Windsheld hinge Hell!!


New member
So i bought a steelhorse light bar for my TJ. During my installation it seems that the two metal plate in the windsheild frame both fell in, any ideas on how to get them out? Any ideas on why this happened? Any ideas on why DhaimerChrystler is so dumb? any help would be apprecaited

Got the same problem miself, but one of my bolts is capped, so theres nothing to do but... wait till you roll over to have an excuse to change the windshield??? :(
couldn't help but notice the shot a the now german owned company, and I agree

eventhough it has the jeep lable, something is missing - it's just wrong: hey the company that made cars and tanks for hitler now owns, runs, and gets the profit from the company that was given partial credit for winning the wwII, and what's worse they sued hardcorejeep off the net - the bastards...

in any case, you might have to cut a small hole on the underside of the dash to get them out - i just took the hinges off my 78 CJ-5 (American owned and made - well some was in Canada but I can be blind to that) and they're welded from the inside

wish I could help more, but crap happens...