noob question


New member
So I had a vacuum leak in the yj today, an when I popped the hood to see where it was coming from I noticed the hot wire going to the alternator was red hot, well i fixed the vacuum leak and the wire cooled back down. Could anyone tell me how the vacuum line had an effect on the alternator? thanks.

something is wrong in your electrical system check all conections look for bad grounds screwed up altornater something caused that wire to get that hot to melt your vacume hoses
whats next engine compartment fire I would go through that wireing with a fine tooth comb before you burn up your whole rig and oHHHHHHHHHHH and
Thanks for the info, But the hot wire was no where near the vacuum line. The line look like it had just dry rotted, But when I capped my hand over the hole in the line, the hot wire cooled down, an the motor started idoling a bit slower.

That is some weird chit! Almost to the level of twilight zone weird.

Don't know what the relation is, but you might want to check those connections to see if any are loose at the terminal, or where the wire crimps into it's terminal end.

Check all the battery wires too.

Jeeps also need to have some extra ground straps installed.
Battery to tub, battery to block, block to frame & alt case to block.

Ground straps & fire extinguishers are cheap, service call from the fire dept not so cheap.
Can you tell me where the vacuum line was connected to?

Not that I would really know any better what to tell you, but it might shed some light on the matter.

The ground strap thing is important BTW, goes for everyone. The factory cut some corners in that department.

Well bare with me since im 18 an this is my first 4 wheel drive. The line runs to a plastic ball looking thing. I think it runs to the front hog head.. but im not sure. I have not traced the line.
Well bare with me since im 18 an this is my first 4 wheel drive. The line runs to a plastic ball looking thing. I think it runs to the front hog head.. but im not sure. I have not traced the line.

OK, that's for the front axle disconnect. It has to do with locking the front axle when in 4WD. Shouldn't have anything to do with your alternator wire getting hot. Gotta be coincidental.

Maybe you bumped a wire while working on the vacuum line & that wire then made a better contact.

That what I thought to, but when I fixed the leak, the wire stopped getting hot, an when i took the tape off the line ( quick fix ) the wire got hot again, its crazy...Also my jeep has the automatic transmission, Which fluid do I use? I know that some trucks that have automatics use a manual fluid..
So I must have been high as heck or something because it wasn't cause the vacuum leak lol. it was hot because the bolt wasn't tight....but when i went to tighten it the nut inside the alternator is twisting with the advise?

well the alt has a lifetime warrenty which is good... the bad is that the alt is super hard to get off, since theres no tensioner pulley
The output stud has a locknut, this is what needs to be tightened. The output wire is between two nuts, & you need to hold the stud while tightening the nut that is closer to the alt.
Be sure to remove the wire while doing this, & disconnect the positive battery terminal before doing anything.

This will be tough if there has been any arcing, that caused thread damage.

If the stud is long enough, you can lock (jambnut) two nuts together at the end of the stud.

So there will be three nuts, & you use the center on to hold the stud still while tightening the nut closest to the alt

The vacuum ball also controls the heater/AC flaps.

I did not know that, my YJ only has heat. Plenty of it too, but it stays off when it's supposed to.

I did toss the vac ball when I got the posi-lok. It wasn't connected to the heater in my junk.