What happened?


New member
Dana 44 axle parts..

I pump the tires up, hook up the battery charger, put the drivers seat back in and fire the monster up today. Pull out of the shop and drive around the building, all is good so far. I get out on the road and open it up a little. Come to the stopsign and after I stop the steering gets really easy to turn. Finish my trip around the block and when I get back in the shop I notice the steering box is leaking around the input and the pump is leaking a bit too. :?

What happened? Why did the steering get so easy?And what's with all the leaks? I just put this box in right before I started the bodywork.

Sounds to me like you might have a clog somewhere causing high pressure to build up. Higher pressure = more steering assistance. This could cause leaks too.

-Nick :!:
Bryanjeep, I'm trying to get the bodywork done right now. I got the new front floors in it this week and I just wanted to go for a ride so I put it back together enough to ride down the road.

XJNick, Have you got any ideas how to address a possible clog in the steering box without pulling it apart? What could be clogging it? All the major stuff goes easily, it's little crap like this that keeps holding me back from getting this heap on the road :roll: