What did you do to your Jeep today?

replaced front caliper on yj 1994

lets see if i can attach two pix.. there it is. note the bent caliper tab ! solved the mystery of why caliper ceased occasionaly. i plan to heat the tap and drive back into line. i did buy a new caliper (94 jeep yj used a GM caliper). vinn p.s. thanks monitor


  • jeep calip. and doe 001.JPG
    jeep calip. and doe 001.JPG
    2.2 MB · Views: 172
  • jeep calip. and doe 002.JPG
    jeep calip. and doe 002.JPG
    2.2 MB · Views: 197
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You dood it. My oh my, yes, that does look bad. Worn out if you ask me. You need new ones.
well, today ill try to explain the two pix [above] showing the front rotor (94 yj). the two bolt caliper has been removed. note , one of the two bolt tabs is BENT. the caused problem was "occasional brake seize up", AND skid,smoke and PANIC. with torch and hammer, i put the tab back in line with its companion. $50 rebuilt G M caliper with an aluminum piston (instead of the fiber glass one. works good now. p.s. keep a 5 pound hand sledge hammer in the cab in case you need free one up ! so as to limp home. vinn
Forgot to post on saturday and sunday because of how busy we were. Sold my 87 wrangler to a kid and his dad. While driving it home, the transmission cooler line popped off and dumped a bunch of transmission fluid on the ground and we are not sure if they burned the trans up, or not.

All that work swapping the powertain and i never finished it enough to drive it around. I hope the trans is ok and i hope they enjoy that old wrangler. It was a fun jeep

I replaced my radiator last night in the 100 degree weather, that was fun lol. I'm also tinkering with my homemade drop down aluminum tailgate conversion.
Finally found found windshield & frame for 94. Came with new weather seal also. Just got to get back on track & install, along with the new door seals & gaskets for hard top.
Anyone need a CJ windshield & frame and some visors ? See 4 Sale section for pictures.
*Possible trade for yj tailgate?

Installed windshield & driver door seal tomorrow right side goes on . Put hard top back on. Road test Franken Jeep lives again!
I had to take a wet vac to my Jeep to suck out all the rainwater.

I thought I could beat the odds on a 20% chance or rain.


Worked on my 04 TJ Rubicon as its going up for sale. Washed & detailed outside. Did interior detail a couple days prior and removed the excess stuff. Picked up 2016 JKU (Firecracker Red) last weekend. Black plasti-dip sprayed the silver antenna. Picked up some red high temp paint for the calipers.
94 yj drain " check valves". i removed the plugs and added a "loose fit carriage bolt" [no carpets] that lets water pass. i dont know where that water comes from, but i suspect the air box on the cowl. vinn

Put some rattle can black on the (bare metal) drive shafts before they rust.