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Yesterday I installed two 10" alpine subs in the back of my 92 Cherokee
Over the past week or so I've done a few small projects...
After replacing my seats a couple of weeks ago I noticed they creaked and squeaked whenever I turned, took off from a stop or hit the brakes. I noticed the little bushings were missing on the new seat brackets.
I pulled them off my old seats and put them on the new, problem solved...
I put a delay wiper switch on, no more flipping wipers on and off!
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In the third pic there is a bolt under the bushing you replaced. That bolt has another bushing that allows the seat to glide forward. When it goes, the seat doesn't glide so easy and the seat will rock back and forth. I could not find a replacement so, I stacked up 4-5 Teflon washers to replace . It lasted a few years and need to be replaced.
Where did you get the bushing you used?
So where did you get them from?
Had a clean wet k&n filter for my atv. Wanted to speed up the drying process. "Idea"!... Drove jeep to gas station. Held the wet k&n filter out in open air there & back. Wa-law! Presto dried. Got home oiled and installed it.
It was science experiment for poops and giggles....And, it was cheaper than running the old 220v compressor.... Thought about using the solar powered hair dryer
, but that would have been to easy. I never professed to be normal.... And I hope to never get that way..
Throw another yee haw out thair!!!!
Chalk up another one for redneck R&D ! Hold on to your Dixie cups , the souths gonna rise again ! YEEEE HAAA !!!!! (Willie Nelson)