Sully, Why do we have to be fat ???? Why can't we be PHAT ???? LMAO ....hehehehehehehe :D :D :D :D
Fine then,"One big fat and phat jeeping family."By fat I mean,all around the world.Like the all together thats a big fat area.

172: when you cringe and lift your arse cheek for every pebble in the road when your riding in a sports car.

173: When you cant reconiese another car until realize you never seen a Torus from this lowered angle before.
174. When your parents won't let you park in the driveway and force you to park in the woods because "Your jeep leaks too much"

And since I am extremely bored right now, I have taken up a new project. I am going to make that book of all these posts. With pictures for you visual learners out there. I may have to call on you guys to provide me with some pictures of various acts and stuff, but I have quite a collection of jeep pictures.


175. when you go mudding and even after washing it 3 times you still find dirt clods everywhere!
176. when on the first day of school you make 2 new friends because they drive jeeps!
heater control valve

178. When your Clutch Master cylinder pukes all over the fuse box every 100,000 miles!
179. When you put bricks behind your rear wheels because you don't trust the parking brake.

I knew someone would reply to this post again 8)
-Nick :!:
Along the same lines.

181. Whenever you get your paycheck you start caluclating what mods you can afford.

182. You've never sucesfully snuck out of the house because your mom can hear your engine with her earplugs in.

183. You're car alarm includes a faulty horn that goes off every time you start the car and you are the only person who can jiggle the steering wheel just right to turn it off.