weekly chat in the chat room


New member
Ever notice how there is nobody in the chat room. How about we have a designated weekly chat or something like on specific night it could be every night for most of us everydayerscheckersofthejeepzsite. Well what do you guys think

couldnt hurt.. dont expect alot of people to shoow though, we've tried that in the past.
It's that there are not many people on at the same time. I know I am "logged on" all day, and the past few day posts have been slowish. If i'm usin the inta-net, I'm logged on.

Maybe most people; log on, see what's going on with their post, then leave...who knows. :?

But if you have a date in mind, I'll try and be here.
I check in quite a few times during the day myself and see some folks on but noone has really been using chat at all. I'm in for a chat anytime I'm on........just give a shout when you see me logged in.