What President Bush's reply to Cindy Sheehan should say.

RE: Is your Jeep "Trail Rated" ?????

TwistedCopper said:
Junkpile said:
You can't hate gays. I am personally disgusted by the whole idea, but my own personal conclusions about what makes a person gay also keeps me from having any hard feelings towards them for simply being homosexual. It's a mental problem, and it's hard to hate a person for a problem they can't control. I wouldn't hate someone who was clinically depressed because they can't be happy like me, it's just not a fair way to look at them.

The whole "gay agenda" that we as a society are having pushed down our throats is a different story though.

Who's hatin'? I'm with you on your post 100%.

Oh I know. Just making a point.

Everytime I have ever had this conversation in mixed company I usually end up hearing the phrase "you just don't like gay people". It's not about that at all. It's about the counter-culture agenda that they push.
RE: Re: RE: mandatory reading

Yeah, I've got my counter-culture membership badge tucked away in the tie I wear to work everyday. I missed the meeting last week to discuss strategy on how to take over the minds of helpless folks out there, but since my membership dues were up I didn't go for fear of being shunt. LOL.

Transmission swap question

Yeah, I've got my counter-culture membership badge tucked away in the tie I wear to work everyday. I missed the meeting last week to discuss strategy on how to take over the minds of helpless folks out there, but since my membership dues were up I didn't go for fear of being shunt.

Mingez, you don't think there is an agenda being pushed by several gay rights groups in this country? You don't think that the goal is to have their lifestyle viewed as a totally natural alternative to the man/woman relationship that this country overwhelmingly views as the "normal" type? Isn't that an agenda?
If it sounds like an agenda, gets pushed like an agenda...

there's a good chance it's an agenda. That particular one is about as counter-culture as it gets.

south442 said:
Dear Mrs. Sheehan,

You have asked me to identify the noble cause for which your son died.........

......... Let's, you and I, resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.

Let's finish the work that they have thus far so nobly advanced.

George W. Bush


I found it here http://www.scrappleface.com/MT/archives/002289.html so I can't take credit but I think it's pretty well written.
Where is sully on this one?
sully said:
Dont beat yourself up. We all get angry and say things and that is understandable.

If you wish to continue the illegal alien subject someone please make another thread or change the title of this thread.
there is a different topic than "What President Bush's reply to Cindy Sheehan should say." right?
Fluid Change/Transmission & Diffs?

Sparky Watts wrote:
So, even if they do have an agenda to push, where does this agenda harm you?

In the government schools were children of those who don't accept this lifestyle are subjected to tolerance training, books in the school library promoting the gay lifestyle and among other things like hyper-environmentalism, which is partly why my children don't attend government schools.

On television when during family time, gay characters are partrayed and glamorized.

In the continued attack against the nuclear family and the values of that family. Break down of the family unit has lead to moral decay in America.

I could go on...... and on....