You know this was the first time I did not reset my rigs main brain by disconnecting battery. Why I did not do it, I guess I though it would be to little of a change. But today after running it again, about 4th time since swap, I believe the changes are being pickup by the main brain. I tell you she is faster, smoother idle, smoother take off, and when I say take off, its fast of the line, she contiues to climb steady and smooth to high speeds, holds speeds better with less throttle. Cruising on highway seems to take less effort on gas pedal. Its all good. Maybe all am saying its has different charicteristics than before. I think my rig was fast before and it was. Maybe before the swap and bore it was a lil to jerky for drivability and control. She is now smooth, and easy, and climbs quickly without being jerky. Maybe I am use to that jolt which might be a fine line between torque and drivability. Maybe the change is me getting use to the pleasent gains. It just feels really comfortable, to have a smooth instant response, NICE. Again when I say instant its power on tap. Just filled her up today, will keep tabs on gas mileage. I know its hard to drive normal, she feels so good. I like to go fast. To imagine the bore only went from 55mm to 57mm. Good results, in all around driving. Hmm I can only imagine what even a bigger bore will do.