Went wheelin yesterday (kinda long)


New member
Well i got to go wheeling yesterday. It was awesome! Definately some of the nastiest stuff ive been into yet. Went with a local guy thats got a rubi. We took about 3 different trails, lots of water and mud because of the rain/snow/ice we've gotten the last few weeks. Lots of ruts from a whole lot bigger rigs then us being there before.

Anyway... the whole thing was awesome until on the way home. Then it got ugly. I had one guy with me, and about 40 miles from home, the bearing went out of the power steering pump. Thankfully we we're right next to a NAPA when it happened, but wouldnt you know it, they didnt have the pump in stock. So we finally found a belt the right length that we just ran the alternator and water pump to get home. So now im trying to find a store that has the pump in stock and for a price i can afford. Then i gotta find a place to change it at. O well, ill come up with something.

Anyways, awesome trip, lots of fun wheeling. Thought i was going to get to pull out the Rubi at one point :lol: Let me tell ya, the people who say MTR's pack up in mud are right. His looked like slicks. But after we'd hooked up hte strap and was about to pull him out, we teased him enough that he tried it again and made it.

He did have to pull me out once.... slid into a rut so deep my diffs were dragging and i could drive out. Not just that, but many occasions make me think its time for more skids. I think the gas tank skid took a beating, and probably the back bumper a few times too. And the transfer case skid. More skids and some heigth :) thats what i need. lol...

Well sorry for the long post, but i thought you guys might like to hear my story. I took a bunch of pics, but its on film and im not sure if ill be able to afford to get it developed for a few weeks after i put that new pump on. Maybe in a few weeks i can get some pics up. We'll see

Sorry so long


I turned in the film that some of them are on today... but even when i get those back, i dont know anyone here at school with a camera... so i dont know when ill actually get to get them online.


Sounds like you guys had a blast!Dont worry about the pics, just dont forget to tell us the story behind the trip. ;)

Awesome. The only way to really know you had fun is if you get stuck and get out. Then it turns into a blast when somebody else gets stuck, and you pull them out. ;)

Watching an H1 struggling in the mud is fun, yet it was like watching an animal trying to stay alive. Regardless, good to hear you had fun, and I hope you find the Pump soon. You might want to check eBay. I've seen some parted out Jeeps (TJ's too).
Heh Heh, I'll verify that Laura can say alot of "Wickeds" in one two minute talk face to face. ;0) That does sound awesome though man.
