What would you do...

Im 16 so I don't really care what they wanna charge me with. I'd knock his ass to the ground and throw all 258lbs of me on him...
Thats farked! That actually happened to me last summer. Local carnival, walked out to see a bunch of mexican teenagers emptying their trash, ashtrays, gross ass half empty bottles of who knows what. So i took a quick mental pic of the vehicle (blue tahoe with gangsta rims), casually walked to my jeep, got in, took off and tailed them at quite a distance until they stopped at a apartment complex and got out. I rolled up the street a bit, pulled a trashbag from my toolbox, put only their trash in the bag, walked to their tahoe and destroyed the back window and put their trash in the back of it with a you dropped this back there note . Drove away with a huge grin. :-) :-) yay!
jeepnaked said:
thats farked! That actually happened to me last summer. Local carnival, walked out to see a bunch of mexican teenagers emptying their trash, ashtrays, gross ass half empty bottles of who knows what. So i took a quick mental pic of the vehicle (blue tahoe with gangsta rims), casually walked to my jeep, got in, took off and tailed them at quite a distance until they stopped at a apartment complex and got out. I rolled up the street a bit, pulled a trashbag from my toolbox, put only their trash in the bag, walked to their tahoe and destroyed the back window and put their trash in the back of it with a you dropped this back there note . Drove away with a huge grin. :-) :-) yay!
