No one is "born gay". It is a ridiculous claim. My comparisons used above are very appropriate. So many people are blaming their bad choices on being "born that way" in order to shrug off any guilt or blame. Some alcoholics have made the same claims... it is not true. Some say it's hereditary, some say it's luck-of-the-draw. It's BS. It's a cop-out. It is the easiest thing in the world to believe that all the poor choices you made are not your fault, so when a few quack, agenda-driven MD's make the claim people sigh with relief that they can wash their hands of their mistakes. The human mind is an incredible thing, and it is amazing what lies you are capable of telling yourself when in denial. This denial can and does happen to perfectly sane, intelligent people.
Many people who lived their lives practicing homosexual acts have turned from that life, many of them now happily married or in heterosexual relationships. Many alcoholics/drug addicts turn from daily substance abuse and live their lives in sobriety, and many of them without ever having stepped foot inside a recovery meeting (Don't get me wrong, I have seen 12 step programs work wonders) and are completely freed from their addiction. Why have these people been able to experience a joyful life living without these deviancies if they were supposedly born with them and will die with them? Because they now know the truth: that they were not born that way, and that making right that which was once wrong is not only possible, but it is being done everyday. People can change.
For the record, I do not believe that the majority of gays are rebels against their parents. Sure some (maybe many) are, but the truth is most are simply victims of our society. A society that from grade school teaches them that homosexuality is a viable option that they should explore. Yes guidance counselors are telling this to our children. TV is showing it as an everyday normality with Ellen, Will and Grace, etc. MTV glamorizes it. There is a very strong, wealthy force out there pushing this agenda and it has been very effective. It's a lie.
So, what makes people behave in this manner which bucks society's "norm"? Many many things. Some may be related to bad experiences in the past such as abuse or rape, some may be a rebellious thing or other family related issue, some may have to do with mental instability, and some may just be people falling into a well laid out lie. I'm sure the reasons are countless.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I would not and do not hate anyone for being gay. I do, however, veiw them as sick and in need of help. If some people are living that way and wish not to be then I want them to know that it is not a unreverseable curse from childbirth. To me these folks are living with a disorder just as an alcoholic, a manic depressive, or someone with buleimia (sp?). All of these people are "stuck" in their situations with a hopeless feeling of not being able to help themselves. As we all know these maladies can kill, but they can also be beaten. As can homosexuality.
This is not a minority issue, or sufferage. It is a battle of morality, sickness, and lies. Sad part is the whole "born with it" theory is a mind tweeze that keeps them sick and without hope.