Broken hearted jeeper.

Well, bless your little hearts, yall do care for the handicapped. I feel so much better.

I didn't know about the use of roofing cement and kerosene being used as an undercoating, thought my friend had gone over the edge without me.

My apologies to you sir for turning the post into a blog of which there should have never been intent as it was not mine but apparently swayed it that direction . My regards , greg92jeepxj
Greg92, I agree. I have read they are closing trails out west left and right. I have heard of a few trails on the eastcoast being closed as well, my brother sold his jeep and swears he wont get another because there isnt anywhere to take them anymore, he says I build it up just to waste more gas driving it around on the street. Its like you say about the guns, "you can own one, but good luck getting bullets", and you can own a 4x4, but good luck finding somewhere to take it unless you drive major distances. I think the locals around 4x4 trail ruin it for everyone, they dont seem to care about the area they are fortunate enough to live near and just trash it, I have witnessed this personally in the danial boone area in KY. I have actually seen a cop in a SUV chase a quad up a trail (the quad was gone in a sec) once, bear cans, clothes scattered around camp sites, just a total lack of respect for the area and now its closed.

Thank you sir for your reply and I wholeheartedly agree with every word of your reply . No where to run your 4x4 , ride your dirt or trail bike , shoot your guns(ranges closing) , no where to race your super street car (quarter mile strips closing) . All that is left is the remote and the butterfly net . I won't even mention no Nativity scenes at shopping malls at Christmas time .
But I should not get started again , I got one reprimand and the MEN IN BLACK are not pleased with me . Thank you brother for your support . Greg92jeepxj

I got one reprimand and the MEN IN BLACK are not pleased with me . Thank you brother for your support . Greg92jeepxj

Don't sweat it at all bro, Utah jeepster and the men in black are to busy watching me. They have developed a deep rooted psychological problem, and I'm it. God I love this site!
Don't sweat it at all bro, Utah jeepster and the men in black are to busy watching me. They have developed a deep rooted psychological problem, and I'm it. God I love this site!

Ha ha ha !!! I love this site to !!! Thank you sir ! The last thing I wanted was to bring bad press to you when all you were probably doing was having fun . I got NO problem with you , everyone should be like you , JUST HAVING FUN !!!!
Thank you once again for your reply and enjoy this site at everyone's expense ! Thanks brother ! Greg92jeepxj
This is really a good site, the folks are nice and helpfull. A few would like to dip me in used motor oil and cover me with trail dust, but they are a great bunch.


Your right , I think we got the best people alright , we get business done and got personality to spare . The way I see it , it's like a growing family . I figure if anyone got a difference , it's all brotherly (and sister) love ! So when the mud starts sling in' (I say that figuritively) , its all love ! I knew when I found , I felt good about joining just by reading the posts. Didn't take me long to decide , I'm registering . Happy I did . A great big thank you to you brother and to all in . Thanks for a great club with great feeling from inside ! Thanks everyone ! Thanks !!!!!!!!

P.S. - it's makes me laugh when anyone mentions the technical term " redneck it " , I find myself doing just that every now and then , guess we all do . Works real good , doesn't it ?
I used that term yesterday when we resorted to pulling our old mailbox post out with the jeep. "We're gonna redneck it" it didn't work though since it was a bad angle so instead a bunch of us had to just lift straight up.

Maybe an old mail jeep (DJ) would do justice to the old mailbox post ? LOL . It's just funny to hear that term like when it was mentioned " brings red necking to new levels " HA HA HA ! It just total cracked me up ! I immediately recall Jeff Foxworthy and his old skits " you might be a red neck if ..... " maybe we should start a post like we currently run " what did you do to your jeep today ? " only call it " you might be a red neck if " . Although it would be humorous , I don't know if it draw fire and criticism as I would not want anyone to be offended , we would not want it to get out of hand . I don't want anyone's feelings hurt if it did .
I would leave that up to a vote if we're the case , I guess . What one person thinks is cute could be found offensive to another .
I would think we should be careful with that , but it is a funny suggestion ? I'll leave it to bigger people than me . Thanks for your post and humor , Greg92jeepxj

P.S. - Hey ScubaDude ! 1398 posts ! Catching up to GENNYBRO ! I look up to senior members . I appreciate GennyBro's humor too !
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I really don't mean to be evil,mean,wicked, and wild. It stoped years ago when I quit drinking whiskey. But at times on this site ,I kinda like have flashbacks, and I think I like it. I really try to refrain, and behave myself,but damn it's so much fun sometimes.
Gen and I were at it pretty hard when i first cane to the forum. I thought it was all fun and games till he sent me a PM explaining we should be friends. At that point i had thought we were friends so i reread all of his posts to me. He's a mean guy when you realize he may not be kidding...

Lol Gen is probably one of my favorite characters on this site.

I don't think anybody would be mad. Go ahead and start one!

Well, since I'm a new guy , I thought I would ask how anyone felt as not to upset anyone , maybe I'll post my idea and see if anyone dislikes it , but I guess you guys know each other for a long time and you would know better than me . I will give it some thought as to how it will work like in all fairness and that it is all just purely fun and laughs just like the Jeff Foxworthy skits!
Thanks for your thoughts and really appreciate your reply . Thank you , Greg92jeepxj
I really don't mean to be evil,mean,wicked, and wild. It stoped years ago when I quit drinking whiskey. But at times on this site ,I kinda like have flashbacks, and I think I like it. I really try to refrain, and behave myself,but damn it's so much fun sometimes.

I guess I was feeling something like that when I began my reply with this post regarding the BROKEN HEARTED JEEPER , the thoughts just flowed from my head to the post and after I read it , which was after I posted it , I thought "oh my God , they are going to send me a letter " . I actually felt I was carrying on irrationally and was now causing concern in this nice forum we share. Leave it to the new guy to real havoc to the beloved jeep website called home to so many people across America and beyond . I felt like I was trusted and just broke that trust . Ii must remember too that whatever I did or whatever I was before , I must remember I am a guest at someone's house and must respect that always . Yeah, I am like that too , just want to have fun , but I have got to know my place and respect that as I am to respect this forum and all in it . I totally sympathize with you on that and my remember how I am viewed . Me personally , I think your a lot of fun , like I said , I got no problem with you and would ask you or someone like you if I am right or wrong to feel or say what I think before I go ahead and say it . Never would I want to break a happy home . I do love what this site is and what it's all about . I thank you all for letting me in your home .
Just tell me to wipe my shoes off at the door, don't put my feet up on the coffee table and don't talk while the movie is on and I will have somewhere to start . I'll work on behaving myself , if I want to get invited back . Your alright GENNYBRO , I got to learn not to be so hard on me , please don't be so hard on you . I can tell folks here like you . I can feel it to . Lets all say our prayers before we go to bed and the good lord will take care of the rest. God bless you all and God bless . Greg92jeepxj.
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Gen and I were at it pretty hard when i first cane to the forum. I thought it was all fun and games till he sent me a PM explaining we should be friends. At that point i had thought we were friends so i reread all of his posts to me. He's a mean guy when you realize he may not be kidding...

Lol Gen is probably one of my favorite characters on this site.

Well, I guess I always want to be careful of getting on anyone's bad side as I generally am the kind of guy who does not even want to find out if someone has a bad side . I never wanted to come here and tell someone their business as that just creates animosity and I just want to do as you all do , enjoy the site , help out if I can , learn something while I'm at it and have a little clean fun once in a while , I guess . I did mean it when I said in a quote to GENNYBRO that I must respect my place . There's a lot of folks here and that's a huge family , so I got to behave and not upset anyone or test someone's kindness as I don't play with people in that way . To me, it's like being in church , you bring your manners with you and you leave with them and bring them every time you come back . Hope I never forgot that and I hope I did not forget that ever since I joined our beloved forum. I know you all got to be great folks so its important to me to honor and respect it like family . I guess that is why I try to read in between the lines when someone posts because I know you all know each other for a long time and I first and foremost want and must respect that always. I guess if I ever have to get told , it's for my own good if need be so a PM to me would be like a love tap to wake up and remember who I said I am . Never meant to cause any concern to folks and think I should be observed or something , I am ok , just vented over losing rights I had (firearms) and hope the laws change as you've stated and will be ok when I reapply someday . I appreciate good sports like you being good neighbors when out making tracks and showing respect as I know everyone here is and expects everyone else to be too . Guess that's why I get mad and rant when we lose a place to play because someone's interests are different than ours . Not fair , but we as a forum can deal with it by pooling resources .
Alright brother , anytime that anyone got to lay the law on me , I'll know its all good . Thanks for your honesty , thoughts and good will as the good brother you are . You know your bro GENNYBRO is all right too . Yeah , we got some good people here , don't we ! Got to love it ! Thank you again , Greg92jeepxj.

P.S. - he is one of my favorite too . His first post on broken hearted JEEPER is what gave me the Jeff Foxworthy idea with his statement about his friends tech procurement . I promise to do right by him and behave !
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Update on the Broken hearted jeeper. He's not broken hearted anymore, He's fixen up that old waggy and haveing fun doing it. Guess he had to get done morning the loss of his Ford truck that got smashed up in an accident. Then the waggy slowly grew on him, and he's as happy as can's pics of his truck right before it got totaled, and pics of his waggy he picked up for 800 dollars.


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  • camping april 2012 001.JPG
    camping april 2012 001.JPG
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I am not truly a ford fan , but ford has always had my respect . I once strongly considered the purchase of an '85 F150 injected 351 top loader 4spd / 2 spd t-case w/Dana's front & rear and a six inch lift . $8500 low mileage . But I needed a commuter and all my mom gave me to spend was $4000 . She would have kicked my butt if I brought that home. I went back with my new/used MINT '83 pontiac g.p. V6 2bbl. 3 spd auto , the truck was sold . I wanted to finance it and ask if they would give me something close to the purchase price of the GP. Just kidding about moms money . Should of bought the truck , the car ate enough gas to be a truck !
that cherokee wagon is making me even sorrier that I sold my '78 . It was a 360 2 bbl 4 spd t-18 w/ Dana 20 and Dana's front and rear . I'll say it again ; I REALLY REGRET SELLING MY '78 cherokee ! And I paid $1350 ! That was 1986. Was car wise but not future wise yet . Youth is wasted on the young my mom always says .

Boy I'm getting good,pulled that thread up all by myself. If your younger then fifty ya wouldnt understand. please stand by for further good news.
Oh yeah, while I'm farting around getting things togeather. He just developed a problem with as when he turns his headlights on the needle shows that it is dischargeing, which is a new problem , any ideas.
I can not get my pictures from my phone into the computor,I've done it before. But now it's not working and it's really pi$$ing me off.