Jeep totalled

The aftermarket hoods fenders and other body parts fit well and are inexpensive. Dorman fenders
Some even come painted.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
that's what i saw. it seems like it won't be expensive to fix as long as the engine is ok, which it sounds like it will be.

4.0s are getting expensive used, now days.

Well, we cannot get the engine to turn right now. But, we have nothing but jumper cables to try with. Have to get it home and get the meter and hopefully it's just a bad or really discharged battery.

The jeep doesn't look horrible, except the windshield frame and two broken windows. Fenders are bent and hood is bent but not enough to rub the wheels or anything so hopefully this is a cheap fix.
Pull the plugs and crank. This will clear any oil or fluid from the cylinders. Depending on how long it was on its roof the engine oil may get into the cylinders.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson

It was flat beded back.

Got her home and pulled the plugs and drained all the oil from the cylinders and she started right up, after refilling the oil. Filled the trans back up and took her around the block.

Vacuumed all the broken glass out and other than the windshield frame and glass being destroyed, not to bad.

I just pulled the fenders straight and made sure everything works. It needs an alignment very slightly but I have to d I've straight down the street and make sure the wheels aren't all wobbly now, make sure no bent axles or axle flanges, or anything.

Someone got in an accident a block from the house in a very similar tj and it's destroyed. Unfortunately, the lady driving was killed too. Someone hit her going very very fast and ripped the axle off the front and rolled it a few times while it was spinning.
They had to be going fast to flip and spin it. Ripping the axel off is no small ordeal.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
Yup. It looked bad. One speeding off the highway exit and the other failing to stop at the stop sign caused that poor lady her life. That sucks. I hope her family is able to deal with what happened with little pain.

I ordered the windows and frame for our tj. She should be back on the road in a week or two to head back to Colorado.

Door window came in

For people's info in future incidents, our 99 Cherokee four door and the tj use the same glass part numbers so it you br ake a tj full door window, pull it from a junkyard Cherokee and save 125 bucks
Well, Changed the windshield frame and now the hard top doesnt let the doors close. How weird is that? I am going to unbolt the spreader bars and let the top decide where it wants to sit and hopefully the doors close. The tj isn't as easy to adjust as a yj is

It took all day to adjust the windshield, doors, hinges, and too to get stuff to close properly but it's done. And the new glass was out in earlier so everything is all back to as good as it's going to get for now.

I will post pics after I go outside and take some, ha ha ha
From an iphone on the app?
If so load the pic from the phone. The link from external websites doesn’t work for me on an iphone.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson

no, it was from my android phone. i am going to try from my work computer now so lets see how it goes


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I don’t know the cost or replacing over dent removal. There are shops that can roll out the dents to near perfection.

Of course trail wounds are sometimes looked at like badges.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
i think he is going to leave it the way it is. he is about 7 miles from a really good jeep junkyard, fnjeeps, and they have all the parts he needs. he just has to drive over and pick some out. he wants to put tube fenders on the front and will for sure have to get a new hood because this one sits crooked now. but other than that, the rest is still ok. the tub only got messed up in front of the fuel filler door