What's your worst Jeep wrenching injury?

When I was cutting my old exhaust off, I had the tail pipe fall from where I had it laying, on the rear trac bar, and hit me in the eye and cheek. Good thing I was wearing safety glasses. I've also had the rear part of an engine fall on my foot after the cherry picker started to give way.
judge09 said:
I was putting the finishing touches on an engine rebuild and I was pointing to show my buddy something and got a litttle too close to the razor sharp flex fan I just put on. The engine was off but that sucker cut right through my flesh all the way to the bone. Pretty freaking nasty.

Oooh, reminds me of when I was changing out the water pump on the wicked witch's Camaro, and when I went to pull the fan, I put hundreds of tiny slices on the back of my hand with the fins in the radiator.

RE: Re: RE: Re: TOP DOWN!!!

Well, whoever read it, I recently had to buy new tires for a big mistake I made. When I was putting on the new tires... I decided it was time to do a body job. I have only had the jeep about a month now, and the rust is beggining to be unbearable. I decided it would be much easier to do a body job with the tub off the frame (this way I could also recoat the frame) to make it easier to get underneath. I totally gut the inside, get all the nuts undone. Since my father has a forklift, I said hey...now were talking. I drilled four holes in the tub so that I could hook some chains up. Excellent start. Too bad the tub was just a little more rusted on that side... the chains undid on one side, and the whole tub came flying at me. I had enough time to say S#!^ until I went flying 10 feet. Moral? Don't try to make your rusted tub chain compatible... Just put some straps all the way around... I haven't gone anywhere for about a week now... No ribs are broken, but definetly hurts...


PS- Stay safe! I don't know how....
Here's one more.

I was welding a barbacue (a 100 gallon barrel that we cut in half height-wise) to a friends truck (long story!) where the bed use to be, before we took it off. So anyways I was wearing some of those Nike 100% polyester (?) shorts and a t-shirt. I started to feels things getting a little hot so I lifted my hood to see my shorts where melting and my shirt was on fire.

So long story short my shorts melted to me leg in roughly a 3" by 5" area and I burned about half of my shirt away. Not a real serious burn, and we all had a good laugh.
wow, these are some weird injuries but mine is probably the weirdest.
me and a few buddies of mine were putting on a 4 inch lift on my TJ while i was away in TX for school and while we were underneith it we go attacked by a few scorpions, and while trying to wigle out from underneith the jeep i smashed my head on the skid plate so theres a huge knot and some blood comming from my head, but while swinging the old shocks at the scorpions trying to kill them i once again smashed myself with the shock in the head. it was a pretty weird sitituation, considering all of us doing the lift are mostly from big citys where scorpions dont come attacking.....
needless to say huge knot in the head and some blood loss hehe

RE: Update (wheel alignment)

jeepin916 said:
wow, these are some weird injuries but mine is probably the weirdest.
me and a few buddies of mine were putting on a 4 inch lift on my TJ while i was away in TX for school and while we were underneith it we go attacked by a few scorpions, and while trying to wigle out from underneith the jeep i smashed my head on the skid plate so theres a huge knot and some blood comming from my head, but while swinging the old shocks at the scorpions trying to kill them i once again smashed myself with the shock in the head. it was a pretty weird sitituation, considering all of us doing the lift are mostly from big citys where scorpions dont come attacking.....
needless to say huge knot in the head and some blood loss hehe

I could almost hear the "Looney Toons" theme when I read that! :lol:
hahaha yea what ever theme song it suked while it was happening but after it was over i couldnt stop laughing hehe

Boy Jeepin, yer makin' me anxious to get to Texas, ha ha ha ha
RE: CB ????

RE: 2 sets of axles 4 sale

I broke a driveshaft in the woods one night climbing a deeply rutted hill. I asked my buddy to hop out of the passenger seat and hand me a wrench. With the tires in a rut, the ground was even with the upper body tub. He climbed up to get out, then walked around to the back of the Jeep and placed a hand on the corner above the tail light to jump down. Little did he know, my High Lift was mounted to the gas can rack hanging from the back of the Jeep. The foot plate caught his pants at the knee and ripped them open all the way to his crotch. It nearly removed his scrotum as well. He laid in the rut in agonizing pain and all I could offer him was a cold adult beverage. Rather than drinking it, he put it between his legs. He is now 32 and has no kids.

