Your Favorite All Time Jeep Photos

Hi everyone,

I am enjoying this site so much after a return for a time away. So many cool rigs, and all good folks that post the most fun and erudite posts and comments. A real pleasure and fellowship place.

With that said, wanted to start a thread like I have over on my own forum of our favorite Jeep pics. They can be of any Jeep or your own as well, but just your all time fav. I'll start with mine, and why:


LRDG-(Long Range Desert Group), SAS, British Special Operations Forces, East of Tobruk, October, 1941, The Great Sand Commons, Sahara Desert, North Africa.


(This photo started me on my 3 million+mile, 26 Jeeps to date, and 46 year journey with Jeeps, and counting, starting when I was 9 years old--staring at this photo constantly)---Marion R. Stephens, 73rd Bomb Wing, 20th Air Force, 163rd Bomb Squadron (B-29 Super Fortress), USAF. Island of Saipan, Marianas Islands, South Pacific, June, 1944-- a 1944 Jeep MB #498. ......I Love you daddy-I miss you!

These two photos are my fav and got me going so long ago. The 2nd one is of my dad, and that would be obvious influence, since I was a child and discovered this in his WW2 scrapbook, at about age 7 or so. The top one, after 15 years or so, and got to go into the field to the very places I see in these vintage photographs with my own Jeep(s), inspire still to no end. That top photo is the epitome of the Jeep aura, my own life as it developed, and just says, "Earth is within Jeepin' distance!".............

.............and then, I like this one down in the Sonora Reach, in The Great Southwest Desert Commons of the United States, my home country when not on travel. VEX and I here in southern NM:


Ok, everyone, now yours.

Thank you all in advance,

what are those ladder looking things that are in the jeeps?

In this photo, the LRDG and their Jeeps and the "things sticking up" are twin .30 caliber Bofors aircraft machine guns, mounted on the passenger side. In the center between the seats out of view, is one 60MM Browning Recoilless Rifle Cannon from a B-17 Bomber.

In each photo, you notice a single Bofors sticking up also. That was a single machine gun of the same make for the rear shooter to use for any pursuers that may try to follow, after a shoot and loot.

When Bradford and his crews would hit elements of 15th and 21st Panzer Divisions, they would hit them at night and lay waste. The 60mm was used for blowing each aircraft, fuel dumps, and all other assets, vehicles, as well as hitting the Panzer tanks also.

They then would evacc the 1000 miles home to just east of the Libyan border inside Naga, Algeria. They hid there in a nomadic Bedouin oasis there and the women there would then refurrb the Jeeps, supplies, food, water, fuel, repair the desert tunics, and further outfit the Jeeps for the following mission.

Good questions.

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Incidentally, that water can affair on the front of each Jeep is rather interesting and no longer ever used in Jeeps, other than on VEX when I am in the Desert Reaches of Earth in travels.

That is a "Recirculator." It is a 9 gallon can of water, then piped directly into the top of the radiator instead of a cap. Ok, they took the thermostats out of the radiators, and ran the water direct. The Sahara, The Gobi, The Patagonia, The Chihuahua to name the largest desert reaches, are all extremely warm in summer;--up to 125 degrees by day and down to 40 at night. Water then is the life blood of both man and machine.

With that said, the water then boils in the Jeeps and then collates back into that recirculator and then cools, and right back into the radiator through convection vacuum. Very simple, non mechanical, and very effective, and lowers the op temp down to workable levels. It also makes for a radiator with a 11 gallon capacity of water. Much needed there.

I have one I made for VEX as well.

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jonsolbe said:
All right, here are a few. First, Dad in South East Asia and in an M151, I think. This photo was my inspiration for getting into jeeps and also for joining the Army. I'm headed to Afghanistan next month, Helmand Province. Not quite as humid as Vietnam, but definately just as hot. Then me in the Chihuahuan Desert with my trailer and mountain bikes, then in the Cascades, then re-fueling in Lolo pass on the Montana-Idaho border last winter.

Hey there jonsolbe!

I'm wondering how you mounted your roof racks onto your hard top? Ive been told many a time not to drill holes in the hard top due to a cracking hazard...but I think if done properly I shouldn't have a problem, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ! :-)
My driveway


Just kidding! But I have been to Black bear! (Driveway isn't quite this bad. Sometimes it's passable in 2wd!)
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All your photos are awesome...Love the WW II shots.... i'm afraid I can't compare....but i do love watching the misses work on my TJ :D
and posing with my daughter in her halloween costume.
so I guess you could say these are my favorites?


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I saw your rig all over google back before I even joined jeepz. I gotta say I love the design, I thought I recognized the jeep from somewhere!


White is the best and only color for a jeep, gotta love your taste my man



I saw your rig all over google back before I even joined jeepz. I gotta say I love the design, I thought I recognized the jeep from somewhere!


White is the best and only color for a jeep, gotta love your taste my man

wow really? had no idea it was all over the google....thanx...i'm glad you liked it :)
ScubaDude said:


I saw your rig all over google back before I even joined jeepz. I gotta say I love the design, I thought I recognized the jeep from somewhere!


White is the best and only color for a jeep, gotta love your taste my man

Hey! Thanks :) I like the white alot actually. I didn't think I would at first.
jeep (1).jpg

Everyone who has ever googled jeep has seen this picture, but I just love it so much
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ScubaDude said:
<img src=""/>Everyone who has ever googled jeep has seen this picture, but I just love it so much

That is a pretty good one
Hey there jonsolbe!

I'm wondering how you mounted your roof racks onto your hard top? Ive been told many a time not to drill holes in the hard top due to a cracking hazard...but I think if done properly I shouldn't have a problem, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated ! :-)


I've experimented with several ways to carry stuff like cans, highlifts, skiis, Pelican cases, and canoes. I had a KargoMaster rack that flipped back, allowing soft top removal, but that was a joke. It was very heavy, howled incessantly in the wind, oscilated when loaded and at highway speeds, and got tangled in low hanging brush when in the forest. I personally don't recommend roof racks on jeeps. Small camping trailers are definately the way to go! On the other hand, I also have a hard top and used a Thule gutter mount system on the front, and drilled holes to mount an artificial rain gutter on the rear....only to carry skiis, mind you. I siliconed it up right when initially mounted two years ago and have never, ever had a leak. All dealer's say not to drill holes in your jeep, but how can you have a real jeep if you haven't drilled at least 50 holes for accessories which are no longer used?????

I have a camping trailer and love it. I'll never go back to a roof rack for anything other than skiis.

Good luck and post a picture when you can!
Capt. Solberg,

...loved our chat and I am so missing you. The fact you are going to The Sahara just gripes me and you are going to love it. The history, the repose, the unlimited Desert Commons, in ways you've not ever seen in this hemisphere is going to rock big time. Incredible. So jealous, damn.

I will try and close on the winches by the time you return as I am almost there on that endeavor.

When over there deployed, if possible, when you do get R&R, head into the south-southwest, down to Qatar. There, get a vintage LandRover, and head to shore to the Persian Redoubt of old, on the Bluffs of Qatar. You will not believe what you will behold. Incredible.

Then, either with that excursion or the next one with about a week to work with at least, head in the same direction but this time go to shores of Bahrain. It is awesome.

Again, as usual, I am jealous and am so proud of you and I and VEX's spirit will be there with you, good man. I will contact PG maiden and work it out so she can get together with us and BG, if possible.

God speed, my dear man.

Hat is tipped, as always.

Your most devoted friend and warrior accompliss, I will be,

Robert, in a VEX, as usual...