What did you do to your Jeep today?

Good luck with that. Could you document the install and issues/fixes. I unless they changed recently I only read positive reviews on Bestop. If you can't do a build thread at least post back with your experience.

Never said Bestop frameless top had bad reviews, just Rampage reviews were better.
From what I found!

As for the install, it only took about 45 mins (probably could have done it faster if I would have let the top sit in the sun), no issues with the install, great fit, and is a lot quieter than the factory soft top when doors on and windows rolled up.

I might would have considered the Bestop, if they had a cheaper version without all the stuff I didn't need.

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Wow, you're putting an Atlas in there?
You need to start a build thread.

Going on a trip to Ice House Reservoir next week, then the build begins. Al though we've tricked out the trailer, I want to drive it to some of the shorter trips. The 4.88's are coming out and 4.10's are going in. The Atlas II will take care of the low gears. Also putting in a Rokmen high clearance belly pan. Pictures to come.


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Not exactly today, but over last couple days I installed a LoD rear bumper/tire carrier.
Put the top down to enjoy the wonderful weather today
Finally rain free!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz
Wire brushed, sanded & painted various under carriage parts that had rock rash marks/light rust from last off road trip. Sanded & re-painted cb antenna mount.
Changed headlight bulbs to some new Osram Night breakers, replaced the broken washer fluid bottle, replaced some weatherstripping. Still need to do some more stuff to it, but it was too hot today...
Over the past week or so I've done a few small projects...
After replacing my seats a couple of weeks ago I noticed they creaked and squeaked whenever I turned, took off from a stop or hit the brakes. I noticed the little bushings were missing on the new seat brackets.


I pulled them off my old seats and put them on the new, problem solved...

I put a delay wiper switch on, no more flipping wipers on and off!

Sent from my Galaxy Tab
I didn't know TJs had the option of non-delay wipers. Was it a simple plug and play swap, or was there more to it?

I install a pair of off road light rugged ridge had a JK hood shock lift kit

The early models did, also mine is a SE model. Yes its a plug and play swap for 97-00

Sent from my Galaxy Tab

Do you know if an 01 is controled at the switch too (plug and play). I have several spots that dont like that delayed wiper action.
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