RE: New trany for 74 CJ5

AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! OK, you win. That hurt to read, it really did...
I could not count the cuts and bruises, but the one I remember being real bad was doing a SOA on a friends CJ and cutting and welding. I had horrible flash burn for like two days! I mean real bad!
redrooster said:
I broke a driveshaft in the woods one night climbing a deeply rutted hill. I asked my buddy to hop out of the passenger seat and hand me a wrench. With the tires in a rut, the ground was even with the upper body tub. He climbed up to get out, then walked around to the back of the Jeep and placed a hand on the corner above the tail light to jump down. Little did he know, my High Lift was mounted to the gas can rack hanging from the back of the Jeep. The foot plate caught his pants at the knee and ripped them open all the way to his crotch. It nearly removed his scrotum as well. He laid in the rut in agonizing pain and all I could offer him was a cold adult beverage. Rather than drinking it, he put it between his legs. He is now 32 and has no kids.

OUCH!!! Makes me walk funny just thinking about it!!!

Reminds me of the night my brother and I were wheeling at Kanopolis lake, up near the Smokey Hill. We stopped to get a soda out of the cooler in the back of the ol' Toy. My brother opened the door to get out and simply vanished into the night!!! He didn't realize we were right on the edge of a 20' deep ravine and plunged headlong into it! About two minutes later (while I was still trying to get the spotlight plugged in and laughing) he came crawling back up covered in sand burs. We had a pretty good laugh over it, once we got all the burs removed!

Re: RE: Redrooster rollover pics

I've had some good welding ones. I have pretty long hair for a guy, about shoulder, and while welding on a new cat back, i somhow managed to drop a bead on my had which in turn ignited my hair. I also used to wear just welding goggles instead of a mask, and had a bead drop down on the brige of my nose, and then stright into my eye
RE: Bob Villa-- Jeep Style!!!!!!!!

Mxpx182lit...oh man, that must have hurt having it fall into your eye!!

I've got lots of welding ones too. Nothing real serious, but right now i'm covered in little burns from spatter. And, I don't like wearing gloves either...which doesn't help too much, along with not wearing any type of hood half the time too.
Ever notice how things always seem to find your eye? I think I've had just about every piece of dirt and loose bolt on the bottom of my jeep fall into my eyes. One of my friends though was spraying carb cleaner into his carb...into the bowl and right back into his eye. That one hurt!


GaryMB said:
Ever notice how things always seem to find your eye? I think I've had just about every piece of dirt and loose bolt on the bottom of my jeep fall into my eyes. One of my friends though was spraying carb cleaner into his carb...into the bowl and right back into his eye. That one hurt!

Oooo! I did the carb cleaner thing, too!!! Man, what a burn!!!
Ok, this wasn't a Jeep wrenching thing, but yesterday I was working on my mower's steering gear when the wrench slipped. I whacked my hand on something on the motor, don't know what. I picked up the wrench to try to get back on the bolt and it kept slipping out of my hand. When I looked (I was reaching back under the dash part of the mower and couldn't see anything, was working by feel mostly), my hand was covered in blood and that was why I couldn't hold on to the wrench. Well, after leaving a trail of blood all the way to the bathroom and washing my hand off, this is what I found:



So, Sunshine kindly drove me to the ER, where I ended up getting 3 stitches inside and 3 stitches outside. Apparently cut through part of the tendon and cartilage of the knuckle. I'd just as soon have used butterfly stitches, superglue, or duct tape to fix it, but since it was packed full of grease and who knows what else, I figured I may as well have the ER clean it out and fix it.

We went to the ER where Sunshine and I used to work, so we got to have a nice visit with several of our old friends while we were there.
RE: straight style headers?

Man, Sparky, bet that hurt!! Looks like the gash I had on my hand on the day I moved up here with mudwoman. Cleaning the windows at the old place, swiping rapidly back and forth, and forgot about the busted one..............SLASH!!! Right in the meaty part of my thumb. Mudwoman wanted me to go to ER, but it was clean and I said NO, NO, NO!!!!! Butterfly's are GREAT!! You can hardly see the scar.