What a jeep shirt

I am still trying to find something more universal, neutral, i will keep you guys posted.
Hey, great ideas! i really like the second one. i would definitely buy that one. the first one is also really cool. the only thing i dont like about that one is how the jeep is kind of silhouette-ish and the rocks and stuff arent. but i really like how the jeep looks. i like the third one a lot too, i just wish it wasnt the 4 door jk. sorry, i still dont like that there is a 4 dr wrangler. if it was a tj, i would love that one also. but i really hope you make the one with the red jeep. actually, if you make all of those, i will buy all three probably, or at least the first two. keep 'em coming, love the ideas.

Sorry, I got in on this late.

I like the idea a lot, but was wondering about trademark/copyright legal issues in using the "Jeep" name on any product sold without licensing/permission from Chrysler, LLC.

Does anyone here know anything about this? Also, if someone has already asked and answered this...I apologize for the repeat.


jeepz.com.jpg I am thinking that this is going to be the front then on the back have the jeep with skull or have it say "the ultimate jeep forum" with the same lettering. What do You think? $12.99

Haha.. Well I would buy either ones.. I like the skulls a little bit better but either works... haha

Also is the jeep logo copy righted or anyhting like that..
I like the Hummer Recovery shirt and the red Jeep one. On the red one, I would personally rather have the shirt black with a white Jeep and lettering. I'd probably buy one either way, though. :-)

i like it. i think it should say "It's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" on the back.

i will buy one, keep us posted when they're ready!