch on it.
That pulled me up anything I needed to. A winch is only as strong as the electrical system powering it.
then dont say it prove it.. u want to pulll a truck to the trees pull mine 02 dodge ram 12 in skyjacker lift double flex 42 boggers.. dont want to piss anyone off i sais my opion but start to be a smart ass i can be one 2

I want to change your opinion.

If a 8000 cant pull a jeep then there must be a bad connection, weak battery, or bad motor on the winch.
I Know most of us dont want to spend more money then we have to.

So, in a attempt to change your mind about a 8000, What would you like to see one do ?
currupt4130 said:
lockers, get lockrights front and rear, you can put em in yourself and youll end up right around 500, screw the winch, lockers will pay off more times than a winch ever will

Lockers can get you in more trouble than open diffs The lockers will help you go threw alot more stuff than open diffs but when locked your gonna want a winch when you get stuck ..............

I'd go with a winch I love my M8000 , it helped me make $200 in the snow when peopole slid into ditches , helped out fellow wheelers who were stuck for hours before i came down the trail , got me out when i was stuck , pulled trees and disabled cars out of the way when there blocking trails
megashifter in a tj

kevin4x4 said:
then dont say it prove it.. u want to pulll a truck to the trees pull mine 02 dodge ram 12 in skyjacker lift double flex 42 boggers.. dont want to piss anyone off i sais my opion but start to be a smart ass i can be one 2

You must be very proud! 12" lift! :roll:

White said:
So, in a attempt to change your mind about a 8000, What would you like to see one do ?

pull my house off it's foundation! tough guy -

$500.00 birthday cash =
frosty mugs of BECKS
OH, Sudz wants a piece of me. Next time your camping Maybe the tent will get winched into the river :)
White said:
OH, Sudz wants a piece of me. Next time your camping Maybe the tent will get winched into the river :)

huh, you think that 6000 lb. winch of yours can handle my 9 lb. nylon tent - now that's smack talkin' pal - BRING IT ON! - you'll never get the tent stakes pulled up with that homemade abortion you have mounted on the front of your "wannabe jeep" chevy rust bucket...

ok, i suggested a winch, 'cause it worked for me. "twisted" had an excellent suggestion if you're really worried about the "bang for your bucks", but I have to say that I liked "mingez"'s idea the best.......can't imagine what it'd be like to wear a NEW pair of socks for 3 months straight! and "kevin4x4".........what can I say....I think you're on the wrong site......it's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand.
to mud feet and white smart asses looks to me like yall like to stir up shit. you dam right IM PROUD OF A 12 LIFT(DO YOU HAVE ONE) probally notmy ram is all show which pulls my jeep to the trails which you probaly dont have a truck or a trailor. so my advice SHUT UP NOW TTHATS A JEEP THING WHICH U WOULDNT UNDERSTAND. :twisted:
kevin4x4 said:
to mud feet and white smart asses looks to me like yall like to stir up shit. you dam right IM PROUD OF A 12 LIFT(DO YOU HAVE ONE) probally notmy ram is all show which pulls my jeep to the trails which you probaly dont have a truck or a trailor. so my advice SHUT UP NOW TTHATS A JEEP THING WHICH U WOULDNT UNDERSTAND. :twisted:

Your truck can pull a trailer with a Jeep on it? Now that's impressive! I bet it could pull more than my F350 7.3L dually (only because mine is not lifted and is 2wd). Hey, I don't have a 12" lift on my Jeep either (it's only slightly lifted, at around 8"), but I bet I can still get it to go more places than your truck can go.

What kind of Jeep do you even have? Bet it isn't lifted 12". Dude, you mess with one guy here, you mess with everyone. :twisted:


ChuginSudz said:
White said:
OH, Sudz wants a piece of me. Next time your camping Maybe the tent will get winched into the river :)

huh, you think that 6000 lb. winch of yours can handle my 9 lb. nylon tent - now that's smack talkin' pal - BRING IT ON! - you'll never get the tent stakes pulled up with that homemade abortion you have mounted on the front of your "wannabe jeep" chevy rust bucket...

just to clear the air – white & me are good friends – we wheel together at paragon all the time – we’re just having a little fun on the board...

i think . . . hmmm

anyway - i sleep on a coleman air mattress when i'm camping - the worst that could happen is i wake up the next morning a couple of miles down river...

kevin4x4 said:
sorry let me explain only my opion here. me and a body of mine was willimg in tellico he had the 8000 warn 200am snowing I slid of in a ditch like all d way down the mountain . so he hook up a strap to a tree and hook to his toe hook in the back bumber.so he would move max the cabel out 125ft it would do nothing we tried every thing 2 snatch blocks everything.... it would just budege and thats it shake d body. finilay a another jeeper came with a 9.5 warn and he pulled me out with no prob. to me alittle makes a difference.... just my opion... :lol:

Not trying to be smart-alec or give you a hard time, but White had an excellent point in that the winch is at the mercy of the electrical system of the vehicle it is mounted on. With 2 snatch blocks you should have been able to pull a Jeep up a mountain with a high-lift jack.

I would venture to say that the guy either has a bad winch or not enough uumph in his battery/alternator setup.

The difference between the 2 winches you mentioned is 1500 lbs. The 2 snatch blocks made more of a difference than that.

Just my 2 cents - not a flame.


Sudz - where do you get all the cool smileys???
Kevin4x4 and White, forget the winch, it sounds like both of you could use a good pair of nice new, soft, cushy tube socks.

Special_K said:
Kevin4x4 and White, forget the winch, it sounds like both of you could use a good pair of nice new, soft, cushy tube socks.

and a pair of cold brewskis :wink:

Comfortable feet and a cold beer. Now THAT'S livin"!
kevin4x4 said:
to mud feet and white smart asses looks to me like yall like to stir up shit. you dam right IM PROUD OF A 12 LIFT(DO YOU HAVE ONE) probally notmy ram is all show which pulls my jeep to the trails which you probaly dont have a truck or a trailor. so my advice SHUT UP NOW TTHATS A JEEP THING WHICH U WOULDNT UNDERSTAND. :twisted:

In English now? Or maybe draw us some pictures?
well... not to change the current subject or disrupt the ongoing debate over the capabilities of a warn 8,000 pound winch (which hardly seems like an arguable topic to me...), but i just ordered an M8000 with a roller fairlead and 100' of rope like 10 minutes ago. so i guess thats where the $500 (and some...) went!!! sorry to all of you who suggested that i save it, but i just had to have some fun. i'm working a good bit this summer though and almost every penny of that money will go into savings... so i guess its good i got my spending out of the way for a while. i also put some thought into lockers, but i'm just not ready to get into all that yet and i would rather wait and do stuff like that (lockers, new gears, etc.) somewhere down the road when my jeep doesn't have to be the primary driver. so for now... a winch seemed like the best choice. i've been stuck so many times when a winch would have easily gotten me out. i do have a tendency to wheel with only my vehicle (stupid... i know), and somehow i always get stuck in the most remote locations (one of the more recent times... being stranded in deep snow drifts 7 1/2 miles up a mountain in canaan valley, WV on christmas eve... had to hike off the mountain at night w/ no winter clothes, make a phone call for help, and go back for the jeep the next day... not fun - i did have towstraps and a come-along, but somehow there were no trees within 75 ft. of me! and the girl that was with me proved to be absolutely no help... haha). so maybe i just need some common sense instead of a winch, but hopefully the winch will come in handy when i'm not exactly thinking straight:) so now that we all know where my $500 went, i guess everybody can get back to debating over winch strength, tube socks, and posts that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.